Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

•J;;y;5···q~ick le,~~ at La Belle T HE $200,000 Picasso painting La Belle Hollandaise '",as returned to a Police Department stronl('~oo1~ 1 ~ c.stcr– day after it was shown ns.an _exhibit at the n1strll'l Court No director 1n Art . Gallery trial of a man (·harl('ecl with its theft. As Roon ns the Crown lw11s sntisfied Lhr I 11ublh- 1 • ct·c1 not epprecrnt.e L. . opened its cnse t he · He ndmlt Lrd 10 poller ,Picasso nude painting I hn l he tnok I hr pnr'°tlt~~ , was unwrappnrt and ~~·/ 1 ~!~(' 1\ 1/~. ini/~;~1~r\i n~ Pri\r 1 shown to the j ury. · ow1wr!ii nf tlH' rrntn thlR of I Thrn .Judge Tnvlor ,1. . . . directed Lhnt nrrnnge- Mr. o·oen said Fer ~u,011 1 ment.s br 1t1Rclr for Its dr- snld he was ~oln~ to kre_p 1 1ive!'I' 10 the Commls- it for his own sntlsf11 c- sio11rr or Police. lion. bul chan~rd his ."" " (I His Honour told the Jury bc_cnusc he f~lt ,~~ ~'r"~'/,!I that this wns In thr II\• lair lo the " ldo lt tcrrst.s or srcurlty. Rlld br: man who donated . cause of Lhr pulnt:ng • .r 0 profit value nml Lile risk of 1~ dnmage from hnndl!n~. Jn evldt•nce yesLerdny He said the painting Oelecllve Sen ior Sergeant could be returned to court J . McSporran. who Inter: at short notice, 1! re- viewed Ferguson. told M1 . qulred. E. o. Broad , for Fer- The Picasso. guarded by guson, that Ferguson de– senior detectives. was livered the paint m g t•ken away In the back of voluntRr1ly to Mrs. Rubin. a police utility. There wns no suggestion On trial is Robert of any attempt of mone- Ronalct Richard Ferguson. tary profit. 22, laborer. or Cowen McSporrnn said It was Street Margate, formerly not correct that he had of New ZcalRnd. tried by hook or by crook "Took It" to obtain evidence of the Intention to deprive the He pleaded not guilty owners permanently of the to charges that on or palnttng. 111 about June 6. 1967, he The trial w broke and entered the today. pavilion ol the trustees of the Queensland .vt Gallery and stole the painting; and further that he wllfully and unlawfully damRged R window frame, the property of the trus- te¥i,e crown Prosecutor cMr H W. O'Deal said It was 'alleged that Fer– guson told police he took the pRlnt1n1 becau.-. he THE Queensland Art Gallery is still without a director in residence. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sh: weeka a10. the - - - - - - -1 J~/::::! 11 :Vfe~1 1 eke ~ , dl:e~~ ' •• ~ 1 ··..L,,.,.';1 t1.4•((.i(: I ~~.~,,·;:n:~w "i,~.II•rtahl::-:,~ •nhJect to hi• dlspo.al o! THI COURIER-MAIL THURSDAY AUG JO 19117 the Moreton Gallerle•, which ·he owns. The <laller)''1 pre,·Jou1 Last word on La Bell ~!,~~~~-. ::i·,...,et•url~ N OW that the case of the mls!llng 1...a Belle I Ma)', been 80h 1 ed, th~ e,·Idenre sifted In court, II rk!cs!:1·;:ayhei\trhaJ\'l~~ 1 l 11 punishment a\\'ardetl, the best thing for Quee :~:~ 11 ~~::s.. !~chin!10 ~~;~h~ IRnclrrR to clo Is to lei the muller die. lni: to announce yet," he This goes for Rli those Quecnslnndcrs Who hL said, a feeling for their GA iier y, and should Include 1. The Queenal&nd Art Crown. W ·hich is considering an appeal over t. Gallery 'l'ru,teea' chair– man ·,str l.eon Trout! case. The jury and the judge In the CBl!le he, wa• aoked )'et1terday Bpoken and, In all the circumstances, t he matter ' when Mr. Wieneke would take up hi• apJIOlntment. best left with their having the last word (unless t. "I'm not prefared to man convicted wants to appeal). ""l'," said Sir .eon. The whole e1, isode, arising from the appolr· Sir t.rnn •al.t' th11t JIii•• d llohrn 11111 had left the ment of 8 new director, has mnde Qucenalan 1 ; 11 iirrr. ,she wH the laughing stock In the Australian nrt world. Ar Acting· . Director, but resl,rned 1. He would not the State does not deserve that. name her replacement. Our Gallery, In the last decade or two, has d, "\'nu mn real aa•ured veloped from .one of the worst In any capital cit th~d f';:1~"JI.. I• sl~ ~ln to one for whtch we no l?nger have ~eason to blue ;:ld. a • Let's get on with t he Joh ?f makm~ t~1e Galler • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • better instead of remembering past mctdcnts an 11 o/ Qi -~ "'Jf "7 \!,'f 1"'' STATE Parliament got down to business yesterday, its first work– ing day of the session, with a near-record number of 51 notices of questions. Government members beat A.L.P. members to the punch by seeking the tabling of ministerial expenses, overtime payments, and payments to solicitors and barristers. It has been trodit 1 ional Opposition members to seek tion . Th e q11cslion• we re from both sides of I he bnl principnlly from Opposition mem – be rs. j The,· rnnc;?ed orrr a \1dclr port ·of Governmr n1 Rd – mlnlstr•t lon and dealt with such sub.lecls ns dn.v lRbor. rncllo nctMt ,•. electrlclt,· nrlccs, clnss i-oom RCcom • rnoclnlIon. rood nddlllves. rn lnlnR lenses. hospll.nl . local nulhorll\'. nnd rni l– wnv mnf"rrs. water cnn~er- 1·n•ion. Wilbur Smtih plan cnst!!i, coal t.xPorf!i 11.nd rn,·nllles. mnln rond,. ap– prentteeshtn,. nnd teach– l'T5 l'!t"lltltr o, 1 er~rn~. ers uet'n's- , y. --- l r e Yeron2a 1 onve notice or a aucstlon 1,e would ask I he Aellnq Prrm lcr •Mr Chalk! about the Bennett reoort on Brlshanr Citv Counrll htnd– denllnqs Resignation tn a .~c1·1es or ouestlon~ chn l will be ctlrrrted bv Mr. L!o,·cl ' A L p Kedron I lo 1hr Prlmar,· Industries Ml111srer f ~tr Row) lodny wn.' ll rrfflrrnre to I he rrc– cnl resl~nnllon or Mr. JJcwnr 1Llb. Wa\'rll t as lndust.rlal DC\·clonment llllnlsler Mr Llovd nsked \\'OS, It n !net tha t nn nppllrat lon ,,·ns rcrclvcrl for n konln ~nnctu11ry prrmt· rrom , hr fi rm comonlv called T he Ons is In Brls• bnne. nnrJ did such Rppl!– rnlton crentc consldcraolc dis 0 rnslon when It ca me hr lore t.11r Queensland en bi net for t1lscus51on, end was 11 onr 01 1hr !Re• ] I.or ., lnlluencln~ 1,hr rr- 1 lh·cment or 1,he rnr.mDCr for Wavrll o., JnduMnall .1·rlop~1ent ~~-l~tcr.