Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

_ THI CO~RIH-MAIL WIDNISDAY JUNI 14 IH7 , ·La Belle 1111de! goes ••J10111e~~ I.A Hl~I.U; $200.,000 l'irn"'"o (lueens land ,\1•t r1•"h-rd11y. HOLLANDAISE. wn11 returned to the Gallery hy police Ch lel or lhe Brisb11ne lr1c1111, from polict heud· c :1.0_. , lnsp,•cto~ W. <l'lllrlcrs IO the ~allni n.1e1,.1 hn11d1•d I.he 1>11int· when rhey 100k La Bell 111g O\'CI' to ch 111rn11u1 of Hollunclrdse "homP.·• 1he gallery 11·11srecs <Slr l Tl1r1· are Detective Sen I.con Trout , in hLs of!lce ior Sergeant J . McSpor at 1.30 11.111. nm and De1ectlve ser Sir Leon .;igne<I n receipt ~enlll M. Chalmers, wh which gu~rnnreccl th11t the have li.,en nss1gned to th palntln~ would be rr - lnqulri• since 1he /'"lnlln~ u irnecl to police H ll \\'l'I'(' tli!--lll)l}curcn tt·om he gal• :-'6~~rUuJfl~~~l1\' subst'qUe11t lea•~• Un June 5. I Inspector Rnrt, •Rid the In Brisbane pnlntm '( hnd been exnm• It was recovered lnl'cl by cx1x•rts, who con- h0tase tn a llrmccl It wns the nrlglnul bunc suburb on Mon- Plcnsso. day urter Inspector Raetz I Smudged received confidential In- I lormuLlon. Sir Leon said the p11lnl- He, with McSporran and Ing was exumined by Mr. Chnlmen, sel,.ed thft J . Wieneke 1who has been l>Rlntlnl{ a!Ler a SPArch rcrommend~d by the wnrrnut wu t~ll§ued. trustees !or the position or Th• Premier tMr. Nick· :nllcry dlrectnr , and the 11111 •n Id la•t night that .,ct111g dlrc,·Lor <Miss polk e still were ln\'e&tll!A· 11ohyn 1-1111 >. tln1: the removal or the 1'11c Jmlnll ng Is 1111- r.•" 11.ln g from the Gal· ·lnm; \gr.cl apart from a erl. slight smud~e on one PPllce would IA,Y charge shoulder ol the nude. 11 thr.y obtained •u!flclen An art expert said It 111•1de11,:P., he sald. wou ld not nrt.ract. lr~rn the Mr. N 1eklln. who 11 Act• 1·alue or the pnlnLlng. tng Minister !or Police Two leading detecllvee. &aid normal p0Uce IJIVlltl• accompanied p.Jlery ol• f&tlona were IJl'ODlldilla, "AGE" ·\ 7 JUN 1967 Melboume, Vic. "An i11tt!llect1u1l ,,.,·1mrie11c,~" Sllt,-111 m,v 01>1111011 thr exh l· b11ion of Amer'ican palnttng a L the Nntlonal Gallery of Victoria 1s one or the most excit Ing and In • tellectual al'L shows that Melbourne has had the good lortune lo cx– pc-r1c11ce. IL Is lo be l101>el1 Iha: this 11·111 Jolt many Rl'I, IOl'Crs 11110 the 201h century art world. Certainly 11011e could l'lew these works withouL some personal m – \'Oll'ement. ll seems to me unimportant 11·hcther this lnvoll'e– m en t Is one of admiration or acL11·e hostlllty. As long a., ln - 1·011·ement has taken pince the art ist hM achle1·ed a 11urpose. (M rs.) .J. SSl'Df.R !South \ '•rral, · MAIL" Brisb1ne, Q . 1man's C.M.G. I' fORMER Queensland Art Gallery director t Robert Richmond C11mpbell ha.'I been awarded the C.1\1.G. ! Mr. Campbell, now or Rose Atheist.one, S.A.. Is dlrec- arv consultant tor or the Nallonal Gnl- arid member. board or lery or S011111 Australia directors, Sydney Hospital and Member or thr Com- <C.B.E.1. :Wgi~~~• 1111 Art Adl'lsory Hnrold Edward Renrree, I O.B.E.. 01 Cnnbcrrn . Com– He had prcl'tously hrrn !monwenllh Crown sollcllor awnrded an o .n .E. , c.n.K ,. 1 ~faJ~• honouni l Erncst 1,cilh White. nbeolo""' nn pr1111h• In 0 .B.E. ~t.C.. of Neutral lher • Slat•• In thr Bev. N.S.W.. rn-ro11nner 3:~~ • Rlrlhdav 11•1 In• and \'IC'r-prr"drnl , /\11strn . JOSKF., Mr. Ju, tlce \l~•Ji.t'.'_crlca n ,l ssnclnt Ion •Percy F.rn .. 1, or Bright.on, fv ictorln, Jud1r~ or the Com- Services ;monv.·enlth lnduslrlnl Court and Supreme Court. Othrr• honour•rl lntrr– A.C.T.; Aust111ll11n prcsl- •late on the mllltary 11,1. ,dent. Royal Lile . Snvlng Include :- ' ,Shoolety. In recogniLlon al Air \'ke Man1hnl t:rne• t Is ser vice., 10 the Parlla· ent. l&v.•. and Illa SRl'lng llri·. CBE. RAAF. or Can- (C.M.G,i. · berrn ,c.n.1; Air Commo- ReSCUe dor Wllllnm ,"""'')' M~•·" · O.B.E. R.~AF . ol 8111111,od. llARI, 1u .. arr, or Vic. ,i-:.n.t:. , Rabaul, Pn.pua. and Ne~· ulnea llnesmnn. Papua ltt-ar-Allmlral nd New Guinea Elect rl · llavlrl lti, mllton lty Commlulon, Jn re· R.A .N.. or ltlon of his out.stand· fC.n .F..1. r~fto:.."~~~c~ 11 ar•~~~~~I 0 ~ ~lajnr-fienml ,1ohn Janut1ry 12 1967 (BE M I Raymonn llrnatlhe11t. Otor Bell, · ' · · D.S ,O.. E.D. nr Wnhroongn. o..a.111. ot N.s.w. 1c.s.t:.1, I I\ ,\ ,., .. "l\fan sought over La Belle : ·\n i11tt•1u.,ln• IH,ll1•f> I) , 1 ..t·art·I~ \\ a,.,. =ui 11:: uu to- I ' cl;.n · fur " m ;u1 \\.tt1frd rof quri,,tlunini: ahuut thr theft of tlw 11kasso 1::i,::,'.,\'~;: 1 ·'.,ri 1 ,::;"• 11 t,:;. (Im••• ,.Janel _;\ rt G alh'rJ', Tht' 111,\11 1:,.-.,1 Suntl.1~ 111ght let t th• $200000 Pll'u,SfJ p.1 mt 1ng ut 1lle l Ci;ll'l lt.lld O rl\'f>, Bnrdon . ho1ne or ~fr,;, .Jullt> Rubin 11c 11, kr d her lo keep I ~~~Ill ,1:~l!~!1'i 1 1\~1'.y 11i1i ~l~~~~~ :l!!O, for a month bdorc returning it. ~trs. R.ubln expl.llllNI to , 1 ollce that In the lntcr,•, tsl or reC'o\'cring 1.h c p, int illl!, she ngr('cd But mi Mondny, nolit·c : ·;~:!,rd 11 nt!R~\ 1 ~·~hho,;\~r';~\~ 1 c\ I seized lhe pnlnling . The ActIng Police Com- 1 missioner. Mr. Pnlethorpc. , nld ycsrer<1ny police were , ntlsflcd Mrs. Rubin acted in good fait h . Melbourne, Vic. !l : ' . Picasso find new lllystery UHISBANE. - A 111~·111t•r~· 1til ilc1•1• 11s 1h111 in whic·h ii \lllil i1lolc•11 from Q11ce11e• luml Arl c;ullcr~· s11rro11111lo1 the rcco,·crv h~· poli1•c ~-p~IPrdu~· of I.a Ucll~ Holl111ulaii'c, a Pica11~0 p11i111i11ic worlh ' :-;200.000. 111 n lHlt•r st otcmrnt. th~ rrco\'crcd intact and '-'L' ttl cluef of Bl'lsl,nne CIB •In- rreSl'n t bring held at pollc• :;prt:tor W. Fleet1.1 sa id tha t. lrQciquartcr:s. 1,,11ow1111,1: co111ldential 111 - Furthrr ln\'estlgallonl lormetion rccch·rd h,· lum. were bt?mg made. Detecth·r Senior Sergrnnt .J. Bcl'ond this. poUce re• l\tc~uona11 n11d Oetec:ti\'c- fusr d lO comment. Scrgenn r ~, . Chalmers scizen Late laot night. nohodJ u ,c mis.s111g pnln tlng u11drr had been charged by polic1 srnrcll wnrra nt from a house in ronncction with lhtt 111 A Brisbane •uburb. 1't'mo1-al of lhe palntlng :rom Thn alnlln1 !1Rd been t:,e art gallery on J un• ~ -_J,:leg,9ph,. ,lP.es.f/qJ,,, )fine, I~, ,.1147 1 • . ' ' 1 • ;.3 4¥.~, ,-AV.,¥_ _ _ •- ! ' .1:c 1 ~~~ ,f •·-· ~~ News may ruin Picasso probe' Rel~s~ of further information about the recovery !'f th! p~1nting_ La _Belle Hollandaise could ruin police 1n!•~tigahon of its disappearance, the Acting Police Com• m1ss1oner, Mr. Palethorpe, said today. He 1aid police inquiries were continuing. .Any further news would depend on developments. The OIB chief. In•-- Police were "lven n re- ~lned all along to I-Or W. 11. Rad•, wcJay celpt., empowerJng IJiem 10 the latter theory bul I do conferred wl!Jl top lletec- take over the pnlnlin~ not. hnve enough evidence ttves on IJle case. D•I••· aaaln. ln the event of it.s yet lo say so deli11lt.ely" he live 8r11lor SerJe•nt J. being required 11.s en ex- snld ' McSporr•n and Det•cllv• hlblt In env luture co11rt · Srrieant M. G, Chalmers. ororcedln"•· InQ•~f!~ns P~~ifa~nfk,:: The $200,000 Piros.so. An art expert will check August nbout the recovery stolen from the Queens- the pain ting !or damage, or LR Belle Hollandatae. land Art Gnllery on the The raid which re• ~tgh;.,fl~/'l~e : - ;:-.~~ s~~•~ co,·crrd t he painting wns !Way be raised house In R Brisbane orgRn lsed by inspector 1n Parliament suburb yesterday R ~cLZ altA'r hn1 Ing re• · · ce11·ed conlldentlal lnf,,, . The Au.,trallan Labor At l.!lt p.m. tcMlay th• mntlon , He swore ou1 u Pnrtv member !or Brls• palntlnir wu h•nd•d srarch warrant. bunc M1·. J, H. Mann, aald back to the chairman of It Is understood police 10,tn1• the public should be trustee, of the 1r11l1ery, hnve not released the a<I• rold the run !acts sur– Slr Leon Trout, by In- dress where t.1,e palntmg ro11ndlng the recovery or 1pect-Or Ruta. at police was sel1,ed as they do not the painting, headquarten. wish t,, embarrass lnno- "It seems st.range thllt cent people. the police will not give any Mr. Pnlethorpr said to• mrormatlon about the re- day he did not l:al'e cm·erv. or who stole It," ,enough Information Lo <le• hr. snld. clde whether the thell hnd "H t.he myst.ery naa been nn art. robber)' or n been cleared up by the mlsehcvlous net. Au~ust session or Parllll• ~'t~~ti ( 1 _.~•111 nsk questions The Art. Gnllery Ja In Mr Mann's electorate.