Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

"MERCURY" Hobart, TH, ·~ S .I IIL 196/ ' l<-</2 . Two art prizes to be won THE Queen1land Art Gal– lery i1 1eekinr entriu for two memorial prizu for painting, and drawinr1, 1 and they close on October \ 23, 1 The first is the H. C. i Richards memorial prize nfl $525 for a painting on any !iUbjcct in any medium, and the sccou<t the I,. J. Har•1 vcy ncmorlal prlrn of $80 for a drawing or any &Ub· Ject In any medium. In both c1111 !ho ontrlH must be tho orlgln1l work of the competitor ond must hive boen exoculod during tho two yHrl procodlng October 23. I Painlin~s will remain the properly of the artists, but the conditions prol'lde that the trustees shall be given the first option of purchase. The winning drawing wlll become the property of the Queensland Art Gallery. The judge In each com– petition will be Mr. Robert Campbell. A *H -p,in~nR ,: R•l-1 lrl\', ,·"lurd .1r rlnst to SI 000 "'" optntd in TOO- 1\IOOMBA vrmrd,y. h \· lor,11 moi;1 ur for * A faceless cllreetor {T'S romfortini:- In hP.nr from the Qt1P.P.11,,.lnn1I Art Galler\' Chalrmnn of 1'rnster"' (Sir I.A'nn Trout) that the <i°nllrrr 1,,. In the ,·er~• hest of hnnd"'· But llrn (Jtlcst ion is: Whosr lrnnds? Who is presenlly directing lhe Ga llery? This 8ir Leon will not tell. U nder the terms of hiR 11ppointme nl the nrw direclor (Mr. .lame11 Wieneke) cn nnot I a ke ur t.he post until he disposes of his Moreton Gnlleries. The previous director (Mr. Lamie Thomas) lefl town weeks ni:o. And lhe Aeling Director ( Miss Robyn Hill) rtlso has left t he Gallery. So who does this lenl'e In cl111rge . LR Belle? Apart from other disrp1nlificnlio n11 ><hP s,•nr,·ely could attend II meeti ng of our trueteeR, c lnrl ns s he is. THE COURIER-MAIL FRIDAY AUGUST 4 1967 , LETTERS lo the ED.ITOR GALLERY situation seen as Gil~M'iian fT i,- \'l•ry reas:-uring for the ~ l:nrs of Brishanc, many of whom ha\"c worked s ilenuuu:-h· for adr.111ccmt•nt all!I knuwlccll,!l' of nrt in Bri~ha1u• for lhc la:-t :10 ~·t•ars nr :-o, lo hear lhat lhc .-\rl 1;allery i:- "111 \'Cr~· J.!m!rl hands" (( ',-!\I .. :1-S-lii) e,·en thnUJ.!h tlwre 1s IHI\\' no ,lircctor nor any tru:-tce, 1111 lhc hoard wilh what l'Olllcl 11as:- a:- a l,m,wlelll,!c of art or nrt i:-allery llllllHIJ!l'IIICll( The s et-up nt preRcnt wou ld mn ke n marvellous theme for- ~ Gilberl nnd Sll lli\'a ll c:nmic n pc ra. T wo first - 1•\f.1.!;S citr~rtors :rnd two \'f• ry good nss1:-t n_n ~ dlrN·tor~ hn\'C rr:-t~ncct OH~I ll1e last SC\'Cll yrnrs-1H~l to mrntion two rul\.\· <1unltrterl nr~1/~~-~- 1st ~ 1 ~r- thr~e rr:ilgnn– tlons'/ Wouldn't it be rcn– sonnble to suppose Ihnt th~ Gm ·ermnr.nl m l~hL think tlrnl something wns ,n on~ somewhere. nnct tl1nt 1-lll in• quin · wa i;; <·nllrrt for~ 1r'thr. :--itu nt lon w:1s not so pllll\r t \r, an cl :-.0 d:it1lnl!– lnp: 10 tl,e pr<'sl11!e of 011r Stat e, it would hr int.rns~ly amusln~- bul, nnt at nil 1e– nssur!ni;::: ! _ l)aphne Ma~·o, 140 Glarlstone Road, Jllgh– ~•t• Hill, tlr~i!!~•r~~l~l~f.e I~ rml11~:,~ In hlue l'halk ,:-oua,•he anrl a little oh on cnrrl– ho:trrl - !ihe rarr.d wrll. Hut , he ,~ an nlrl ram1u1l(ner - In hrr •lxtl•• - nnd 11lrrnrl.•· IH-al'!I lht !!<'AC. nr R lnlrl– lna 11,ome t'111ln1 trarln,:-1 at lhe h:rnrl~ or onr or hrr rnrlv nwnrrs. Aud -.hr Is ~, ill wurt h 'iinmr ~:rnn.1100. "\\'r'rr tlrn nk rul h,.,·r hrr ha•·k." :calrl ~nllrr,· fllrrrlor I i\tr. .tin, \\'lrnrl,r1. 1111r111,t n ,t:" rrnm thr Morrlnn Gnllr.r.,· ,·rs~ trn1;1,·. "I'm ~""C thrre -will -he a lot or people whn want to !lff: her now, "She's certainly had " lol of puhllrlty. I , upr,n•• all th- thlncw stlmulale lntrrefit," I On Tne•d•r nl,rht • R~~~~~I cn'!~~ 1 ~urk 1 ~t~~~ Fcrt:mmn, 22, of New Zralanrl. nol Julltv nl a c·h .. •·~• nf ho,·ln,r broken ond enltrcd Jhe Quttn,– l•nd Art Gallor.,· and slnlen lh• polntln,r. fr.r,:-mwm w11i1 round gulll)· nl hll'lnJ unlaw– full.v dnma~ed a wlnrln" !ram• llurlni hi, tutry Into thr. cnllrr.,· on or ft hoot .rune fi. anrl ,~tu: ! 'lrntr.rn ·rtl to three month,' .tall.) "ADVERTISER" Adel1ldt, S.A. The Tnistecs of QueenslAnd Art the have a nnounced th Oallcry e t,,rnis