Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

r r,. 1 .I WIENEKE POST IN ART GALLERY NO.W CONFIRMED THE Queensland Art Gallery board of trust••• . has confirmed a previous recommendation that Mr. Jam11 Wieneke, 60, be appointed the new· director. Education awaiting The recommendation ha• bttn with the Mlni1ter for aome time, and ho • been clarification of certain point• on condition,. Mr. Wl1nek1 h11 bun director of the Moreton Gall1rl11 in lri11H111e • Ince 1'951. H1 • tudleci at the Technical Call111 and ha • conducted • onrol one-man • haw,. MR, FIENEICE , , • Pending the final de• land will- be most · fortun• "I have never had any "11ne11lmou1 ellolee," ate In obt.alntn1 the aer• Interest In any gallery In = ======== -ICl • lon by the State Gov- vices of Mr. Wieneke be• Queensland. ··I have never ernrnent, It ·la not known cause he hu quauncattona traded In palnttn11 and J h M WI k possessed by few directors have no Intention of trad• whet er r. ene e of public art galleries. In& In paintings. I buy will retain the Moreton "He la a comvtten; for my own collection." G 11 rl practical, welt-trained ana Pr Id t h a e ea. \vldely experienced artlat es en of t e Queena- Yeaterday Mr. Wieneke and art critic with a pro• land braneh of .the Con• declined to comment on found knowledae of Aus· temporary Art society (Mr. the news of his recommen, trallan art and Australian l«ly Churcher> 11&ld yes- datlon by the St.ate Gal• artlata terday that the manner In lery trustees · · which the Queensland Art On Monday two truatees 'Knew• value' Gallery trustees had gone realsned In protest over about the appointment of the appointment of a new "He knows the value of a new director was "com• director for the gallery paintings, which la so Im· pletely undemocratic." f •. ·hi portant and essential They are ormer ... o • when spendlna public He said It was astonish• tecture Professor R. P. mon·ty 11111 that an Individual a Cummings and artist- "Mis· ties are . In Bria• w.lthln the trustees could 1 sculptress Miss Daphne bane and his , family and leld such strong Influence. a Mayo. home are here so he y confirmation of the re- won't be worried about 11 . • • . . • commendation to appoint using his position ss a ~ 1. Mr. Wieneke was made •~ convenience to obtain t a meetln1 of tne trustees other appointment, • on Monday night. "He has handled start l· Unanlmoa11 auccesafully and knows the ~ Announcing the decision f6=~~~fi~J~quJrementa 01 . • yesterday, the trustees "Furthermore, he ta a • chairman <Bir Leon Trout> man of the highest moral 1 said the trustees were un- character, highly respected 1 antmous In their recom• and esteemed, both In t.rtls– . mendatton, and the terms Uc and commercllil circles. t of Mr. Wleneke'a apr,olnt- "Ria appointment wlll t ment were agreed to n the brln~ hundreds of his most friendly way. frlenda to the gattery, t IMiss Mavo and f11nner aeektng hla opinion. advice . 1 Professor Cummings were and assistance. which he Negotiationi , ~ .~ for Galleries- ·- d MoreMrton Gallerlea' foun- 'I er . John Cooper of t f surfers' Paradise. iatd Yesterday he had ooened ! l::~C~lattona to buy them ~ _ •_ r The 11reaent director_. ' • 1 CMr. Jamee Wieneke> haa . beenArt a11potnted Queellllarid Gallery director. 1 Wien,el<e - say'1 ''No'' M4!fffl11 GaU1rle1 feu11tl1r Mr, Joh11 Ceoper •'r:N11t1, wlM 11ot Ila • II to lluJ ll • cli the ,.11.,1.,. ' . , Galleries present director , •Dd newly • apDOlnted , Queensland Art OaJlery · dlrector <Mr. Jc.mes Wien- eke> last night said he i would not open any negott&tkin with Mr ; ~::~• ·of Bur!era• Para; I OoopeOn Wednesday, Mr. I r said he had opened I . n"°ttatton • ' io buy back the, l!llller1ea. "I wlsb to make It q_ui~ cl9'1' t;hat I do not admlt any obllaatlon to Mr. Coi>Der In thla znatter-and thi.£ I.have no Intention ot 1 opening any• · negotiation with him or his ·a,ent with I reference t~ the Nie of the Moreton Oallerlea," Mr. Wtenelce said. "I dero, an'- Interest In • Mr. _Coopers proposal, 1 and wish to advise all artists and clients that hla proposal has not been con– sidered," said Mr. Wlenelce. 1 not at the meetl~g,J gives now." Bir Leon said: Queens- Did net know I I , . Ule \.,Ul:iUIIJt!l' Ul l\'180Utac.. '50U)'Ce~ 1.JlU. LI.le contn- a Bir Leon said that the , resignations of Miss Mayo 1 and former architecture Professor cwnmlngs ware t not known to the trustees 1 on Monday evening, as they were submitted to the Minister. Until the trustees saw the resignations thty could ' not comment on them. • Sir Leon said the 1)011• i ltlon of the Acting Dlr• 1 ector (Miss Robyn HUI> : was also discussed at Mon· 1 dn)•"s meeting and by un• , nnlmous resolution she i wns severely reprlmamtad 1 ror her refusal to perform , her normal duties. . Denial r~!~u~ 5 J1~~em1~ 0 ~r~~:d Bir Leon Trout strongly t~ &~~rii~-~~lr Jg~~;ln:~ denied that he had a the ground that they be• I financial Interest In the longed to the public and . 1 Moreton Galleries. He had should be available at all been asked to comment on , times, 1 :n"l~~~e~tat he had such , Miss Hill could not be He said : "Anyone who contacted IL•t night. It Is I makes that ellegatton Is ' understood that she ten- . completely Irresponsible. , dered her raslgnatlon nnd If he wtll be manly r~~rt 1r~as m~c~~ited a\~ ~!W~i~h}gh a~~ 0 ~.~~~t l~mj the Acting Education Min· wlll publicly call him an ltler !Mr. B,telke-Petcrsen> unmitigated liar. 1; Inst month and that her r,~~lc~ne:,~!"es In abeut I · Gallery post to ~ go to, Cabinet THE recommendation to appoint Mr. Jamet1 Wieneke, 60, ns director of the Queensland Art Gallery will go before State Cabinet next Tue!ldny. The acting Education ,--~ ~~ r Minister !Mr BJelke-Pet- galleries tr appointed to 1 ersen> said vesterdav: "I the State 11a,Uery s, have received the recom- At Surfers Paradise yes- t mendatlon rrom the board terdav. Mr John Cooper, l or trustees who rounded the Moreton ~ "J Will take 11 to Cabl• ,Gnll•rles. snld : i net next. Tuesdav to be "When I sold the iral- conflrmed or otherwise." !cries to Mr Wieneke on ! Mr B.1elke-Petersen al.io Au~ust I 1950, a condl• s11ld there would be no tion or the ~•le \\'as that f~J~re:;tt~o ~e%i~~:ge,;;-~ lt.htu~~~~~ t~~~ii1J 0 h:~~ 1 the board on Mondav the first option of refusal 1 Sale cond1't1'on to purchase at " 1,rtce to r be mutuaUv •Rreed upon. t Mr Wieneke Is director "Jf the price was rt1ht, ,, of the Moreton Gallerle~. J would come back to Brt~. a and It. Is not vet kno\\-n bane to take over the · whether he 11•111 retain the Moreton Galleries apaln." 1 1 16 / t,"J 5( , ' ✓ - ~ 'MIIMUl,1,n , llll;l,\t,, ftUUIWr.1 I l J ,