Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

'H · , .i'r :{,'.,LI;.N J un,• 7 , J ,1( 7 FANATIC MAY AVE STOLEN THE PICASSO A Picasso 1>aintlng, La Belle Hollandaise, ,•alued al $200,000 has been stolen from the Queensland Art Gallery In Rrisbanc. The theft was disccwercd by gallery staff early yesterday. _ ~-- __ PnliC'f': :-:rtirl Ili c- thit•l climbed !-carfolcl in~ 10 l'C'Hch ;1 w111dnw 20 feet abnvr thr .c: rounrl anrl nlrrr rl th e callrr\' throu,::h lhC" nn ly dnnr ,11;1 filled " ' 11 h burglar alarms. The thrft t'c:l lllC' cil FI time o f .L?rowing conlro• vrr~.,· over 1hC' 1 rustcc• ship or lhe i;allr1·.r, and amid n1mor!- tlrnt thrC'C Picns~o·~ wcrC' lo lw snld to fin ance' a new callc r-,v. B r i ~bH11r- rlrtcc1 ivc!-- I ~aid las t ni~ht th" puinting could have hr.C'11 l rikcn hv l fanaticH I nr1 love rs Oi– univcr~_i1~, :-:tucl cnts who rcnrcrt 11:-: lo~s. Plac.1rd-ca r r_ving sturlcnls from thr Bris- 1 banr Tr<"l111 ica I College ;mrl lhf' Qllt."<' nslanrl U ni– ,·r 1·~i1y rlcmon.·1ratcd m11- 1 sirlf' lhf' gallery n11 lfoncla.,·. I 11H? Ihrcc Pieassns 1 \\'Cl'f' amnn,c ;1 cnllcctirin lcft 10 th<' ,e:lll r-n· bv !'vtr Harold rlr Vrl hl R 0 11hin. Thcv arr 1hr 011l r p;uii11n,i::~ h.,· ricas::-o ii1 / Aw•lr.i li;1. I.;, Hcllr Hnll;,,,.falsc. a n11rlr-, i~ I hr 111i1Jnr worl< in 1hr c:rdlt•i.:1inn. II w:ts ill~lll'f'c/ (nr $ J40,0QQ 111 1n;l!I h11 t ii i:; nul!'l<f'I vuluc 1:-: ,....,, lmatccl at s2no.ono. Brisb•ne, Q . ::- 7 JUN 1~·· /DEFERS /AP~?..~.~I~~~}~. ST Aa:~ c;!!~~:i 0 ;:n 1 :: "':::;i~:.::~~~-J~jj~~~ oval to selection o a appr ~ M BJclke- director, rte- \Mlnlslc: , ,' r. sRld more Vcsterdny. crblne~ re- Pete1 scnl hi;:~ucsted lrom clded to de er le o,,l· \dctolls we1e Trust ees. commcnnntlo_n ?y t-,hustees the soordect°'C•blnct would len·'s Bmlld o Wieneke He hop ttlnn to m•k• • ti1at l\tr. ,James br In • 'ct'o\s1on next week. he nppo1n1rct. lucRl,lon definite ec The ~ URIER-MAIL FRIDAY JUNE 9 1967 11111111111111111111111111111111III La Belle is insured for $200,000 'J'IIF. •tolen Plca..o palnllnr l,a Bell• Hollandalsr wa!II In• •ured ror S200,IIOO, chair– man or th• Queen•land Arl Gallery tru,tee• iliolr l,eon Trout I uld lul nl~ht. "Acllnr on ad,lce I r•r•lvtd In l,ondon last vear, the trustre!II ral!llr.d ihe ulu• In Insurance on the wholr Ruhln col– lerllon to S400,000," he Hid. KEP'I' \\'A'l'CH "Sine• the ~•ll•ry acquired the Rubin col– lrcllon, the trust••• hate kepi a ,cry carelul " 'at<•h on their ••lue. "The Inst ,·aluatlnn from f:n,=:land "'A!II S2011,000 lnr l.11 Rt.II• Uollanrlal,c. At lhRI time, the lmm.ranrr. nn the palnlln~ """ ln– crea~crl to its run "alur." Th• th•rl or the rh•asso from the Art Gallery wil.,i; dl !llc:ivr.red on Tursda,, mnrnlnr. 111111111111111111111111111111111111 ·An open letter to an art thief THUi i1 • 1hon9 ,01- 1ihility that yo11 I singular or plural J who stole the Picono painti"I Lo Belle Hollondoi10 from tho Queensland A,t Gallery have 1ome motive other than penonal profit In whot you did. But s11 d0\\'1\ now And look ohjrr ll\'t'i,\' n1 just \\'hat you hare <1011e. For R start you ha\'e com– mittrd R criminal act in breakln~. enl ering , And ~leRllllJ: from I\ bulldl11g. Under the Crhnlnnl Code. nere1 mind I he \'Rlue of properly stolen. this ~!~t~~~ r~~ li:b1~1~~i;,~~ scn1e11ce or 14 years' In fall. Jn .vour nwn mtnd you nm\, h1w e ,·cry ren.l rel\– snns !or •teslhlK t.11e pnlntln~. BUI dotn (or~rl thftt, Lll Bellr Hollandn ise Is held In trust lor the public of Queensland. and il.s present market. ,·alue ln public-owned money is AboUl S200,000. Unpopular This cRsh value alone. RpRl"l Crom any ar1 lstic ,·al11e assessed by ar1 fi~P.~;t"i,,:r·~~,i)~~ ~/1',; 1 the man In the street.. \"nu m•v be nble to lllllv ~·our ronscience tempor– arll.v by the [net that the p11bllc pnld 110Ihlng for I.he pRlntlng, lhnt It wn,s dnnntect to the ~•l– le,-y by the lat e Mr. Hs.roltl dr Vnhl Rubin . \"011 mn;• rven be nble to feel ri~hteous nbm11. yonr t.11ert In the bellrr you Rm ~nring the fnmous r,~ 1 ~\:~s d~W~rt1~1.f.,i1"j: Hnwe1•er, I he chnlrm•n or trustees ,Sir Leon Troutl has sta!.•d 11neq11lvocablr that 11elt.l1er r..a Belle Hotlanclnise. nor flny other painting, Is to be •nld. What now? IC Jj~~•-~! 1 ,~}\'/~~t t.r'~~~.'~ ~tolen the pnlming, are the culprit, whnt nre you ~oln~ tn do? There Is no mnrltet tor L11 Belle Hnllnn;tnlsc ! II ;·011 hn\'C nn R.l'l conscience you 1;\11111ot keep It hid– cirn ro.rcrrr! 8hn11lcl not Ui, 11aln1lnR be bar.k on p11bllc dls– pllly In the G•llery ns \\'.l!- tnte· r ;t bv 1he rtonnr whrn .•e un ve it? As nn acr or nublic bcne– llL The Courier-Mall. lhrough m.v,el[. Is pre– pared to net As Rn lnter– tnNllary Ill hn\'lniz LR Belle HollandRlse re– turned to Its ri~htf11I r:;i_e In the public ~•l- Thls 1, • no-strln~s-•t.- 1•ched orrer bolh WR\'~. T hr Courlrr-Mnll cRnnot. And woulrl rwr . pince nn~• or Its .i.inrr In R po~i– lion of nbrlllmr or con– ri,mhu:t R rrlmc Anct ~·011 lrnve commlt,lt'd 11 mnJor crimr. But lf \'OU arr nrcpn1·cd to mnk• Ln nrllr Holland– Rise Rrnllnhlr [or cnllrc– finr, lo mr rnr rr t.urn to tlw Gnllcr\' rn11 wnt1lrt ~•In • smn ll hit nl lhe puhlir ~vmpnl h,· .\·011 }H\\'('I Inst In the ,.,, 4R hour., . Anonymous T hr wholt I l'Rl1SR('t Ion ;~:J,~ci ",~~1\1 f;!-~~nnP~j'~ Hll0 llj'l110US. T his i< tl,r ol[Pr or The Cnurler-~Tnl l . . Co1nnr1, me n t t hr orrlre 1;;1 M ll• hrtwt•rn 10 ~ tll . Rllrl R ll Ill. tndn~·. nrnke Arra 11crmr111,.., for rhr M1fc 1,•111m nr rh"' I p;rnitln~ n11d I wi ll n, k llfl 1111r,t1011., :H thr 1l111r Bin . hrar 1ln" In m inrl . !111., 11ffrr 11.1.i. 11n hr nr– inc on n11,· n1·1 \n11 nollt-e " 'ill 1:1kr lr I IH' \' <1"1rt'I ,,·hn ,·nu H 1 ,, . . , fl~ i,1lh f'P ;1rr h1111nct 10 !ilk" ·n1rirr · hr 1.1 w T'lt pull 11,, p11111·lu•.-. YOH nrt,., ·o rr l111·11 hr r1 lr11in • ~, I hnpr \'011 rif"I lll;\ l:I' /''1 /\rlllll~ lflll.l:i In Ill(' r 11 \t lll ho Ill \' ,ht ,· n, ~ l!rn·-nhlrlln(? ritl;irn to 1·1'11\'r ~· 1hem In IlH' n11!11t1r1 tlr~. - /11111 l/,idl/1.1.4 \ - "111// ll,•11nr1,,