Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

"HERALD" 1 , 1 1 __ Melbourne, Vic. II t .' \1 I Wi had that Picasso BRJSBA E. Th e J200,000 Pirassn pa:ntmi; • Belle H•Jllanc!a 1,P, n rcccmly, 11,•a., rc– rrd by Brisba ne , e– ves a the hon1e or the widow or he m a n v.·ho tlonatt-d I lw p Im - In g to th Q1 ..·cnsland Art Galler,v. Quernslanc! -~ acting eomml loner or police, Mr F. Pal lthorpe, said t.oday that t he pnlnt1ni; had been recovered from tr,., Bardon home ot Mn Juli~ Rubin. J.fr Paleth orpe ~ald that Mr Rubin told police a mystery man caller left the p, lnting at her home on the night of June 11. The man Insisted. and she harl ngre cl to i:1ve nu undcrtakln ir. Lhn she would hold the pai n Ing for one mont h and then return It 1.0 Ihe Queens– land a.rt r.nllcry . , Mr Pnlclhorpo ~a id police hnd a.bsolu icly no doubt thol Mrs Rubin acted In good faith . 0 WEST AUSTRALIAN" t 4 JUN1967 \ PICASSO FOUND AT WIDOW'S HOME BIUSBAiliE, 1'oday: 1'ho 1200 eoo stolen palnlln~. "Lll ' Belle llollandal•e" by 1•JcaKso, was "'elzrd b)' Brbhane delet·lh·es al lhe home ol 11,e wido•· ol lhe man •·ho donated the painllnr lo lhe Quet'II• • land Art Gallery, 1'hl• was rev,aled by Queensland'• Acllnr C:om• miaaloner ol Poller, Mr. F, Palelborpe, today• The palnllnic was re– co,·erNI at the home or !\In. Julie Rubin, ol Bar• don, a Brbbane suburb. Mn. Rubin Is lbe widow or the late lUajor Harold do \'ahl Rubin, from • ·hose 1:otlocllon lho palnl• Ing: _was donated. Mr. Palelhorpe said lo• day Mn, Rubin had u– ptalned lhal a mystery man caller 1•11 lho puinl• ln,r al her home 011 lhe nlrhl or June 11. 'fhe man lnslsh,d and oh• a1reed lo i:h•o an underlakln,r she • ·ould hold the painlln~ !or one munlh and lhen rrlurn ii lo the Queen•land Arl 15 JUN1967 Aibury, N.S.W. · Painting at home of donor RRISHA:1:•:, Wrd. : The J"!OU,UDII 1aai11Un1. 0 La lldlr llullandaioe" by l'i• c:o,"'u, W.tli t.f'brd b)· Hri ..baur drtf'clh•f'!i at the humr or the wldo"• of the m.tn who dunalt'd the painlin,: tu the Qucr.ns .. land Ara Gallrry, Th i~ wa.'» rc\'<'all•d by Qul'L•11~lum1·s uc.·tiUJ.: Pol,l e Cu111111 ifsiunrr, lnsp. F. Pall'thuq)(,.•, today, Thr p;dnlfn1-: \\'i1S rc•cov. t•n·,i ut tht: home oC Mrs. ~\~!~~~u~i t;:,';;cr 0 ~u~:~~:~n, a Mr. l'alcthorpe Haid Mrs. lluuin had explained 10 !,mlic.·e that u rnyjtcry man culler had ll'f1 lhe pointing al her home on the ni,:ht or June 11. He insisted and ' she l1ad ui,:reed that •he would hold \he painlln11 , lor one month and then return ii to the gallery. Mr. Puielhorpe said police had 110 doubt Mn. Rubin acle<I in i10od faith. "MERCURY" HN1rt, Tia. Perth, W.A. Gw:.r,;;ulelhor110 said pol• Ice had ahsolutely no doubt lhal !\In. Rubin acted In rood railh. .. 15 JUN1967 Had Painting i. : I. 15, 1967. MISSING PICASSO AT HOME OF DONOR BRISBANE, Wed: The missing Picasso painting "La Belle Hollandaise" was seized by Brisbane det~– tives at the home of t e widow of the ma n who do• nated the painting to the QuecnslaruLAu---6~ The piimilng, valued• at $200.000, was recovered at the home of Mrs Julie Ru– bin, of Bardon, a Brisbane s ubur b. Mrs Rubin Is the widow of the late Harold de Vahl RI!· bin lrom whose collection the' painting was donated. Mrs Rubin told the pollCf' that a man she did not know had left the painting at her home on Sunday night. The man lnsiste,t that she give an undertaking that she would hold the painting for one month nnd then re– turn It to the Qucenslnnd Art Gallery. In Good Faith Acting Police Commissioner F. Pnlethorpe said the police had no doubt that Mrs Rub– In had acted In goOd faith, He said the police were sat• lsfied her m ain concern was I.he safety anti r ecovery of the painting. " "La Belle Hollandaise was stolen [rom the art gallery last Tuesday. The police recovel'Cd the painting during a search of Mrs Rubin's homo on Mon, dn,v. They were ncllng on a 'ti-s Rubin said todny th11t a man arrived nt her house late on Sunday night wllh the palntlnl!! and asked ·her to keep It for a month be– fore returning It to the art gallery. '---' m "I had It In mv u,.-uroo the next day when police anti" I ed with a !!earch warra ~;d at that time I had no! decided what to do with •It; she said. 1 bal' "I was complete Y em rasscd when the pollcc· ar- l d at mv house with ,a re~'i-ch warrant be[ore I could ;;,nke up m y mind w~at to do with the p11lntlng, "La Bello Hollandaise ""a.• stolen In a darln,r robbery al the QueerL•land Art Gallery 011 the nlshi Donor's widow "embarrassed" or!\{;:.~• J~gin told police she had Intended return• lnr the painlin,r lo the rallery alter the month had expired. BRISBANE. - "I was completely embarrassed when police arrived at my house with a search war– rant before I could make up my mind what to do with 'La Belle Hollandaise.'" Mn. Julie Rubin, widow Mrs, Rubin said :veslcrda. or the man who donatrd lhat a man arrived at he !he $200,000 palntin~ by house lnl e last Sunda.1• nl ~h Pablo Pkasso to lhe Queens. with the Picasso palntin .and Art Gallery, said this and a<krd her to keep I In an Interview yesterday. for a monlh IJcrorc return The actin9 Comml11loner In~ ii lo !he ~rt ~• llery, of QuHnsland Police (Mr, " I had it In my bodroa F, Palothorpo) dlscla..d the next day wh,n pollc yuterday lhlt police took arrlvtd with • sHrch war lht painting from Mrs. rant and at th1t lime I h1 lllubln'• homo on Mond1y, not decldtd what to do wit "La Delle lloliandalse'' It. wa, found lo he mlssln~ "Rut I think I would hav, lrom the art gallery on handed h, over to the poltr Tuesday morning or last on Monday IC 1,hey had no week. called at my home," sh Police recovered I he said. painting whlle CXflqlllinJ? n i\tr~. Rubin ~11irl the man search warrant at :\1r~. Huh• was no! an~•onc ~he k1ww. I ·• home on Mondny, Mrs. ll11hln ,nid shr did not n~k 1hr man who he w.,.~ or whrrc hl' J:Ot tlw p:1i11li11.[! nr ;rnr ol hcr <111c5• llons. ":'ily main lnt1~rrs1 ,w,~ Jn ~rllfn~ 'l,n 11cllc llollanll– ai~r· hack illHJ lhat \,·as all 11,;; rnr a~ I wa~ concerJ1ecl/' Bur11ie, T111he snid. - ~:~a Belle" an embarrassment BRISBANE - "I was completely embar– rassed when police arrived at my house with a search warrant before I could make up my mind wfiat to do with 'Lo Belle Hollandaise.' Mn, Julle Rabin, widow of the man •·ho donat~d lhe 1200,0ot palnllns by l'ablo Pie • IIIO to lbe Quttn•land Art Gallery, said tbl!I In an lnt,rvltw 1·esterday. The Acllni Comml•• slont-r of Pollt'c In (lurens 4 land (l\lr. F. P11lethnr1le) dhtclosed )'t!l(erday that tin from Mn, Rabin'• bomr on Monda7, "La Belle Hollandaise'• was miHln,r rrom lbe Arl Gallery on Tuesday morn– in• or laal ""'"• Mrs. Rubin AAid yesler• da:r that an unknown man a rrlvrd at her bo11~ lale on Sunday nllbl wllh lbe palnllnr and a•kod her lo k••P 11 ror a monn, before relurnlns II lo lb• Arl Gallery, "I had II In my bed· room the next day when nollce arrh•ed with a ~,arch warrant. and at lhal llmo I had nol de– cided what lo do 11·Uh II. "llul r lhlnk I would lune lmnded tt over to tbe 1101lce pn Monday ii lheJ had nol eallNI al ay home," 111hc 1J1ld. Mu. Rubin said •h• did not D5k the man who be " '&!I or where he rot the unlnllnir, or anr otlaer qur.dlon1. 11 2\fv main lntrrcst was l:n~:l!!,~• b~~;, 0 ;~ 1 d ~\:'!i wa11 all a11 far •• I wu (!OftC'trncd,'' 8he • aid,