Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

"COURIER MAIL" Brisb.ne, 0. 15 JUt.· · . 1-1' ''G I ;.;:,,- a lery trustees , powe.rs limited" S IR Leon Trout, 01 president of the Art Gollery Tru1teH, said: "When people give paintings to the Gallery they give them under the provisions of the Art Gallery Act which soy we can sell them if nece11ary," He had previously said: "I put it to the trustees that some day ;;...~~,rit~a6f :g111~~·!~:et~1 our major "'orks tr "'e l\'anted a new gallery." From these remarks one might reasonably tnrer lhoL the trustees have the power to sell any Palnttn11. nro– Vlded that the money U1us raised Is needed Cor a bUlldtnr or some other es– aenttaJ requJremen t. Indeed, steps have been taken by some people to re– voke bequeata to the GaJ. Jer.v. Fortunately, "The Queens– land Art Galler.v Act or 1959" does not gtve the trus- te~nJ~;s ~!i"tn II Cl l of the Act, the trustees ma.v sell, exchange or destro.v an.v work vested In them, but they ma.v do this onl.v If they judge· the work con. cerned 'to be unm or not required as part of the coJ. lectton." Sir Leon must sureJ.v Letters to the editor lions us enume1·11ted by Sir Leon WAS made. As the trustees are withouL doubt men of Integrity and con– siderable standing in the conuuuntty both commercial and pro!esstonal and P()&;ess some knowledge or the fine arts required for such a responsible position, and as they had all the facts before them, then we must accept Sir Leon 's statement and abide by their decl•lon, The trustee are the onJy people qunlltte to Judge the merits or th respective applicants. WUllam S, Acworth, IJ Queen Streel, Brlabane. • , . . Mr Wleneke'a •up. port seem• lo ~ome from people who dlslU.e eon– lemporary arl. ourchase or "dtr!lcult" mod– nn art. But a pul,Jlc gaJJerv ex- LsMc~ rr~~id;µ,f~~.gJh:,a,~:g~ slgnated as a speclalts1 coJ– lcct1011. It also has the func- }~~~re~1 w~ 1 ~ 0 t' 1 ~ 1 "lonf~~P~~~ ~!f1v!°1~Yst~~ar~e tl~~ser- 'l'he matn matter for Cabinet consideration, and tor aome kind of publlc In– quiry, Is not Mr. Wieneke but the composition or the Board or Trustees. -- s. B. Pare, 117 Lamber! Road, lndooroopllly, 1 ~ JUN1967 have been aware or this when he first suggested that some or the major worJc.,, In the Gallery m ght have to be sold, Presumably he considered the works In question to be either unfit for the R'allery or unwanted. - C. F. Pre • • ley, Doarlae 81reel, Cur. , There ls an lmo1tcat1on perhaps unjust to Mr. Wien eke. that his appotntmen would put an end to th Police seek Inda, • 'High standing' ... The lru11ee1 are to J be coinmended for lhelr aelecllon or Mr. Jame• Wieneke. They have chosen a man or high standing In the communltr who has done a g;:~f o1e:rt ~~ i/I:1r~~~e~fci Queeru,Jand In particular, Important qualities re– quired for a good director are a sound knowledge of art Jn. all Its Corms, Impar– tiality, and admlnlstrattv~ ability, Mr. Wieneke has all in~~~t qurJ:tle:tan~: Is pa[~; quality or Fmoa1 ttallty, and Jn his exhlbttloru, or artists' work, his lectures and Judging ot competltlv~ art shows. he has demonstrated that he i.. Impressed with good Painting and not the ridiculous division betwaen the traditional and con - tem,porary approach. P, o. John1lon 49 Casllle 81reel. lndooroopllly. • 'Integrity' . . . . I underaland the ::r.::~,:n:~! ~=~e ·:y ~~; remalnlnt lru1teeo: and u Chairman. Sir Leon Trout waa 1peakln11 on th e~ c~h:l!o assume that Lhorough lnvesttitA lion of fr. Wieneke'• quaut.,ca- "TIMES" 15 JUN 1957canberra, A.C.T, ~E3 DONOR'S WIDOW HAD PICASSO BRISBANE, Wednesday. - Police disclosed to– day that they recovered the missing $200,000 Picasso painting, la Belle Hollandaise. from the widow of the man who presented it to the Queensland ~l– ie.!!:_ "I was completely embar– rassed when police ar– rived ai my house with a «arch warrant before I ~nuld make up my mind what to do with LA Belle lfollandaise". Mrs Julie Ruhin. widow of the late Mr Harold De Yahl Rubin, said today, Mn Ruhin said a man ar• ril•ed at her house late last Sunday nigh! with the painting and asked her lo keep ii for a month before returnina it tn the art gallery, "I hAd it in my bedroom the ne,t day when police nrrh·eu with a ~e11n.·h wnrranl and at lhat time I had not decided wh..- 10 do with it. "8111 J think r would hare hnnde<l ii m·er to the poli<-e on Monday if rhcy had not called at my hnme''. she snid. Mr< Rubin said she could not describe the man or lhc dClthc~ he wa.111 wear• in~. She did not ask who he- w;u or where ht gnt lhr rrninling or any other qucMion~. main inlcrt!II wai in ~citing La Belle HoJ. lnndn i,e hack and that Wall. :,JI AS (ar a~ I WA!! concerned", she snid, • man 1n Picasso theft Brlsblne, O. . • r II I i', . r ' I· • • ~I COURlla-MAIL THUaSDAY JUMI 1!J IHT 3 La Belle mystery not over "I was completely embarrha11ed w~: lict arrived at mr OUH WI a ..a':h warrahnt befodr• ~tohulLdai:~: · d w atto ow, up my m~n ,, r-;~ 11 .;, 1nvest1gatlon1 H ollanda,... rJ~'i:' the aame lntor- 1 ased y~ster– So said Mra. Julie ·:rai;,uo~ 1 {J ei tlll r1obod7 Rubin In an exclueive ch&rlled, 11 allowab.eier– Courier-Mail Interview Mrs. Rubin~~~ ~~ her dav a man a s day yesterday. hou•e lale hut P~~aS&O She ts the wtdo~/ 1 t~: n~~tin:•ft~nd 1 a~ted her to r~ ~ •h:atnfl~~a~y P1 abldo ~eeo it 1 fo~ 0 • t~o~~t' gi:1~ Plcaiiao to the Queens an ret~rn rt Gallery. le~, 1 i' had ft fn my bedroom The Acting C~mlF the next day when DOllce sloner of Pod 1 i1i:io~d yes~ arrived with athse'i"cU;eari alethorpe1 k the rant and at a to terday that police ~ 00 from had not decided what painting Into custo Y d with It. Mrs Rubin's home on °.,But I think I wou 1 1d 'd h ded ft over 0 M~ •~elle Hollandaise ha 1 y:, 0 f Monday If they waa missed from tht A~} ~d not oalled at my Gallery, at the corner d home." Bowen Bridge Road an n' Gregory Terrace on TUes- 'One concer d ,y of last week. bi aatd she :i1:1~ce o'!~tl~~:: v;J!lJ; ~~~~~~f th1~rJr~.. t~: executfn~ I\ Jubln'a home was weartnK, She aa~d h! JranGt:;flel~s.Drlve, Bardon, was a person she di no n know did on Monday. tl Mrs Rubin said she QUeS OnS not ask the man 1ho t~: Queatfons ~till to be ~:~u~:e~r hean: 0 other answ red are , 1 ' Wh police took from que,t on. I tereat wu ::/onday until soon after "My matnL& nBelle Hol• noon yesterday to reveal In K1'ttln~k nd that wu that the patnttn11 waa Jandalse • a 1 was con- recoveredh fr?om Mra. :!:.O~.. ra,'iieU... d. d Rubins ome "I W1\6 not conceme Why until J;estcrday, were man betn11 ap- p~i~~fc~ su~rb 5 ~ :~:; ~~~;f:e:fiet~\1fi:. "'x "}~~ bane the painting don't want any publlcfty. recovered? t night Mr. Pale- In what way would the h Laa told The Courier– release ofMthlsd Info~:~ ~~? "At this time we tlon on on ay · no evidence on the palhntlng w'te ~~~:d ~~~h to charge any per- ered • ve son .. In a prepared state• ment released earllerd i! the afternoon he sai Belle Hollandaise wu taken Into police eu.stody after It was found In Mr~. Rubin's home, . . uGood faith" "Pol.!ce believe tha\ Mrs Rubin was acttn~ rood faith Jh~e •::inttng poaaeesfon dertaklng that f~e ~fd \1t' for a per~ 1 ~ one month prior " he reLUm to the gallery, sa/.'fiie painting: was re– t ed to the QueenalM<,\ A~"{,1 Gallery on Tue&dayi.o [It waa han~rti.:ie~al• the chat~ by the ohlef lery J:':S Srfsb&ne O.I.B. f/nspeotm W. Raeti:Ji1ieci: Mr. PaJethorpe no Idea "Mrs, Rubin haa the per– or the ldentlt.yi: r palntln1 11011 w1lo left e uld no\ with her andal~ lmow him •~nvestfg11.tlon1 "P:~f1nulng."