Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

;,.-. .• , Cairns, Qld . ·,. . 1'J6/ Brisbane, O . I • ' . vl: Art 'on display 'f'HE 1op1Clll u1le or '·Exp11·· hR.S bePn l.! l\ a-11 10 1hr Rr ~l1m,:ing Rl'rllllRed 1>1• thr Cln\'firld Klndercnrtrn Assocla llon /or Saturda,·. Julv 15. a nd : 11ndar nl !he klnderRar– en. The "Petit Exp0 d'.'\rt" •Ill Include prlvatelY- ,.,. owned wo1·k.s or Charle.• •- ..........,..,.01,'· Jackman and olher Aus- ' : Jij ~ 1 :@: I I I Li ii!U j I ·~ • ";.'':,·",,,~•.-.,.":,,· .. , .... ••,. . ~:~::::~~;:o~~;:~~:;: amlcs, and phnlo~raoh3 Budget battle will complrl-• the exhibl- and art clash In the midst of battle over the council budget, the city was able to find time and combatants for a patrol on the arts front, and prove, thereby, that we are a balanced society that does not live on bread and butter issues alone. As the wh iffs of grope were be– ing popped bock and forth across the council table, the patrons of the arts took up their ball po ints to write such an avalanche of words as has ever rumbled down the columns of the Press. This wns the lmck~rn1111tl .lnb j1fH! 1hr IC"rlfler of the cnnvn~ to the nppnint- 11ppo...,,111111 CIIIZl~ti!,' :\111111 - 1 mcnt of Mr. • J. Wcinckc us cipal Or~un1sn1io11 lAlrl director o( the Quccnsl;rnd Crnwfm d I makrs 1 lw pnint. ;\rt Onllcry. T lw contrn- ns it \H•rr. thnt tlw mall– versy was nut 1du ny/'i n mnn·s huJ.: nn rnte nnftl'C delicnte wntcr l'Oiour uf • cl<'li\'rry dav will 1•11nt 11i11 fair' nnct f•verJ·hnctr •n only tlw , irus 11r 1111_•la11- Brlsbnnc s hnu lct k11nw bY chnlln. now U1Rt here we lrnvc A Alrl. Crnwf nrrt rlnss1flr,rl Quccnslnnct Art Onllcn•. the bud,ict n~ n ch >rumc-ttt Mr. Wcinl'kC hnS the of ·•111i. 1 a:rf" RIHI lhP vir e- t backing of the Art Gnllrry i\1arnr I Alcl. Wn l~h I took Trust nnd Slntc Cobinct n frw shor t stc•ps 1 l 111.I.! the nnd thnt Is mnre thun 6Uf- snmc rourt h,\' r 1u1cccling flcient reason for us. 111:11 ns n set ,,r c iid f ig– uri•~ it cnuld he dt:iscribcd as "~£'\ l'rC'." Brlsb.lne, Q People, Parties and Places Clayfield Kindergarten As– sociation has come up with a novel name for an art exhibition to be held at the kinder• garten premises in Bayview Terrace during the week– end of July 15 and 16. Cnlled n Pl'lil ·1,;,:po d"n rt, tl1r t•xhlbllln11 will lt1<'1udc Hi pnlnt!n:,!s ll'nt h" rht' Qtu•,•nslnnd Art r.:11\Pn · :\ munl! - nrtt~ ~ r~J'}rt'M'll!Pcl wlll lw Wlll1a m D ,twll , n 11-.:-:1•l\ Urysclnlf'. Gr,,n:r l.am- lH'rl . T om H,)brr t." ~lr J·f.lH~ H1•v~f'I\ nod Sir Arthur Rtret·tnn Thf'rr nl~o Will hi n d1slp1' \' nf po!ti•ry. p h OIO!.(nlflll", 1111(1 l't'l'll - 111H'S Thr F.-.:po. 1 .\ 111, 11 Is In ulcl 01 k11,t1••1( 1 nr·H•11 11111di; will lll' ntlwrn\l,· 01wnrf1 lw Ur. (ir rtrwlr l.1m 1:1•r nt n H11 ·111.tl A little expo of art for funds f tm r· tlnn on ~nt 11 rcl:1. ,· n h:111 . A 11111111! l1 1r :!Oil s~I;!): i_ hl 1 ~;:!~ dl.ro\ \'~:,o~~ ol J\s1·0I , :'\tr. and :'\tr,. S,•,·illt• Stit t. 01 C:lay l1l'lci !\IHI .\1r. itlHJ ,\lr,. .f nhll. ~torri.~. ot Cl;1_vf\l'ld ::t,;.. l;, "'il'!-11,;';;:.,,;.,,,