Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

'"" COUllft-MAIL TUBOAY JUMI 1I LaBellebac -and still • 1n mystery MYSTERY as deep as the one in which La Belle HollandaiH, the Pica11a painting worth $200,000, was stolen from the Queensland Art Gallery surrounds its recovery by police yHterday. In a brief statement yeaterday ofter– noon, the Chief of the lriabone C.1.1. (lnapector W. Raetz) aoid ... Following confidential expert- to ,xaminc lhe information received by palnUnft today lo ,stablish him, Detective Senior J!l~!sso ~nl:.f1et~:i o/~~t Sergeant J. McSporran lt had been damaged. 1rnd Detective Sergeant 0 tfhs 0 aldr~~J;~tt ~1 kn,: M. Chnlmera seized the painting was when police missing painting under noUlled him before lunch search warrant from a yer:r:~fie Hollandaise was house in a Brisbn.ne sub- donated to the Queensland urb. tata~ri 1 'c~Ui~u;~ 59 or1~h: The palnlln11 had been late Mr. Harold de Vahl recovered lntnct and at Rubin. present was being held at His wi·aow, Mrs. Julie oollce headquarters. Rubin, said last night she Further lnvestl11aUons was very happy the paint• were being made. in~ had been recovered. Beyond this poUce 1-eluse "l am very grateful to to comment. the person who nolllled No eh.r oe police where It could be • round nnd for the fact lt However, by la,e last L, now back ln &RIO night nobody ·had been hand•." Rhe said. ~~it~'iid !iuf 0 ~~: :.~m~~~i ~In t~ealfe~;~tln11 from the Theft of the painting was discovered on the m~~~nfh~ 1 f Jc~G:;t>!c1 to a window about 20ft. lrom the ground on scafroldln~ erected at the front ol the gallery for removing a rgr;l~?rs 1°;;!1Jin: 1 rodo.w d~~ Into the main gallery foyer. Chairman ol the Art Gallery trustees (Sir Leon Trout> said last night he would arrang, for an art ,· - 'I ."1 Picasso has slight mark The $200,000 Pir:asso painting La Belle Hol• Jandalsc - stolen from the' Queensland Art Gal• !cry this month - has been slightly marked. Ar! experts found a mark on the shoulder o! the woman depicted, but they said it would not af– fect the value of the painting. ----- "POST" 1967 Painting! recovery! mystery , BRISBANE. Mon.-MYs– tcry suri·ounds the re• covery to-dny of the stolen Picasso pulntlnR, La Belle Hollandaise. Police to-day went to a Brisbane suburb and seiz• ed the ,200,000 work or art. which had been stolen from the Queensland Art Gallery on June 5, Chic! of the Brisbane CIB (Inspector W. Rnct,1 SRid thii;; artcrnoon thnt two detectives hnrl tnken possession of 11,e mlsslnu pn intinit: under search war– ron\ rrom a house in n Brisbane Huburb. The palntln~ hnd been recovered Intact .and wrs now bcinl? held at oohr.c headaunrters. Furthc·r m– vesthzations were IJein.l! mode. Beyond this poticr. refuRccl to comment. Late to-nll(ht nobodv hnd been charRed by pol– ice in connection with the rcmovnl or the oainthtl! lrom the art ~•llcry. "NEWS" Melbourne, I That found Picasso raid 1n • BRISBANE. - Police today recoYered th atolen $200,000 Pic,1 110 paintini in • raid • • lri1b1ne houae. OIi The painting "La Belle Hollandaise'," for– merly part of the Rubin collectlon, was stolen on I une 6 from the Queena– and Gallery, Tt 1 oday's raid came alter P•Off to Inapector w H ~!z 01 ~1ef of the Bria~ Inapector Raetz went to he maglstratea court or– ce In B1isbane and swore ut a search warrant It la understood no' ar– eat waa made when the painting was recovered The pnlnt1n11 la now · at Police headquarters. It does ~~~.i~~ar to have been 13 19 67 Tl{E AUSTRALIAN STOLEN PICASSO IS FOUND IN RAID .,~ ,Itt~•,. , :~ The stolen s;oo 000 · p · · · ·"'-·, · -»•. ·, ' Hollandaise, pic1u,'·cd ab•casso painting, La Belle Brisbane police raid :vest 0 ~t v,as recovered in a . The painting was ioun':./ a_y.• Ill • suburban house. appa, ently unrlamagcd Three detectives l l I Brisbane ClB, 1n,,;ect~:. v? the hr.arl or the house alter receiving a tip- fl Raetz, 11-cnt to the No ancsts were made b o . Investigations wou ld c~nW Inspector Rael, said disclose the location or the h nue. He refused to Last night the a l . ousc. headquarters. It l~adnlmg was kept st police Queensland Art Galler ~1t· _been lnspP.~led by confident it was undanra rJ1c1als, but police we1·e The Picasso pa . 1 r g · Mr Harold o~ v!hi° Ra ~ollcctlon left by the late frame in the gallery u ~1. was taken from its The theft occur~'J une . 5. conlroversy over the du1 Ing a growing i:aller.v director and a ~~poinllnent. nl a new lhe R!1bln collection wa::1to b·umors that some o! Police believed the p · c sold. lakcn b,v a fanatical art 1di:~•~1 cofuld_ have been 10 ea, ed Its loss. Toowoomba, Qld. ,13 JUN1967 ,-i,-,,:•o ,vi,J ~/= Perth, W.A. PAINTING HAS BEEN FOUND r J u I I ,' I r\ 1 • RECOVERY RIDDLE OF STOLEN PICASSO BRISBANE, Today : Police today dra– matically recovered the stolen Picasso painting, worth $200,000, in n raid on n Brisbane house. The raid was led by Brlshnnc, CIB Chl<'f 111• s11ector W. H . Rn c tz. Inspect.or Rac,tz would not disclose whe re the pnlnting- wns rrc·ovcnld, Th<' poll<'<! rn i<I fo!l nw– (•d lnformn1lon rrcclv"'I pr.rsonnlly by Tns p('('lor lluelz tod11y. He said the pnl11t lnt:? wns undl'r Incle n11d key a I 11olice headqua rtt•rs and did 1101 u1>pl'n1· i'~ havr h1•en ,tumagPd. I It Is unclcrslood 110 arrest was made wtu•n I lh<' )ltllntlng, La Br•ll<' l·lt>llandalsl', lorm,•r·I\' part ol the Ruhln mlJ,.,:. I ion. wns sclzecl. The 1mlnllng wns sio1<•11 from lh,• Qurrnslnnd ,\rt (;11 Pery on Jllllf' 5, BRISBANE, Monday _ Mystery surrounds the' re– cover) today of the stolen Plca1150 painting, La B•lle Hollandaise. Police today went to 8 Brlsb&ne suburb and seized the $200,000 work of urt whl!'h had been stolen fron; the Queensland Art Gallery on ,June 5. Chlet or the Brisbone C.t.lJ (Inspector W. Raetzr said this afternoon Lhnt two dctect1\'es hnd ta~cn posscs– slo"! 01 the missing pnlnt.lng, um:i•r senrch warrant, from n ht,use ln 11 Brisbane suburb. The pnlntlng had been rc– covrrecJ intact and wns now hclnr. held l\t police hen~– quarters. Further lnl'cstl~nJ.lons were being mnde. Beyoncl t.h ls Police rerused to com– mcnl Lni'e tonight nobody Imel beci: charged by pollie in connection Wil.h Ihe removal of the pnlntlng from the nrL enller.v.