Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Adelaide, S.A Inexplicable Art Thefts It 11 1ood to know that imm111111m111111111u111111111111111111111111111 sixth (Joor i;allery at 3 ,.., ,. Xurlh Ad,laM•. ri11tnttn111 "La Belle Hollandaise," By Elizabeth Young p.m . Oil Mollctay, ~f ?.~1~ 1 :1r~• .Pi~ 11 r,"u,t 1 ~~U~11J~~~ the $200,000 PJcasso re• 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 At.. 8 p.m: on Tl!esday, ~~nd,~~-";~: :!f 111 t!'t/.. .',)~tt\ 1 1 ~t\~ ear4e4 •• the greatc,t ( I Rt Lhc RSA. A Oall,!ry. h a n art ro1111,,.1111uu• u,1111 treo1ure of the Queen,- CO n Un Ct on wit.h the Institute Bulldln~ there .11111r Jo 11i11wrnr r,,.11_., ~ t 11 1 11 lend National Cofleclian, oren Ill: or the ex~1lblllon will be- a critics' \ enlnc ,it rf'<'I, _rnlaf'd l•){hlhlllflfl ; ·11.. ~n- 1, ,ofelr bock at the Gol- o Oeoffr~y pance 0 s work when members c~n submit ::f,!oi:i~: 1 ~r, , ):/:i~1;1do1'.~n1 :~';!;,;; I I a • b ~n Tucsda) llll;ht, a lhclr work ror cntlrlsm by ri•llrn , lfllllllry . ,r,.,., m1vtl ery n r11 ane. ...:'l-mlnute color film on m embers or the s.-.lectlon uhJb1111111 , s11tlr11 n u,-!>1:111nn& Pos.,lbly the most re- the Mrr!z CollecL!on ''The nnd hanging comml Llec nun111,, -.,,,.,.1 1lrn• 1nw~ br markable and lnr . .JlicablC' A l! s l r.~ 11 n n Painters, . · Dll'4 n P1trn111r•cie, u11t1I July 4 theft. In art. history wns l!J6t·OU. was screened tor Friday t 10 a.m.-5 Jl.m .) ,·0M1so: "' 1h11 !'li'urlh Ad'"– thc t!'klng or Leonardo da the !lrSl lime in SA. will be receiving dny nt l• ltJ• H•llrrlr1, M tlt,ournr Vine,~ s ramou~ "l\•tona Mr. Hnl Mls~higt)am, !he RSASA l,;allt-ry tor thr. strf'cl, a m1x.. c1 n h1b1t10n o· L isa (the ,paintmg or th~ Dlrr ctor or thc Art Gal· annual print nnd drawing pa111t111u. _ctr,u,·1nu •nd print, enJgmatlc La . 01o~onda. !cry or NS\V, will clv°' an exhibition, which wtll open b1 Au11ra.1,n u u.1u .,,111 lM' wire or Francesco dcl G lo• Introductory talk at the J . 27 oPtned 1t 11 30 a.in . tomor- 1 condo, from the Louvre ccmcnary exhlbltlor of on une . row. ~f 1Y ln 1 th e centur)'. Arter halld•crafted Dantsh 1 sll- t"lfRRt:sT E~IIIRITIONR: At Duld JnnH' 1h:lh t111or ldng br sstng for 1a con- vcrware by Georg J ensen Sallonal Gallen of Koulh Au•• ,.11,.,,. ll\e l'.f'n:en.u, f'Xhlblt lon ;oue~~ cin tl!ne iRr~ct wr~ which will be O\lenrd bY ~~~~:;. N~!:,1!d11::;r•l':r1nr:111~,l~ti ~!.,=·i~-c(l!~~~ IJ:,~~:~ •,t;~~= Marseilles. ~~-erse:.m~mba1!sa~~; er~; ~t~dii.n'c\au~~!~ 1 a!~~m:~, ':;1•~~ i~~1 1 Di~'/,{'~:re~~~~,:~. ~~nb~:~ The National Gallery Of Denmark at David Jones' moni ,ru:rtr&Jta hJ Jo ca~dr, Hdor lor Denmark &t l IIA 1atned one of Its ra ' untt une 3u; fton,111•" (,a • on Monda,-, ffit treasures '"SL. Marti ot Toura and St. Nlchola.s' Painting, Sculpture (circa 1460) by wnat must aurely, originally, have been a theft. co~r~d P•\~ th ife2 w~~ ~~; false bottom or a box, bougM with a load or othera for breaking up by a wood merchant at Port Adelaide. He took it to the Port Adelaide Insti– tute, where It remained t~~~l ~~1ftt :1 sl 1." Na- As recen(ly as 1950, 'll'hen the painting, repro– duced in the "SA Gallery Bulletin," was seen by authorities overseas, It wns Identified as parl of the missing wings of the cch– tral panel of an altar piece from a church in Uttenhcim, East Tyrol. The central panel Is 'now In the Kunsthtstorichc Museum In Vienna. * * * the Bonylhon On! North Adelnide, I Brlsb•ne, 0 lfllj~l 19~7 TO THE7i t .,, t EDITOR OU explains choice of Wieneke NOW that "La Belle Hollandaise" has been recovt!red, Professor Presley and his fellow malcontents should seriously ronsider their port. In this most unfortunate and regrettnhle affair. There Is no doubt that lmanager of a public corn- wos bitter. vlclou• and It he and his associates pany. pardonable. had taken the trouble to He must have not only She slated that Mr check the accurocv or Iheoretlcal. but what Is Wieneke "·an a "Yes" ma otherwise of the rumour more Important. practlcal,\\"hlrh meant he Jaeke thal the Trustees were con- knowledge of art. an op•n character and It wos sl<lerlng selilna our ma.lor mind. taste, Judgment, mat ter of rhe "blind lead- palntlnRS. the remqvat or lntegrlt,y. common sense. a In• the bllnd." the painting ond these at- capacity to handle start. This was a ver:v uav tacks on the Trustees and and the publlc. and mani• rertecllon on Mr Wieneke' r Wieneke would have other qualifications tor capacllv and compel,encv een a1•olded management. especially In his occnpa In view or Processor This Is wl1.v the trustees tlon lo earn his 11vellhoo reslcy's statement In last chose Mr. Wieneke be- and Is not. onl:v arossly un ldav·s Telegrarh he ap- cnuse he has all of these true but also malicious aren·uv has no accepted quallflcatlons. and. what Is Are the public awar v statement and there- most Important. he Is no that Dr. Gertrude Lanoe ore one bealns to wonder stranger and Is so favour- was an unsuccessrul ap– •hv he persists In his let- ably known and trusted. not pllcant ror the oosltton of ers to the newspapers and on(y to and by the trustees dlrecl-0r or the Queensland ho Is sUrrlnR him on. ~ini°vc~~t public tor so :[J.3:~lery on a previous Is ll becaUM he and his Ll'k tr st Is this the reason she Is ponsors are endcavourlna e, U so critical of the trustees g ~rh~ri~~!llJ¼': J~~~I~~~ at~ 1 ekr~:,~- 1st !nt *~!tr!~~ ~na11c~ai'c,.;;:;d~nM~o ~I~~~ 1ent not to appoint Mr. trust him eke? lcncke or Is It becau,e 'l\l'O ol our previous It Is hoped thnt when e and his academic col- directors were Mr. Robert lhe trustees make their lea~urs who are so critical Campbell. a well-known appeal to the nubllc rnr or the prr.<en t Trustres painter. and Mr. Robert runds ror R new Art Ral– "111ant tJlese po.sltlons them- Haines. who \\'flS an Interior lery that these malcon- selves? decorator. tents 11•111 be equallv as M d t t To mv knowledge neither Rencrous wllh their rlnna- 0 eS gran of thrse ~cntlemen had a lions And their services In The present. arirl past de~rcr In Fine Arts. raising runds as thev have trustees have Rlvrn manv Why thrn drdn't the been with their criticism years ol 1•alu11ble honorarv Rcadcmrcs criticise their nnd complaints. service to the RAllerv and appomtmcnts as Lhey have We can only \\'Alt and wllh an extremelv modest criticised Mr. Wlenrke's? .,re. hul quite rranklv I annual Rrant from the Is It because of the ,·rrv n,uch dnubt It. Government have bcrn .me- reasons previously rercrred 1,,nn Trout, rhalrm1n cessful In acqulrlnR "·orks to? Trn, t•r•. Quren,land of art to a value or over Both Mr. Campbell and Galler,. Sl.000.000. Mr. Hnlncs made veri nm/or contributions to ou _They h~1•e purchased all RRI cry. and it was due t t,l pes of "orks or art which Mr. Ha Ines· practlc are In the nubile Int er- knowledge or art and hi. est out.stnnding ta.ste an a 1':.1/~t~;.•~h 1 ~f1c1d~:~;g~11?J i:~~B'J,'g;,~h~;ti.o~: ~flij'; ~~t\ ~:~~ ofc1 ':i"J:~•n~n11\~~~ [li~e st i 1\~[~r"n':l ~"n'.fecl~~- nre arRnmenls tor and DcgRsi ,nd paintings I nRAlllSI II AnstrallA . .o\n n<"nctcmlr rlcgrec Mr. _Hnlnr.c.' asslst.nnce I alone Is not surrtc,ent be- ncq11lrmR t.he Rul>ln Col cnu.c;c 1111rort.unntrlv vrrv h>et lon m1rnt nl~o not b ofLPn pcoph• with n(:ncll'm tC fnrcnltcn. clegrri•s not on ly In Flnr More :;\\,~~~~l[~ 1~ 11 ~~1 ~/i~ 1 ;t· ~I~~ In m.,· op111lnr1 both Mr mnny o thrr ·(111nl1riratlnns C: 01 ,11 1>br ll nnrt Mr. Hnlne, wtuch nro so nrrrs~nn· ror \ ,r.rr . fnr mnrc cnmpeten sucrc~s · fl il r ctnr,i:: lhnn Mr. Lauri . · . rltonrns. nur Inst dlrrct<>r n,r rt lrer-tor pi n p11blle who cltrl hal'e R drgref I Art .c::nllcrr 1s s11n ilnr Lo n Flnr Arts. tt mu. 1 .t bP. remrmbflr·e nl~n rhnt :mmr of t.hc fin e~t c-ollrc-tlons of art t,rrRs urrs t,hrnuchout the worl Arc nor In ~•llcrlcs but ar owned hy r,eople wllhn11 nnr ncndcmic c1rg·rrr.c: nn ha1·r hcen pmrhnsr'il or r11·lre ol p,,ople without rgrcPs. very oflrn r,11r– h1HiNI nccordtn~ In their wn .lt1d)lmcnl nnd lnf--le nrl oftrn upon nrt,·\r.c rnm rnmll('l.tcnt nrl 1~t-" ,1.,.0 without rlr~rrr.s. A11stt·n lln I}; no r.xrrp– lnn. ,."~t~';;r ~::i-1~~~~· 1 1~\~:,c1,n\· 1~ rrn p11rr·hnsro (nr ,·cry hl~ll ))l'i!'l''IS rm Ihf! Ad \'IC'r or the nrndemlrs nnrl 111nn" nf thrm nrr nnw or lttllr r nl11r lnt.rlnslrnll,· or In n ny ot IH'r wn~·. · Dr. nrrt r11r1r LAnRer·s attack on lhe Trustees and especially Mr. Wieneke Toowoomba, Qld. Jurnse, ,.., ART GALLERY DIRECTOR APPOINTED IRISIANE, Tuesday, Slat, Cablnll today ctndl– tlonally appointod Mr. J. Wl1nekt as dlredor of th1 QuHnsl!!!!LAd. Gallery. The Aeling Minister ror Educallon !Mr. BJclke-Pet– crscn •, who a11nouuced the appomtmcnt. said that lllls had been recommended by the Al't Gallery Trustees. Mr. BJelke-Petcrscn said the appointment Wllll subject to ,i written undertnkln11 to the trustees that Mr. Wieneke. atl.er· his appoint– ment. would use his best endeavours to dispose of his prlv11te art gallery to a str11ngcr at a re:isonable price and on re11Sonable terms. The Act Ing Minister said that in the event or Mr. Wieneke l>clng unable lo do this wllhln 12 months, his appointment 11•ould 1>c revie11•ed and the trustees would report back JI! Cab- inet. / 2 4 ... .. 1967 •~ Delle arrest BlllSBANE: Detec• tl\•cs to<lnv dotnlncd a mnn ror questlonlng about the thclt of Plcasso's La Belle Hollandaise from the Queensland Art Gal• trrv on June G. The painting, valued at $200,000, was recov– ered lrom the home of Mrs Julie Rubin, widow ol the late Majol' Harold De Vahl Rubin on J unc 12. Perth, W.A.