Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Vic. •~~~~~ I Picasso case acquit~al HHISHANE. ~ A di~lriel 1•1111rt .illrJ· lust uight found II New Z1•11l1111d lul1111·1•r 1101 ~uill,, of 11 1·l111rge of !lll'uli11~ llw 8200,(HJO Plcu,,,m 11ui111i11g, l.11 Hdl,, Hull11111l11isr, from lhe Q11t!c11!1l1111d Arl .G~lfory 011 or aho111 .111111• 6. However, 1,hc Ju ry found the man, Robert rto1111Jd R lchnrd l•'crguson, 22. guilty or the secoudury charge of unlawfuliJ' damagJng a win– dow frarne rtunng his en try into the gallery 011 or nbou1 Juue 6. Judge TnyJor scmcncrd h im to thi;rc 111011 ths' gaol. ,11;~h;.dg?n rr~!~e~n•~t ;: 1:·~ 1 1} hour deliberaUon tcld the Judge they could not agree. lie directed them to con– tinue their deliberations and n verdicl ll'RS CllLcred RL 8,30 p.m. Judge Taylor said after Lhe vprdict that he must act 011 · Ute assumption thn t the .fur,\' was not satisfied be– J'Ond rensonnble doubt th nt Fcrguso11 had !ilOlcn Lhc J>ttllJLHJg ln~ia t he had ill • trndcd pe"nri"'Olltly to cle- fl1'\'io.~;~~~fo~:.cry tnu;t.ccs of Tl1r Judge snid It w11s clear Fcq_;u.so11 wns \\'CU. n,,·nrc ar the time. If 1101 of 1.hr nl– Jeged r alue of lhe p,.,111.111g at. leasi lhnt it 1111d ~n•:11 art 1:\1 ic s1g11iflcnnCc. Frrguson·s-.. moLJvo for Cll• trv 111to the nrt J;"11Jlcry 1111cl nccordingl,v ri11111age to the Wllldow fmm~ \\';\S Lo L.ike the puinling in circtuu– !itnnccs which could 110L fail to Jeopardise the palntlng·s plYJ~~~I s~~~~l~r I snid thnt fi'.'N 5 b1i"i/~~~ t~h1'it~of~c/i\:i~"i seJ1tr.ncc. Brl11Hne, 0 / rODAY's LA 'l'EST 'f MP QUERIES ART GALLERY ROW The Quee,:islond Art Gallery c-:n froversy wos ro,~ed in State Parl,omen t t,lC'lay by Mr. Bromley t ALP, Norm n I, who asked EdL1 - cot10 11 M111is t r, M r P,zzev, why ftxir o ff, er Qllif wh,I ' S,r lco11 Trou t wo 0,50<:,oJ ecJ w, th the gallery. · ·1 i AUG 1967 ~oinquiry on gallery The Education Minister ( Mr. Pluey I in State Parliament yesterday rr-– fused to arrange for o full and open i"quiry ir:tto the trusteeship and olt mattcr:a connected with the Queensland A r I Gallery. ' He sold gallery matters nd been adequately de– nted In public over the nst few months. Mr. Plzzcy, reei1nt to 1iti1 l~r~~)flct (it.at R pl°r:~ for " new gallery bulldln hncl been pre1inred w lthou reference to the galler trustees. He also denied painting hnd been bought reeentl• for Rpproxlmntcly twlc their current mRrket vnluc nnd thnt the gnlle1·y collec lion Included stolen paint Jngs or drnwings, _.._....., Brisbane, 0 BrlllNne, 0 Counsel talks on La Belle sentence Defence counsel in the La Belle HoU.andaise case will confer to con– sider appealing against the sentence imposed on their cl_ie_n-c-t_,,.:--;.:::- . 1 st the sentence Im- On Tuesdn)' . night n •~~ 11 • b , Judge Taylor It District Court Jury lout'.~ P. 0 -' 1~ r, strongly con- Robert Ronald R\~c~~~. tc~~'cct. e . Ferguson. 22. of Ne, I • Yestcrdnr the Justice lnnd, not gulll~•bofkn c m;1~d Minister i,r. Uelanaothr. of hnrlng ro en A . . id the· Crown would con– entered the Quec1~slr11d u~! :tder on appeal ugulnst t he Gallerr nnd s n~irnng ~esult of the case. sioo.ooo P1cnsso P · The Jurv found Ferguso,n No provision guilty of having unln\\- di I fully dnmngcd a window On Yer C rrnme d~fi'!~'{. 0 :; 1 ~r ::,'~~1 He said he was studying ~~ 1 g. t~\.eJudge 'Tnl'lOr Jn lied the J}OSSd'lblllltt o~~nu:.ri; him for three months, peal. A e~ ~ on Ferguson plendcd not wl.i.W" Jai~~~\uld thnL ns gi'i'm•· solicitor. Mr, R. S , he u1iders1ood ll: t~~~rc r~: Watson (Smith and Wafci llQ provlslfJ' 11~,/,1111aga inst soi11. sn l~lltod,i.-\'r he E wo,h ~~~j~'rJ·~uver~lct , although confer w ' . · · 1 C . wn and Ferguson Brf 1 ~d·~ 0 ~:,r;•~:1~ that If ~~~h c'o"uld appea l a3a1nst the · Crown uppenled hflesc~fJ'c~h~'r"¥,':!'riuson 0 TIMES" ad been Indicted on two h~';!Je.,Watson said Fergu- ·on WIIS round guilt~· ~f he minor chRt'gc or l11l\ - n~ unlawfully damaged a ' 1 ¾~ 0 ~eir:~fng Ferguson udge · Taylor said t,hat ~e must act on the Jury s verdict. It was ns- The Jury, ot satlsUed sumed. was n ble doubt bevond reason u t I that Ferguson had s o ~n the painting In tht1~ ~ Intended pcrmanen r 'deprive gallery trustees o II , he said. Canberra, A.C.T. 9 ~, ii. 1Q 7 7a,:-re_d_ of Picasso art thef-. BRISBANE. Tuesday. - A District Court jury found a labourer not guilty tonight of a charge of breaking nnd entering the Queensland Art Gal• lery all'tt-7te,,fin('~tnc s200.ooo P,ca,,o paint1ng La Belle H o llandaise. The jurv found the man, Roherl Ronald Richard Ferguson, 22, ,,r New Ze•- 1:• nd. guilty of the secondary charge of unlnwfulli• dnm~s– ing a window rrnmc during hi, entry to the gn llerl' on ,,r ahnul June 6. Judge Tn)'• !f'lr gunlcd Fcr~u!ion for three monlht., In r a!ic.ing "'C'nlcncc Juclpc ' ;1 \'lnr "'nid he mu-.i ac_r on 1hc· iury'.s ,·crdict. Th~ Jury, 1 wn t. a"'-.umcd, wa~ nnl ,;i ri,ficd ht'rnnd rc;ucinahlc tln11h1 rhat Fcr!t11,nn had ,roll"n lhc pai111ing in thnt he intended tn permanently dr,,ri"e the J;taller}' lrt1!ilcc~ nf it. Fergtt«'ll tc,ld the iury he tonk the ~ainling hccnu<e he had rend in lhe paper lhat thc.·re WR\ a 10 1 of irnuhlt" ilmnng the 1.rnllrry lru1;1t'c,, He ,a id he did nnt take lhc pninling In kcc~ it, "ADVII.TISII." Ge.long, Vic. :1 Q ~ 1 V:: ,!~h7 :i-ei·own To Consider Appeal Brisbane, Wednes- day.-The Crown would consider an appeal against the jury's ver– dict in the La Belle Hol– landaise cnse the Justice Minister (Dr. Delmolhe) said lo-dny. l.11,1 11igh1 ii l'Jistrit·L ( 'nun ,1111-.,· fnt1 11d Hnht•rL l(n1rn hl lllch11rd ,Fcrg11~011. 11 ged ::!:l, 11111 g 11 rl l~ 1 ol :, t h11r1,te nr h11\'l11g 1Jr11k1•11 nncl t'llll•rncl lhc (}ll(•t·n,. 11111d Arl ti1dl1•rr .Jllrl s111l\·1t lilt• l:,!?OU,0011 l 1 il't1Jo:--o p11!111. Inc, . 'I 111• JIii'\' IHllllcf f•Cl'/.!ll '-1111 c 11 111,· ,11 )111\ in1-: 11 11luwf11 II,· d ;,111111.!t.•11 11 wlnclnw fra 111,· t111 rl11l! Ids ('rllf'~• lulu lh~• !,.!idh•ry 011 or li ho111 ,l11 11t• 1; lit' Wil!'o :O:l•nt 11r 1ul 10 ll1n•l· 111onth.. irnnl. f·'cr,.,:11:-;1111 J1/Pt1d1•cl 1H1I i!lw~~, J;;, 1 1,::::::i'11::h;i,:·j7r~•u \\'11-.. l11oltl11,-: 1111,, Ihe IIPl'l'UI JHh tinn ,.11 11 1 a dPt•li,.1011 \ \'Il l' . ,