Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Sydney, N.S. W. BRISBANE, Tues. - Mr. Harold V. Rubin today withdrew two : famou s paintings a nd a pricel ess : ritual vesse l from t he Queensland : N ati na l Art Gall ery . • H • dill "·' ., 11r•1 11, " hi• 11lf••I 1:·:.: l't41 Ill' 11•1\I di ll1 ul t,.o(.U !111 t ht~ 1111I tl11•1t \ 11\h • tu·,, II ••IJ ltt nt : h·, • 11\l· 1111, u : lllltlh I h, t"h 11,·, l,111u1 • I II ii \ 1· rl ,, ' II· : I,. I I ,1, I' 111 1 \ 1,Ut•d : u, 1 h u u ..., 11 ,t r . i • UII •I ' : \11 UUhlll ,, 11 lw : \ n 1•111 1tlt•1 II h • ,Ii •~ It ' .tl,11111 h1 ,tt tu-1 11lt11-.·• ol ,u 011 111- tll'IHHI•· 11,,111 to 11w t h1llt'1 \ 111, 1 u d I n " IM,nt11u: c,•1,,111,p, .11nl ,lht't'1,,U1• l lli' 11h)1t '• tll I H Ind n I.,. nut 1~::hm 11 !1111:~ 1 1101: l~'\~'~ j lo u,,. 1u1,· 011\t'III• 11t••11t Im th, 0 1111, 0 :"\ ld .. t \t•,u CALWELL AIMS TOI ,., 1· TAKE Q.L.P. FROM LEADER GAIR , From A SPECIAL REPORTER ,, ;. BRISBANE, Tue1day.-Labour'1 new Federal leader, Mo, A. A. Calwell, will come to Queen1l1nd in June to try to~•teal a political party from ib leader• ..: Tbt fl!lr1Y I~ the Queensland Labour Party, and its lead,r Vtilctnt Clair Gair. " ~ Calwell annc,uncrrl'pm,., frc,m • pcc,r,1, who porlrail nl Mr Rubin. '"I lul 'll'tek lhal he wc,uld ,..1chcd •nd a ppla111lcd as ~on\ " i•h lo divulge lht · B . pud~l'. l1111, Prem ier G•lr 1 1dtn11t)' or 1hc anoni•mou1 cnn,r II' mbanc 10 11nr1 rnu~hl i,, cl npain, 1 1hc 1 dnnor:· he s•id, hi, ·camraian for L•hour ""'"" le•dei< o r 1hc ll<lrR• ,. r (' I ·r unil , !Inn I ""'"" Par11 nn 1he rr rr .,an n · 1tuu \Hc: L, ' :, nnoa l lc-:wt • • "The door I• nr,n lnr 1,.11 e ond chn,c "" render nr l.,O~llllf H111 Dng tvtr , • nl-and•Ole mrmhei nm« 1111hc! l~• n ahandc,n- !-innlhnr re h•iliff BIii nf \he ()uren•l•nd l.nhnur n1tn1 nf pr,nc,r k . 1!.,n,·1· h 11 , el'en hecn 10 Put • •hn , ln~t rtl \&1,hr, lt11mo111 .nf 11 ni1, mo\'r( s::rnl for hi, cfn;. Hill, 19. In rtll • hh •l<n• •n,1 h<lr nml ,ldcc11nn of f} I. r. fo1her nl 1110 children, 11 reh111ld 1h, 1, i,,,,11 l'r,i 1 "' mher< hn,k 10 th e A.I. r Ii"'"• r,,•nr 1h01 man i1 Q •. itrt 1,1c1 ,wfT an Rri,h.1nr . d";\ ~ .., 1ricml in 1.ern,l•nd, he '"'"· h111 • or •r<nll ) 1hey ha1< 1 , . .' Then Mr C-ai,.ell m, de ii h,1 . 1,11 , . ",h11ln11nn ~gan 1 ,C"tmc " 1 "" t · la,t April when hr arnvcd dear 1h11 Mr G1lr "011ld \lr ' "".. , Oc p111i: U nder. in Siunlhorpe, near lhc Ml ht rudmllltd. Mr E. J. I 8 1~ T ed I Wal,h. N <;,W. horder, 10 ,lart work 1 he pcr•nn1I prejud or h,,. hcen rumoured .• • one ., • ~•ilitr. ~fr Caf• ~II and 1he 11,1,a- ~~ 11 lh~l r "tt';l ~h.co : ~i:~ai~~j . Within 1wn d• Y• lhe 111n • l,1hoUr Pan op,1ln,1 ,!en in h1< ""h for 110111 ,n11ntll lnld . hrm ~• wnuld ~fr Gair' 1n11ld hc tht 11n• •~.,fn, f, ,i,,l,dl lo• • I 10 M~ ha••• '" g~I rid nr ~" ~->:~ar• dnin1 of thtir r,eoce hnr ,. r; • old \1••1100 do~. C !en, We Thrown 0,11 or 1ht I f' ' 101 • • llfl\'(' a hy-h1w n¥11in~1 thrm In IU I, l'1.' 'f'hrn ·,;1 llt ~nd \l r . ,u,r hrl\•t ihry htt"rd w11h din~oci i t.f C I i "~ h ,,frcn ,,rnt 1hcrc ltt11ld ht nn ·,nd r rnilurc ,ur,rr \htcp/ m er,L r -, ' ' ~tv. ·, "' 1 1 11nll\ 11111 "' 1hc 11,1n,li~n i.illcr,." he \"Olin1.:il ,:.i~:, '"'"'""''\ 11 h 1 t' ,mcrn I .~,,ur l',11 I\ r,d ,t ,clf l'f ... · .. · rntnt or 4!1 HI h,, " ~( . ( •'"111111fl1, 1 inn11('m;,·(". I l h::1 \ nnn,tO\(', 'ia1d Jill. Ah:111:,"' Rl't U\t'd l(J '" 1111lr,( • \ fr ( ,dwell du"c " nh c, from 1 ,hccr, C.nn11111111i~111 1- 111,i 1'1rkli,.h l'oinl ,, re, 11, tuln111 fhc .I .r r ll mo,1c 111 Anoi tr-.r 1own :., n ( ,,nnn11n1, 1 in011 IH.'t fl, ,t .. c n1'4\ nn1 h:1\ c :. Ht ll inJ \\;I t . lo tht cnu11ni;: rleu"'"· m int 1n n,,.. h ,1 n c rn J unr , 1 ,rn 1 ,r crnrnH"',, 1 1 hrcahl· , Mr C,tth 11n1I ,ml, Ill 111- ------- · ,:, cc P 11 "t'L'Ullon• • 1 nu1 I hu tnllo,. 01, •rre rr111rnrrf \ Suul, For ,,d . Hr rnnrlc ct~III oflici31 iht 0 11ccn•l•nll I ,,t,,,111 ' '"mr lf11n1, • ll•glns ,~e/ , 1)1. Ru1 1hry nn11u'-C'1I \rl Oonor rnunril " 11 ~ hrr11r h1n~ 111o '"'.!l"' \ Olt, nr,irh ~~ ,,., 1-- --- - 1"' " h)•lit\to\ h) n t cnforc• n nt r lhc ,;, 11111 ,,. , 11 f ~c 11trn1,r , ,,( <)11ccn,. ns: 1hcm. I Tflt'f ,,.,.~ , .. \111r, Slit ~ ntl' ,1n,1n~ ,;~r''', /lll ,lone'! lnr l1,uk(I \A.t'IC: ·, he r,ound• ""1te,Jt11C'dl \ lr < .,hu·II"• 1.11mt ., • e CH ,ccrC'I Lu re, " r 1~ On\ nn,1 r,,1ult1y I 1 '""' \\ ('f'l(' n,t ,,,:n: 1un11111~ ,,,Iii· 1 rcg11tlu tn rt ll\rJcl " 11 ""' 1 ' 1hr •••t ,hm,,, 1.,,1 \ I.,) ,,11, 1., hl' 11ll11\\t1l 0 on :, Sun• ' hh, h1tl tn.lfn i1f 1hr ,n f\,•111 t ,, I wrn, 111 I nn1lfln thl) \\ hen .1, i"Hlff11\,11111 • •Art~ • tll tltttlt him 1f h,• ,,c.,I• l,11 ft u1lk1.l11tn r,11111 1hr 10 hr 1.:h:.1ac1I; no rt ·1111n v.:1, th J"r" r,'1m \ fr <, 111. 11r.1,111(', "r n111,h m.11nctl h inSl 11 ,~rn "' ,. 111 " li~htc,1 Th \ r f'II ,,f " 11111 1 1 " tttc ,u t . p.,1,,,n :rn .l 1.:1u:4 1r 11r, ~,niz chnr,i,t:tl in 1... 111r ~,n ,-: \1 1 It••,"''" ,1,: ihr ,1tcr,,. I \ ,1hl U11 t-1n. n f H, ,,hi,nr 11111 f, 1ll1m d 1hi, llf'I t,) f.~~~I P••:~ 11 .,'~.,:n ,',~C, ~.i:;~~t• 11,o rnu r ,1\1 the s:n1dcrr,rr \ I, u ,,t,,n ,n ' nnil1111 ,II ,II Ilic ll"J,:llll,t Jt,11(', nnd It°• 1hr tun,• h.,, ("'\f"f , ,n~r ~ ('('f1 r:·,~~~ "' r••t nclir1\\lflll, AIII 11111111111 d ,, , 111,~ ,11 1 1!.10111 l.!; 1111 ~11 ,~: 11 ~ 1 /,,. 1 \ 1 ~:\\t:cg~~t:: llr l!1t\,• 1 hmi itf ' 1 "" 1 " it.·nril ·he ,1,1\(', t,,ut tircn ~:;:' 1 11 // 1 ~/c 11 1 _;::~r;~:,:/,:: 1 ~~ 1 :; 1, 1 lro 1111111 rl,c 111hr \ It-, ,'1/":'... ',~/·•;1,:/ll~. ,~l"l 't'~:'..~1 Fi,..., ...,,.,.,1 .t: I: ~~ 1~::, :t~,~~i1"t '~,:, 1 \~:;;:: 11 CI~ ~•·x l Tinu' u,t1r1. ,mn \ nil lhC'n 1hc 1.:011nr 1I Ihe l'rcm,rr \f r c, f . ft ,111,,·l h,,d I :,,1 0 lohcr 11. l1n hr.d ,nv11ct1 1hr I-till u,1, llnttl .C I, w11h (11,nnr l('I ...!"1.nmt pnllcn '"': ·' 11 " CC\\(\, for ruilln, l•u•lrc. t,.,11 1hc dnnn,·~ ,,, t 1 1n1rh ,,uh 1hc t, -lnw. hr ,l:h hnct rrrvcn1rt1 h1111 I ,1,1 mnn1h. ht u ,11 Ind:• •\\('r''"'! \ r,." mnn1h\ N1 11r lnr II\( hnlH\ Im (111l– l 11r, .. tirr, he l. 1-..11 M h,1\ ,• 1 rr In 1'1,1\ 1hr f)qr rhcn 111d·rrrd .,,. \nl11111rc-1 ,•d I I\\ r ~. hr 1, ,., li11r1I .( ,,, 1,11• h ,1t hr111 il n,,rhuu= '-hh · t' h I l l"I\ f11 1 ,1 111 h;1\ l h·n 11n ,, 01'111\ \1 1 .,, .. (I,. f< ut1in ,11,rl l\ 1•il ,, 11 11d !'1 11 lhl' llt' H 11111• c: I, 11,11',. 11111 ,,f 1tu.· nurn,111 1 11, 111,,11 foll \ •,r I\ 1h,tl 11 \\111 II 11 1 11~,·d ltl C ,I ht lht ,. ~ur (111 h101 IIJl:11111