Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Period furniture on display in Brisbane . . ~NYONE !nteresl e ? in p e r iod furni ture ,hou ld viait th e ex– l11b1t1on now bemg held m th e C ...or ~P-stn•c t Unive rsity build · llt-re It Is Jtch:,.lhlt• tu an g . rotufJ:irr uld ~l\·Jr,- wll h 1·011l('1111tur1,n ,ir ... li:1h. T l11• 1·,h11Ji1· ~1 , 1111nw - 1 •·h 1111.,11 :1·d i n 1•11hlclc.~. ,t1i, i..:n ,· 1111 ,·x, t·ll,•ut 1d1•n 11f !';•• t \'P t' 11I f ,II Il l! lll't! l,l'lllh.. 111 {t, Q lll't'Jl,..,ln lli.1 Il l p1111w,•r d 11 \-. ,\ ,.., \\ 1 ·!1 .i.°' lwlpl11!.( u., t(J ri-.u.111.-.., 111,, 111111w, of ,1111' [.Jf'•'l ,11!u·r·s , tlit• l"<l d l)ll !Oll 1•11 ,hit·, us ·u !-.II H!\ l l w ',\ l k 111 t h, l!rr ., t th•- ,1~111•r Sh1•1:ito11 . Jk,,- 1~•1•.\ 1111 •' 1111d ( 'i11pp,·1u l:1 ,. Old t:1u;ll,h fu r11il11r1• 1111 vl1'" lnrludt•'i a ;,,,,ht·ra – tnn ur11 ta hl1•, ,1 l11uld 1u: . ::111,~ \dth 111:,lwi,:a11 , fnuur In a ( 'h i111•ernf11 I~· 1lt•-ih: 11. n lwa ulifut l itlh ( '.-r1lur~· , l'l'rt'l airr . . uul :, llt'JJl"H'lwhllf• ,•h a ir. l'1t•ll1 h I ll; !llllll 1• 11.-. •.1,·1•il o -. Em.: ll ll ,~1,.,; hro11~1lr l1t·1,· 111 111,, ,•.1 1J\' dn ,·,, un on,• t 111,1, 11• 1.-._ 11,,, ol tHI to SO! t11• (l,·11.•1 11r111 F n ·1,<"ll Hill if't\11'"' AltlOII).. I 111•... ,· 11 rr• :1 t'Oh– lne-t a11d tnlJIP :-tdnrl\ed wll il ll11• work of Bou!le. ~hP g rt•u t rti•,1c1wr n1HI ln – ..n·1.•r of t nt11.-. XIV '.-. r•'l~ll . On" 1'11,11r (.-. 11pl111l.,tt·rNI 111 :\ 11!i11-.:.,1n t a)>l'~tl'V. In '1 · 1 • k11ut • f · f1ow1:ar h,1:ikc•t " p.1 11,•r11 111.... h1,11rnblt• Il l , , ... 11111,· ur l l l11 h XVt Hild .\ turi,• :\ 1111,in••ll1• Brisbane, Qld. 100 YEARS I Of HISTORY The Governor I Su He nry Abel Smith I said last ni9kt that he hoped an e xhibition of p<!rietd furnitur e, ' 'chot– tch and fittings" ot old Ga'lcrnmcnt House , would be a prelude to grcatN thing\. ~ \I ll l' \11\ \ 1 'll" '- \W:d,: ' 11'1,! :ll th" pll'\ :•"'\\' npf'll\lH! nl th" 1•f't1 1i'n.11, r,·1111, 1111111 ":\ 11 1111,li •·d Yrn1 • nf ll f'r:r:1:.:.r- l :111d l.1; t11 c arr:,ncrfl 11 ~· Ill" q 111•1·11 .. lrrncl .'\ r l , ia l\l•ry ri 111•c1nr •\11. J:nlw11 1 .:t~ 1t:; 1 1\; 1 •~:11d 1\utl 1,,. ~1111111.:.1-.\ 1 j'!l(l(l\" Pri \\\I' l1 11 p!', I"'\; • Jll'f''-"''rl I) \' 111'' Q •J• l"'J'.~l:111r\ ·\ it ti :11\•'1'' H.i:1 111 ,,f 1'111~ • u,,,c; pi t• :d..,111 , ~•. 1 n, 1--I· 11 l'h11p ! 11,\I 'lld I ;1, • ' I !lllll' !l ' ! 1!, 111,1• \\•l' t!d lw 1 1 ,1 •1,d 1,,. ,, :1 lll ll...,1''1111 \\'\I ll 1•,11 1 11111111 d, 111•·1111-.:. n rt 1:J • 11·111 i,r;1•1rl '!111 1 t11;1 1i ill \.'. lr' · 1 i'\1 • 11·1,tl •·d 1lw p 1r 1 ;1•1,· :1 11rt ... t·• . , 1 )I / 1:l~•1•]1 I fl(llll '- r!1•1•(q • .-:~"'.._,_..,...n , 1 •, d :11 ,t \'l•"·• rr p 1''"• 1"'1l1111~ Q •w1•11--1:,nd 1:, 1/H! Ill !hP In.,· lllll \1 :11 ' Th• r, ! I, 1•1111 ,, 1 t h" ,1p II t 1n111 •n,I;\ \ • ·"I 'J1" • 1 h"I .,..,,,_.,.._0, •._.•• 'in : 11111 :,!:In pm 111 n n p111 11 :\: P11;\,1v· ' " l 'n d,, •,;,, .·11· r1 I :·11111 '.~ I• 111 ,..., Brisbane, over11or to 011e11 f 11r11iture sl10,v "A HUNDRED Years at Heritage and Living,'' the Queensland ~a!_!gnal Art Gallery's centenary exhibition of Brisban_e furniture, will be opened by the Governor, Sir Henry Abel Smith, tc,11ight. P uUln~ finishing touchcs 1 wo contempora ry. room o the 10-srttlng Exhibition rlcws- one of a kitchen In n rooms nt Old Oo\'crnmP11L,\\'hlrh stmit nnd Iron nrc th e ousc. Gcor~c Street, 1 \'cster- 1 mntn m :ltrrtn.ls rn;;ccl. the ny, Art Gallery rt rec1nr. nlhcr of o desk-d1·csslng fr. Robert Haines cx• 1tnble selling. lnlncd : "\Ve hove trtccl Lo m atch " ll ls only 1, :--mall exhtbt- cnd1 period wit h tt.~ l~Wn ton . but we thought 1t would onintnl'l\l, w1ill clr<·nrallflll , c n good ldrn to let pc:oplc!lightimL nnd rtonll a rrnnµ c– ce for thrmseh 1 C!- the 111rnts.' 1 t\fr Hai11r:-- cx– ·hnnges In rurnlture l)lo t nlolned 1a,·c trtkcn place during Lhr One IH11 1c1rcd un•ltcd ~t l"rnturv." Mr. Hnlncs cur~t~ will at trnr1 t tic nffH"– ld thnt All rurntturc hnd lll1I npr nin~ nr the Exh1h- l ccn borrowed rrom Brh,· Hlon toun~ht, Anc home~. It will rrm1u n njJen until The rurltcst ~ctU11g Is 18th October :J~ from f\.· onclny to 1 entury English. rurnllure Friday. from 2.30 p.m. to 9.30 sed b~• Austrnltu's rurly set- p.m.: and on Snturdny »nri Jers. The most recent nrr Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m .