Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

" SUN" AN ART FANATIC SUSPECTED IN $200,000 THEFT B RISBJ,NE. - A rumor that the $200,000 Picasso painting "La +- Belle Hollandaise" was to be sold could have led to the painting be– ing stolen from the Queensbnd Art Gallery early yuterday. Pnlll't' nrc lnvt•!-il igat- w 11 .r., 1lie 1111:t a theor\' that yO\llll! pa l111i 11,-: i11 a collt·c·t\un :trl b ts r:0111d hu\'·c or- !,!l\'1·11 to 1hc a_rt i;:ullcry ~a1w,ecl the robbery to by tlw bi<' !\la,1or Ilnl'- :·1~,~\\'ito:~1 1 [~\llJ~~ ~~ ~c.op - old d,• Vahl Huhln tn ,,.;"IP"l:..i,'lJs!W:,-;;·~••• Thcv a l.o;o think thnt l!lfl~l~e 1»alnt 1t 1~ was In• an nrt lover could h:t \'c !'>Urt·d rur SI 10.000. hul taken the painting lo its ,,rrst•n l markt"t ,·alur h 1clc It . is a h1111t S'.!00,000. The chnlrmnn or the Tile nc·11111! din•ctor or r:!~~~~ry'l'ri;, 1;~ 1.M;;t(t t~!~ tlw µnl11 1 ry, :\1r ltohyn night . ltowL'\'l'I', thnl the 111 .~~~1i~ 11 g:,i1:~fl 11 ~ 11 f.~ 1 L~x - snlc rumor wn."i "coin- trruwlv fragile nrnl plrtely untrue.'' could br :-.incr,rcd nmt " La Betit• llollnndalsc-" damngccl unless hnndtcd \'rrv rn n•fully. ,.It i!<. clone in a rorn • hina llon of blur r h:1lk, ,:011achr f :.\ t~·pe of watr r C'Olnr) nnd oll whirh wuuhl smear and cr11,nhlt· rasih·:• Tile :rn 1 , 1!1. bv 2G 1 ~ In. pa mt \111! shOw!-i n ::-r.alrd n lldC' \\'lllW'\11 'I. \\'t>arin ~ n DutC'lt hnt nncl is m nlnh' 111 flesh. l11• lit hh1e nncl dnrk Uh If' 1•nlt1r._, T h l' lhlpf cut luto thr ca lll'ty hv d lmhim: tu a wltlflll\\' '..!0 rl. Ill', e l n :\ lr lh0111'11f' ,.,._._. 1,,rd:n·. llw n .si,-.1:1nl d\n•(·l ,1r of \l1>lhn111 1w·:– N~11lrrn:d Cin\l,•n. Ur ( 'r-.uln llnO'. ~~)HI thnt 1IH• I llil'f \\'O'l ld li!HI lt \'ir1 11:11\\' inrnn-.<-11>1, tn ~I'll I111• P i:"'!l!-SO :i11y– \\ h!'I'(' i•1 liw ,,111lct l)r 1T! )f1 :--:11CI tin• ;i111n 1 im: h ·t rl lWt'll !'l'- 1'l <,d1u c•d .'io 11111n, 111111•.. I I\ tl I( \\'CHIid \1p rr1•og- 111:-•~t1 1111!1!4'dl11\f'}~·- •