Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

"COURIER MAIL" 21JUN Brisbane, Q . Tefegrcy,~ Wednes ay, June 21, 1967 ''Worthwhile job" vo1..u ~Y Wieneke I ~ 4 • • . Mr. Ja?'es ~1eneke said today he was delighted with his appointment as director of the Queensland Art Gallery and felt sure he would do a "worthwhile job." h;~~J'1:~.,-~lad111,1~ii. d!1;~·1.:W~1 lh· -,:i cl . "The Ct1 b111et W , I , 1'1 1 h.1. llhl!-il f'd upon an w~rk ~;':/;! 111 :,:t~\\ nil\~~~:'~ Ill dt·/ ' " k11 f! Ihn t Illc 1•r.v 111 t ill' u.1, t 1 ,, u \ lo1t•t ,m (,11llr111·.-, be d ...,- ,·,.tk~ ·., 1 \ I' lw, II po,('ci or p i opr1 l.\l, ,hllilll.! lo f11HI 1111: ., L 11 n 11 11 . 1·" n ow 1111 l:kt 1 l.\' 1!1,11 nv 111•\\ 101,.' 1w --:nd '.' 1 ·~/Or " 11 rk~ 111 t l1r un \h•ry M r \\' 11•1Wkl• ... ,,1tl ; h,t! ;', 1d ,b(.'. .So ld in till' nrur ir hud work ?u ell , .11 )11 .. 'i lt11~ •· •,d ll' n". 1he ~Iun,;11 11 c;. 1 ;. 1 ' . 1_1 \\ u•n(lkc m ust m ,1kl' 1•rlt':-, nnd w11illtl 1111 · .i ''' ·'!t.·11 1mricr1.1k:11~ to ,u.,11 11110 J11.., 111 '" d in •c·• iii,• C,.dli"'r.r t.ru, ttf'~ 10 l01':,,, u,h l;(•lort· J 11 /rn ci :·cl;!-P 1 ::-,c .~ii 111_.., 1-:!tllCI'\' (0 n 1uh1·cl h i:-. •.t1.11r-- 1111 .-,i ,~ 11 -~' r I I l ht•n • . I 10J r , ..or P 1p.-.1,,\ snlcl The dt.tll lll\Hl nt •Ju· SI' !.(•o n T nm :•s rt:Jl'l'CllCC Cialh.·n T rw'!t1·1·!-. ~ir 1.i•ou 10 Di L:111gcr :1!-. brinu an Tront, .-;n 1d tocJ;,y 111 i l :\:l'<I .ippl.c-1~nt Jor t_he director• dnl,l' llfls bet'n Sf'l lu r ~1r. !-.ll_l,I~ .\\ H, .. 1111f:11_r. \\' ll'lll'kl' lo be1-: in wo 1 k , Dr L n nger s Inst np• '•Th(• T nis lL•t•:,; n11• I\Jl'/1 (1()11 !or tlw ()OSILlon ~lC'HSN.i ,, 1th !\fr. \\'.,,rwkt·'-. \~ ,\~ m:iclr lll()rP thn11 25 ,I )!)Oilllllll'lll bf" '{HIM' nuw \(.'il lS nl!O, Ill 1037," he nid. we c·un l="' ,,n \\lt i1 t hC' - -– Ill'\\ gull1•ry. · ~i ld Sir Lt·on M r. W 1t•1wk1· ~.1 1d hC tho11~ll1 t h1'1t· w11111c1 be pt·oplr 11H•·n•~tP<l 1t1 bm·– lll j! h i!; gn !IL•r~·- bnt i1e would hnq• 1'1 1111 1. 111 :-nme j t1111c a11<1 lht1IH! II Oil c,f!t•rs when 1111'~' rrw 1,,. j I M r. \\lienr·ke 11111st --(•II Lhe ~l,111•tnn (inllerfrs Wllhm I::! ntun 1 h,. of his ll('\\' fiJ)JHJlll l 111(':Jl ns Ollf' of 1111• c·nnd111on., o I h1:-- np- 1::;\n~~!t~n'1~,r~!_if Qw•t·11s- f-lr .~\Hcl h t' hacl tlP plun -. for the r11n11111g of I IH,' Q11rr·nslnt1cl An (iallerr " J'll hn,·r to l!O om r·liPJ'f' to St't' how th.nJ.!~ nn • dune bt·lorr J ro,111 :rnr Hka, or 111 ) 0"11," he :-nit!. Leave any time after July The n1·tln~ r11n•<:tor or the Ciu!li-ry , :\li!'<>s Holl\ 11 11111, ~uul l,Oda~· I hat OJf1(:1 - ullr c;Jip C'ould f111 1sh at t lw Qurcnslnnc1 An (ialll'n 0 11 J•~!Y a. _ I I pu.l 111 111y ,...-•:- gnat inn on Apl'II fi find II wns nr• fri/.~.tidin f'i\)O~ll~nl~ , 1~1~\11\!} make it d 11•tt1\'t' on A111,.!11St I. but I 1·u11lcl len w~ nny t.une artcr July Ii. wh ich i:'i lh(' _offi.-inl thrC'P 111n111hs' not ice." ~n1cl Mi~:-. H ill. I ~-ti~s Hill sn1d I hnt -~he CCl'lf\llll\' would 1101 Sin\" in Quccn'>lnnd once she left the Gallerv. \ Prnft~'-or c·. F. Prc•slt\'. ehairlll,11l or lhe Jnlrn oa r. 1 ncll Vinf' Arts Cornmillcr. wllo lw.:. opposec1 f\tr Wieneke's. nppoi111 mr n t mi l thf' j!l'OIJIHls nf W· bl'Jllf! "11np ropt' r proc·cdurf'," 10 - clny :1 11ributeri lhf' rntain co111l1IH•11s ~tiim l:i :lon In I Mr. \Vienrkf'"s nppoint • mf'11t to Ihe work or his I comm lltce. I f JAMES WIENEKE TO BE NEW 1 DIRECTOR OF ART GALLERY S UBJECT to certain conditions imposed by State Cabinet, Mr. James Wieneke will become the director of the Queensland Art Gallery. Mr. Wieneke, whose choice by the Queensland Art 1 trustees has been surrounded in controversy, will have of the Moreton Galleries, of which he is director. For review t f ~11' \Vw nrkr \\'A:- 1111 · , nl>lr tn rit="PO r 11{ hi. nllr r\' \•·1111111 1.! 111t11Hh. h lb K1Hllll1H l11('1\I \\1 1111<1 h re\'ICWNI And tlH' 1r11:-t rr woulcl /'t'l)(ll'l l>R r k tn Sll\l Cnhlllr l Cuhillt!I