Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

A llT hi • torian and critic Dr. Gertrude Lanser entered the Art Gallery fray ye • - terday with a lady-like • lam at the 9allery'1 tru1tee1, needs I he experience of "I have no faith In trnvr.l and studying the he collpctive taste of o_euer nllr.rie• of the h t \\orld, e r ustees, and it "In Au,tralla. It ts e•· eeme they only want sr.nllal thH one has a de– yea man RR gallery veloped 6"0ln&lttvlty to the !rector", she said. r:\~! ~~!l~~ie~~ ~~~ t~/~ "It wtll be a case of the ford to build up a collec- bllnd leadll\R the blind. lion. "I very much rear l,hat. "The Queensland Gal– In these clrcumst.ances. the lery hRa mls,;ed opportunl– Rallery WIil not acquire nrt ties bv not recoinl•ln1 works or any atgnlflcance early 'the ii:cnlu• of Aus- or variety," trallan painters, who now Dr. Langer, with a are In demand the world Dociorate of Philosophy In art history from Vienna over. University,' I• probably the Wh t buy highest qualified art critic en 0 ~~t ~l~~~~l~at t~:; 0 ; ~~\~:. "The irallery needs • In Paris for a yenr man who can recoii:nlse She 1,i Queensland pre- artistic merit and know sldent or the Arts council. when to buy a painting Immediate cast president even lr he might not Ilk or the Art Gallerv Soclel Y. It personally. a member or the Inter- "I do not trust their !the national Association of Art t.rustecs) taste. None of Critics, with headquarters them can claim lo be In Paris. and an executive an expert, and It seems member or the Australian t.11at under the presendt branch of the asaocll\llon. set-up of the boar , L real experts are not 8CtUrer wanted on It. "ADVDTISD" / 11~ Stolen Picasso Recovered GNlon1 Brisbane, Monday.– Police reconred the atolea P-icuso painting, worth $200,000 in a taid on a boaae to-clay, Bri • bue 11 10 raid followed Inform• ntlon received personally by the C.I.B, chief, ln,rpec– tor W. H, Raetz. lnipector Raet.z would not dlilo1e where police re– covered the painting, Lu Belle HollMndatse. Ho Sllld later tnc point• lni: was at police head· <tunrtera and did not appear to have been damaged. It Is underatood no ar– reit wns made . when the palntlnll, formerly part or the Rubin collection, wu tiClzed, The palntlnll was •tolen In a daring burglary on Juno II. A thief broke lnlo tho Queensland Art Gallery through a window 20 H. above the ~round. La Delio Hollandaise was the only t&em alolen. A.U.I', i16JUN 1967 APPROVAL OF WI APPOINTMENT 'IMPROPER' The Queensland Government was condonlnr a tbore • rblJ Improper procedure If they did no& reconsider the appointment of Mr. lame, Wieneke as Director af the Queensland Art Galler,', Profeuor C, F. Presley uld today, Proreaaor Presley spokes-1weeta, letters to the Pre&s'admltted he would conalder man for DO art lovers who and comment In It have auggeallnr to the Trualeu requeated an Inquiry Into brought to llaht a number that certain muterplecll the procedure or the of trregularltlea alll'l'ound• be sold to ral.se finance. appointment, said the Oov- Ing the appointment, "He hu no lffal rlsht to emment had decided "Most Important or these do thla, under..the ltSI An aplnat holding an Inquiry, la that not one of nearly Oallerlea Act. "I have had a letter from 30 applicants for the P,Oil• th:'[~~:S:.tt~~f~ the Mlnlater of Education Uon waa Interviewed. be re-advertlaed and that espreulng thla," aald Prdo-, One ot the applicants every application be treated teaor Presley, the hea o waa a man who had had the Philosophy Depart• eight yeara' experience In ment at Queensland Uni• one of the beat Australian veralty, public gallerlea, State Cabinet last week He had overaeu' experl• deterred a recommendation ence, normal quaUflcatlona by Ute gallery board or and first clua references. truateea that Mr. Wieneke Proreaaor Presley Hid be appointed. another reaaon tor the re- Professor Presley said quest tor an Inquiry was today: "ln the past few that 811' Leon Trout had 15 JUN 1967 BRISBANE - The Plca1150 painting "Ln Belle Hollnndalse." 1•nlued at S200,000, which wl\S stolen from I.he Queensland Arl Gallery on June 5, was re– col'ercd by police on Monday In mys1.crlous clrcum– slnnces. The Chief or the Brisbane CIB (Inspector W. Raetzo snld that, followlnR confiden tial Information received by him, delectl\'es had seized the mlS8lng painting under search warrant from a house In a Brisbane suburb. The painting had been reco1•ered Intact and being held at police headquartera, he said. Dr. Lan11er has lectured "It I• frlghtenln11 that widely on art and vll!lted the trustee• wield •uch a virtually every maJor ial- Jot or power In aelect1n1 lery and art museum In the work• of art. world, "Their l)Ower extenda to Her statement on the art dl•poslng of palntln 118 when 111llery row followed a they see flt _ perhap• '.elevll!lon appearance by paintings that ml11ht con– :he chairman of trustees fer some greatnua on our ,3 JUN 1967 Sydney, N.S.W. 1,iU1ifs" vt~~t~nwt?i~ ~~~= gallel')'. 111te on the appointment 1! ed down ,r a new gallery director. ,Urn The trustees ha1•e re~ "Some fine exhibitions - sale of" Pica:•iso ommcnded Mr. ,ramrs that were available to Welneke for the post. Cabl• Queensland have been ,1e,t. hns postponed con- lurned down becau•e they 11 matlon of the appoint- did not meet with the .n'g\~· Langer said that Sh· trustces' approval. Leon seemed to require or "In these circumstances, :he new director only II, becomes even more Im• oyalty and a knowledge of portant to have a dlrec– ,he market ,•alue or paint- tor with the qualification• lugs to guide his tru•t.eea. Yet · io l!Ulde his trusteee. Scholarshlp "There are other upecla r too A director must know "No mention Is made 0 ,. i:-~w to dtsplav art work• the need for scho\~rshlp, attractively, He needs to said Dr. LangP.r. Thi• Is know what kind of iallery ~u.\ie c':nriJi~nta director we riecd If we are to ii:et a also must have Inborn new one. sensitivity, This ls some- "We are llvlnlJ In an ex– thing that cannot be cltln11 period of Australian taught but It can be de- painting. What a tra~edy veloped by sound training, If the 11allerv Is unable to such as an art hlatorlan·• determine what I• worth- delll'ee. whll!; and what I.! worth- ' "A gallery Riso leSB. 13 JUN 1967 Sydney, N.S.W. :POLICE GIVEN CLUE TO FIND STOLEN PICASSO BRISBANE, Monday. rrw\'crcd in1arl. anrl wa, -A mystery as deep as hrin~ hrlJ al rolicc hrad– thc one in which I.a Reik quarlcrs. he ,aid. Hollnndni.,c, 1hc Picasso I ale loni~h• nohodl' had p·iinling v:il11cd a t S,00 . hct.·n ,: J_rnrgL•d hy i,olicc in o(m was slolcn fron; lh~ 1.·onnct·11on _wi_1h ihc rC'movnl • . or lhc p:1101111,c from the Queensland _Arl Gallery arl gallery '"' June 5. surrounds 1ls recovery hy nu: chairnrnn uf the nrl police today. !!;111,·ry 1r11,1t:rs. .~ir Leon ln n hricf ,11.rcnu•nr rhi" 1 roif 1; ~:lid roni,:ht he nflernoc,n, lhe Chiof of 1hc ;t 1~ 1~ 1 !:1T: 11 .1 J.?e. for an _nn Hrhlrnnt' C.I.H. lntripcclor • P _ 1 _e,,rnunc the J'1Atnl– \V, Rnc11,, -.aid d1a1 :1flcr he ;~~l :t~:.':~' 0 t to t'!i!Abfish ;in_d otlu.·r poli~·c _hntl re- :irHI whc;hl·~ 1 r 1111 e P_,cHs~o. c_c,\'(~d l·_nnfidc.1111:il 1nfnr'!1n• h1.·cn di,ma 'l't,°r nnr 11 hrul 1u,n r,nl,l'l' ,et7t'd rhc n1t!iS· r II llr ll • !.! M· . in.I,'! r,a inr in c undC'r ~r:ir(."h ,· c nllnnd:11~r W,111, . · . i,:,, rn In lhe ()11rrn~l.1ncl An w11_rr:'."' lrnrn a IH111~ ,n :, fi ;tllrn· in l'J~Q in A v11h1. Rr1._h,1nc ~~1h11rb. ahlc l"Clllr«:t,on ,,f lhe late The r,n1nr,na h•<I hren Mr H.rnl,l ne Vohl Ruhin. SIR,-lt i~ rc~ surina lorca'd lha1 Dr Bernard Sm ilh and Mr Daniel Thomas oh<erved lhc loss to A11slralio of lhc painling "C~·ossing lhe Murruy River,'' ar11st unknown (DATA, June 8). Rcccn1ly in Brishanc I was •~ockcd lu k arn 1ha1 lhc slolcn Picasso "La Belle Hollandaise ' wa~ being con,idertd for sale ahroad hy lhc lruslecs of lhe Quc1ru.la111L ArL,Oallcry. Reing rr'?h~hly.lhc finc,1 conlcmrorary rain11ng 1n lhi< co11n1rv ii should never be allowed 10 icave Ans- lral~. . JOHN Lo/ Elizabelh Bay, / ' \ '- ' BRISBANE, Monday.-The police recovered a $200, 000_ s tolen Picasso painting in a raid on a Brisbane , house today, The painting, "Ln Belle Hollandaise," was taken from the Queensland Art Gallery last Monday. The raid was led by the Brisbane C.I.B. chief, Inspector W. H. Raetz, who would not say where the painting was found. The raid was the result of infor– mation received personally by Inspector Raetz today. He said later the painting was under lock ·and key at police headquarters and did not appear to have been damaged. BACK TO EXPERTS Director·s not yet named State Cabinet yHte,-. day e1 • ln deferred •I'· polnlfflont of • · new Ouetnalend Art Gall•'f director, It wns stated that fur– ther uolks would be held wtth the gallerv I rustces before a selection waa mndr. The Gallery Board of Truslees earlier had recommended the appoint– ment of Mr J ames Wle- 11cke to the position. The Aeling Education Mlnlsler 11\fr. BJelke– Pcterscn l met I he IJoarli or Trusiccs president (Sir Leon Troull nfter Cablni for a r11r1her dlscu,u1lon o thr nppolntment. He said he expected R "cnrlv decision would b made," I Mr. BJelke-Pelersen said the matter might have to ~~x to s}tetik C•~~~et a,1~~~ I npprol'al.