Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Art Gallery ... Sir Leon to the attack To the Editor •">f '/·~ S O The Courler-1\tall and The Sun~~l11il have joined the ranks of the lrrespon– • lble erltlcs of the Queensland Art Gallery Truatees. Iu the Courier-Mall •ub1bclng carried out by a clea– leader on the 4th Instant, It nc1·. Thi,; i. al50 untrue. stah'<I under the head 1 • most mlaleadlnl and quite ' 111g of A Faceless ~ • unneceuary, rector: "Under the terms ot "Peo le In 1lass houses ~1:ec~gr~~m~~~::~rei:i~ should pnot throw sLonjsi" eke canhot take up the po- ~ 1 ~ 1~, t:::aa~.:e~ft ~ \,; sltlon untU he d 111BP O~!!• or levelled by theae two neWti• Ins Moreton 0a e1·y· t the 0allery Thla statement Is false. rr~:e~ a It' la only fair to On the 21st June, 1967 • Th~ su est that I! there la MllY ~~ur 1w1~:Jiesa~1111i)'J~g~.; 1alf or errtclent mana1e- r. DI to or the mcnt It Is not In the Art t:ec:i:nd .{:f O~llery . .. Gallery but In the office oJ t::J~:t to • ~tte~e u:!Mci ~n•=~l•~r ~J ~i:!e uae his .lieit endeavours to newspapers. dispose or hie Oallery to a 'Great p' ower' 1tran1er. "U Mr. Wieneke waa A public newspaper hu unable to dJ1p0se or sreat power but It hu a his oallery wlthfn twelve areater responalblllty to,Ila months hla appointment s u b ac r I Ii era , Its share– would be reviewed.'' holders and to the public ' " Mr. Wleneke's appoint- print the truth and surely ment was confirmed In the one or the. elementary Queensland Oovernment duties or a leader writer la Gazette on the 24th June, to seek the truth and to 1987 · and u arranired on read hla ol!'n newapaper that' date, he will take up be r ore att.ackln1 other full time duty not later people and caualn1 such than the 24th lnat.ant. unnece11ary concern. Endeavoura have been In view or this untrue made to - If Mr. Wieneke editorial one would natur• could aasume run time duty ally wonder how much or 1 earlier than thla date. the other edltorlala ahnd "Mlsleadln•" . subject matter In t la • newspaper la equally Calae. Thla mlaleadlnir and un- Surely the Directors of true statement made by such a laree company t.he leader writer on the should be able to obtain 4th Auguat has cauaed comJ)!!tent leader wrltel'II considerable concern and I su11e•t that before arnon~t the readers or the crltlclalnr other peo11le or news per, 11peclally those oriranlaatlons they ohould 'l , who have a deep set an example by puttlnl ~ e In the Gallery. their own house In order. . The unday Mall or Au- The Sunday Mall cartoobe,~!! ' L 8 published a car- depict.a thP Oallery u,. ... stlnir that the run by a , 1eantna woman, , · -~ 1 e Director were which or .:ourae la quite untrue and thll cartoon show • lll'IVe lrrespomlblllty lnJ!1o~~blh~ 0 ~ewspapera make any more Irrespon– sible attacka they should aPl!IOll'lae to the Truatees and also to the combined 1100 000 odd subscribers to both newspapers, the share-holders, advertisers and to the public tor their trreaponslblllty and In• competence. Leon Trout, Cbalnnan of Tnt11fta, Queenalanll An GallWJ. <Nowhere In Bir Leon'da A fan!aronade hu he tol , who la dlreetlnl the Galle• ry until Mr. Wieneke takes ui, ~ ~UQi:1--. o~.) "HERALD'' Melboume, VI :. 7AU6-0 ._____ -- --- Picasso th-eft 1 -man ' , 22 in court IRISIANE. - A. 22-year-old m1n,· charged with the theft of a $200,000 Pic11eo painting, told police he used it to shield his head from the rain, a lrl1bane ~ourt w~• told today. He said he held the pain ting face down so It would not be damaged. Robert Ronald Rich• Redcllfte. he told police he ard Fer1uson, 22, lab- had taken thr. painting, orer, pleaded not guilty He snlct he hod read that to having stolen the someone hnd plnnned to painting from the sell the palntln~. Hr Queensland Art Gallery thought the public c11,1 not on or about June 8. ' ~Fcfe~c•:~tia~~ f t~n~e k~io The plllnting, "t.~ Belle It for his own saUMnctton. HollAndalse," wrapped In Asked If he Intended to packlnq, WAS prnp1>ed rle11rlvc the owners ncr– l!llllnst the wall of the rnnncntly of the pnln' lnu court today when the trial l'e1·uusn1i snld : "Yes t ,11c1: began. It w11:-; not until some da,\•s The Crown prosecutor, IRter that I changed my Mr W. H, O'Oea, said the mind." . P&lnUng was recovered In R rcrnrd of hlt en·Jew rrom the home of Ml'!! rend by Mr O'Drn. Fc1·– Julle Eleanor Rubin In the gu•on snln he went to the Bdrlabane suburb ol Bnr- gnllerv nbout. mldnluht on, on June 12 on the climbed the scnffoldlnR: execution of a 11earch wnr- and prised the window rant. open "'II h n scrcwrlrl-Jcr. Mr O'Dea Mid that when Fet·g11son snld he \\TRI>· Perauaon WM round nt J>Cd n blanket nrormrl the pnlntln~ nnrl drove ofT to– wnrcls Rrdcll!Te, On the ll'AY he stOJ)J}ed And hid Ihe pnlntlnu In thr bush. ~tlll wrnppecl · In the blanket. "TELEGRAPH" ··· -, 8rls1Mne, 0 ·---------------- / Start on La Belle trial e MAN PLEADS NOT CUilTY The $200,000 Pica,ao pal11ti119 La lelle Holla11dia1e wa1 propped a1al111t the wall of the District Court today when the trial began of a 111a11 charged with it1 theft. Blankets nnd other ar- 1found the ground !loor "BORDER MORNING MAIL" ,--.....,"""'!"~~, 1 "_·_•-..: 1 N.s.w Crown may appe.l ['1~/:is1 11 i1~ur~.ere brought ~~Id 0 ;':i 1 J\~e 8,~~y ~~ Robert Ro1mld Richard I 11 011ig u1JSl1tlrs to the first t"er~uson. 22, laborer, or floor he saw that the cord New Zealand, pleaded not al one of the upstairs guilty to charges that on window; wns hangluB out– or about June 6 at Brls- slcle. The scl\tfoldlng bane he broke and entered l'C\,chcd this window. the pavilion or the Trus- The c,ctecllve went out,• tees or the Queensland side and climbed UIJ the Art Gallery nncf thcreln 1scalfoldmg and snw marks stoic a painting, the on the wooden frume ol property or the Tl'u~tecs; Jhnt window. and Lhat he wilfully dam- The pal11llng WWi re• ased a window frame, the co\'ered from u1c residence property ol the Trustees. of Mn . Julie Eleanor Rubin Before the hearing be- aL a,u-flcld Drl\'e, Burdon, gan Judge Taylor asked on June 12. on the cxecu- thc Jury to leave the lion of II sear~)•. ,,wnl'l'UllL; court while questions of He ::mid Fc1gu:s_on \\Ba law were raised by the rouurt at Redcl!Jfe and defence counsel Mr. E. o . Wld police he had taken Broad. . Lllier.:,:~~n~ald he read In When the Jurv returned newspapers that someone the Crown Prosecutor, Mr. planned to sell the paint• H. W. O'Dea, outlined the mg. He thought the public Crown case. did not appreciate It and He said the painting al- decided to take It and keep le~ed 10 have been stolen If for his own satlsfnctlon, by Ferguson was La Belle but Jater changed his mind, Iinllonrtalse, wlued at 111 a record or Interview $200.000. 1·ead by Mr. O'Dea. Ferg- It was taken Cl'Om the uson said that he went to ~r 0~:~:,e~ ~;.,:.~ge cor,:i;J ~\'1~,t~erytA'!'°U!c~}i~~.\y~lt: Bowen Bridge Rand on the nnd prised the window wlt'fi nleht. or June 5-8. a screwdriver. At I.hat time, said Mr. He said he climbed back o·nen. there was out.Ide out 1hrough the window ,,,.1ffoldlng which reached with the painting and Look to t.hr . first floor or the It LO his car. He drove off bu'Mlng. towurds RedcllfJ'e. and on An attendant would the way stopped and hid vh•• evidence ol hovlnR the painting, wrapped In a 1~c~e<1 up the vnllery on blanket, In some bush. the • fternoon ol June 5 Hearin~ unllnlshed. .~,, h~vlnoi swlt.ched on Mr. E. G. Broad, who t.J.• burglar alarm, he appeared !or Ferguson, snld. The alarm covered was Instructed by Mr. R. tl1e ground floor windows. 8. Watson. Fr""'• found .,,. floor Next. morning when on ,1t,t<>ndnnt opened thP. Ral– lerY. he found the f,rame, olos., und backing ot La f'ell• Hallendalse lvlng on the floor or the o:allery and he painting p:one. He tele– honed the Police. art theft verdict IIRISBANt;, Wed. : Tiu, Crown would eon– slder an •PP••I oralnal the Jury'• ver•l•t In the La llelle Hollan•atae ra••• th• Ju • tlco Mlnbter, Dr. Del-ollte, 11I• M• day. La•t night a dbtrlct court Jur.v found Robert Ronald Richard Fer1u10n (22) not guilt:, of a charge of having broken ond en– tered the Quee111land Art Gallery and stolon the $200,000 Plcasso p • '.ntlng. The Jury· found Feriu– son guilty oC havh111 un– lawfully dama1ed a win– dow frame during hb en, try into the gallery on or about June 6. He was sen~ tenced to three months' gaol. Ferguson pleaded not 1:ullty to both charae,. Dr. Delamolhe uld he was looking Into the IP• peal position and I decl• sion was likely wlth.n week. ; "TIMES" .' r 1h J7 Canberra, A.C.T. icci7ss·o work shown as a court exhibit • IS Quick exit for La Belle BRISBANE. Monday. labourer, formerly of New - The S20tl,OOO Picasso Zealand. nude p~inting, La ~die He pleaded not guilty to Hollandai,e, was qu1crkly charges that on or about BRISBANE, Monday. - T~e $200,~ Picas– so painting La Belle Hollandaise, was quickly re– turned to 'the safety of a Police Department strongroom today after it was shown as an ex– hibit at the District Court trial of a man charged with its theft. returned to the ,nfety o a . h b k Pol ice Department strong• lune 6 thi! year ~ . r.'.I ef room today after it had and entered the pav1hon o been shown as an exhibit 1he trustees of the~n•• al the District Court tri.nl land Art Gallery on • ohle ,i[ a man charged with its tlle pa,nhfta, and thwfat 11 e theft had wilCully and unla u Y o~ trial is Robert Ron• damaged ,a window frame, aid Richard Ferguson, 22, the property of the trusteea. Hobart, T11. 9 AUG 1967 Piiasso theft: Man not guilty lllHSIIANE. - A Queens• land Di~! rlct Coul'l J!1ry Inst nil!hl found a New ZcRl:111d lnhnurcr not .L!llilly of a l'11lll'J,!C of IHl\'ill l,! stolen lht' ~200 000 Pil'••~~o pnlnt lng :. I.a ·acllc Jlolln11dnii,1.!'' frnm the Qucenslund Art Gnl• lcry on or uhoul June 0. However, the Jury found the mnn, Robert ltonnld lllchnrd Ferguson t221, guilty uf I he sccondnry Chnrgc of unlnwfully dum• nl,!illJ:! n wi ndow frumc <lur• inJ.! his cntr~· Into the J.!l,1 1• lcrv on o r :about June h. fie wn!- !-CUtcnccd to lhrrc mnnl h:;;' gnl,I. As soon u the Crown ca.~e \\'as opened, th~ fam– ous Plcuso nude painting was unwrapped and shown u, the Jury, then Judge Taylor directed arrange– ments he made for Its de• 11,·ery to the Con1mlssloner or Police. He said the 1>alntlng could be returned to cou1·t >Lt short notice If required. On trial Is Robert Ron– old Richard Ferguson, 22, labourer, formerly or New Zenlnnd. He pleaded not guilty to charges thnt on or about June 6 this year he broke n11d entered the pavilion or the trustcc.s or the Queens– lRnd Art Ga llery nnd stoic c painting, nnd further tlrnJ ae wilfully and unluw- 1111Jy clamnged a window Imme, Lile propcrty or the trustees. Opening I.he Crown case to the Jury. Crown Pro– :,r c11ror :Ofr. H. \\1. O'Dea, snld tt' 11>1s a lleged that F'crguso11 lrncl told police he hod taken the painting beenuse he ~JA s enllsfled the public did 1101 RP· prcclate It. Ferguson wn.t-i l!0lni; keep It for his own sn tls– fnctlon, but clmn~ecl his ml11rl beenusc he fell It was 1101 fulr to the wtdow of the rnn n wl,n donnt.cd 1t, TIie Jury wn, told thnt Lile late Jl,i rol I Rubin. or Brl:,bnnc. hnc1 clunnlRd Ille Pilllll lil~ lo lhc gollcry 111 lfl:Vl. ,\ l r, O'Drn si11n Lllr Plc– n.."'!i0 was rcc,,,·crNi 011 •.Ju11c 1:! nftcr n ~('urch ~·nrrnnL was executed at the Rubin home. Police found the painting In n bedroom. The trial wil continue to