Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

"NEWS" 26JIJ~ , ., ,:, Adelaide, S.A. "TELEGRAPH" N 1 67 e,t,ban•, Q. ~ PICASSO noun Gaoled on gun charge IRISBANf, Toda,: I New Zuh114er n, 1ppearn II I. lwae Naglslr1les' C11rl lldar charged with lht theft 11 1 Picasso palntlnq was senleaced Ii a 111011111'1 1111 111 1n1lher ck1rge. Robert Ronald Richard Ferguson, 22. laborcr. pleaded RUllty to havlnir had a loaded concealable 111 ,' u1·m In his l>OS.Sesslon nt t,he time or his anest on U,c theft chnr~e. He was chnrncd with hnl'ln~ on or uuout June 6 broken nnct entered the Pavilion of llw trustees of the Queensland Art Gal– lery and stolen the pnlnt– inl{ "La Belle Hollandaise:· valued at $200,000, the r~~p;:h~r~-'. the trustees of He wns further chal'l(ed with hnvlnq on June 26 nt Mar~atc had In his l>Ollses– slon a .45 auto-loadlm, pt•·tlll. noot brln~ the holder of a licence to carry n concealable flre– ann. Objected Chief Police Prosecutor Insp. W. D. Slml>Son asked for a remand nnt-11 Jul:v 4 on the theft eharae and said he would ob.lect to ball being Rranted. Ferguson. he snld. had been In Austrulln onlv six month.~. Mr. Noone. SM. mended Fe~uson until Jul.v 4 and allowed him ball or 11.000 with two aeparate sureties of Sl.000 each. , BRISBANE,. ,Sunday.-A -2-ycar-old i.liourer will 1 appear in' Brisbane Ma~istrate's Court 10- • mor~ow charged .with the theft or the Pica~•o paintina. La Belle Hollandaise. The man was char11ed with breaking and entering the Queensland Art Gallery, and with stealing the painlinp. J\JM' }.' ; Accused of art theft ( BRISBANE. - A 22-vear– old lahourrr wn~ rhn.r.i:::~ct on Saturday night wllh , he lheft or lhe "Lo Bolle Hol• londnl"'" palnUng. He was nrrc,tcrl fnlln wlng a vl,ll to • flnt In the Bris– bane •uhurb or Margate bv two detectives on S~l.nrda~ morni ng, nctccllves questioned him during I he day nt C.1.8. hcndqunrte.- and at I he Queensland Art Gal!cry. The man wns ehar1tcd wllh breaking and cnlcrlng the Qucenslnnd Arl Gallery •nd wllh stealing the paint, Ing. ?F Man, 22, remande_d on La Belle charge A young New Zeolonder was remonded for eight days in the Magistrates Court todoy on o charge of hav– ing stolen the painting Lo Belle Hollandaise from the Queensland Art Gallery. On another charge of having had a loaded concealable flre– • r111 in hia po11e11ion at tho time when he waa arrested on Saturday, he was sentenced to a 111onth'1 jail, Robert Ronald Richard The chief POllce orosc-ri H• first came from New Ferguson. 22. loborer. was cutor. Inspector w. D. Zealand In 1963. returned charged wllh having, on Simpson said It would be there In 1965, and came or about June 8. broken nlle~ed thnt Fe1·1tuson had back lo Australla In and entered the pavilion climbed on to a scar- Nol'ember last year. or the Trustees of the foldlni: nt the side of the FeJ·guson, who applied Queensland Art Gallery 1:nller.v forced a window for ball, told Mr. Noone, and stolen the Palntln1: on the t.op floor with s SM, his father was coming valued at $200.000 the screwdriver. entered the here from New Zealnnd. prope1tv or the Trustees Premises and taken the N of the Gallery. oulntina. ~t~cl~~~ 1Y 11 ~ipe~l!;r s~::,C: Asking for a remnnd son said Ferguson had until July 4. he snld he gone to Sydney at dlf– would object to bail being ferent time ·since he granted. came to Queensland sl~ Ferguson. he anld. was a months ngo. nath•e or New Zealand. lie had ll\'ed In a Oat where his parents lived, at Margate since the date and on this occaslona he or the alleged theft or thr. hod been In Australla only painllng. six months. Detective Inspector Perth, W.A. •? Allege_tl art thief gaoled on gun count BRISBANE, Today: A young New Zeal– ander charged with the theft of Quee_ns– land's Picasso painting La Belle Hollanda1se, was torlny gaoled for one month for having had a loaded concealnble fire arm in his possession. ,~ poliei, p1·osi,cutor Labourer Robert Ron- ~a id of the the ft that It old Richard Fergnson would be alleged F e i·gu– (22) wns chnrged wllh son hue! climbed on to a having hrok,,n and enter• scaffolding at the side of ed the trnslces' pavilion the nrt gallrry. forced a of the Qucenslnncl Arl lop floor window with a Gallery on about June 6 screw driver e nd had and stolen the $200,000 1nkcn the painting, painting. Ferguson was snhl lo be H e was also charged a native of New Zealand, with having had In his where his parents Jived, possession on June 26 at had been In Austl'Hlla Margate n .45 auto-load, only six months. ing pistol, not being the Fc1·guson was remand– holder of a firea rm lie• cd until ,July on the the ft eh11r1w. "TIMES'' 2.SJUN 1967 Canberra, A.C.T. I .1'an on art theft charge BRISBANE, Sunday. - A 22-year-old labourer wu char1ed on Saturday niaht with the theft of the Picas!IO ~alntin1, La Belle Hollandaise. Slmpaon said his lnforma– tJon was that the Child Welfare Department In New Zealand considered rir~,:~ab:~i1d ~ro~~~[ Mr. Noone remanded Fergul!On until July 4 and allowed him ball of $1000 with two separate sureties each or $1000. Jalled on firearm ch • rp Ferguson plended guilty to the chnrge or hnvln'I, at ~~ofif:'~~~ss1g~u!d.~~ ~I~ nuto-londlng pistol, not being the holder or a licence lo carry a conceal– able firearm. Detective Inspector Simpson snid that when Detective Senior Se1·geant McSporran and Detect-lve Sergeant Chalmers Inter– viewed Ferguson nt the Margate flat on Sn-turdny they round the pistol under the mattress at the head of the bed In his bedroom. The pistol was loaded with alx llve cartrldg five In the magazine an one In the chamber-an the safety catch was In th off position. He said Ferguson to! the detectives he h stolen the pistol when h saw It In a hotel In New South Wales while drink• Ing there three or four months ago_ but he de– nied having used It or car– ried It In public. Detective Inspector Simpson said there was no suggestion Ferguson had had the pistol for any ul– terior purpose or at the time he was alleged to have stolen the painting. Publlsh!XI b\° Ttlt1r1oh NtWI• l>l lltr Co. Pty. Ltd., IM orlnkd bv Ourenil::ind NC.,!U'.IIDtrA Ptl'. Ltd., C • mobell Btrc,t. Bo1'en HIiia, Rt1llltettd Jn Au~lt1ill1 tor tr11n~mlS.1!on b)' POSl I S I n,.,. Ulll>fr. • He was arrested follow• in• a visit 10 a nat In the Bmbane suburb of Mar111e by two dctectivea on Satur– day mornin1. 2 f JJJJl :·.. ··, Detectives que,tloned the man during the day at CIB headquarters and al the Queenlla111l.Ar.LGlllery. He w,iic!iii,.ed with breakina and entcrrn1 the Queen1- land Art Gallery, and with stealing the painting. He Is to appear before 8rish11ne Mngl,trates' Court tomorrow, at IOsm. [The painting valued at S200.000 disappeared from the Queensland Art Gallery on June $. II w11 recovered ei9ht days later.) Remand over Picasso theft ..NZ man in court BRISBANE. - A New Zealand man who appeared in the Brisbane Magistrate's Court today charged with the theft of the Picasso painting "La Belle Hollandaise" w 11 sentenced to a month's gaol an another charge. Robert Ronald Rich- Mr Noone remanded r Ing In his• possession \\•hen ard Fer,ruson, 22. labor- Ferguson until July • on nrrestcd a .45 auto-loading Cl' was charged with I.his char~e nnd allo11·ed I f)istol ont l:Jel n!I' the holder having on or about June him ball of SIO00 with two of n llcencc to carry a 8 broke n and t . d se1mrnte •urelles or SIOOO concenloble flrcm·,n. · en et r. cnch. Mr Noone sentenced the pavilion or the trus- Ferguson plcadccl h'llllt)' him to one month's gaol tees of the Queensland to etllolher charge or ha1•- on this ch,u·gc. Art Onllcry and stolen t he painting valued nt $200,000. t he property of the truRtees of the gallery. "\ ~ - - . . .,. . 1 ' • f •""'- I _ t • .