Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

r ·.::. j, L ' "I ,ave lt• IIMk· and~------•• went lO a lot of trOUllle lo look atwr It." hi aalll, -'nlere WU no&blnl ll oould have done ,wm, It, ~ ~ terda,'1, wl.:'ar't: at~ Mr •, . Rllbln, 0 -iiiT. enaiand ,: ~to.um ~~\ I and ~ new nl dlrec lor (Mr. J ' •. Wlm,kel. or"ff:.· ~ O~tel,1 ~l'JDI a aioct ..,~ Ill ~t doCli' DII U!t -ht o iJune 11 and ncelvliil tile D&IJltllll hOffl ' l 1111 !ID• lmoWII 1111111 whO bid Illa bat pullM .,... 1111 .,.._ ,.. .... ,·IOJd Mr '° _..., •UII ~UIIII for 30 f!:! • ,. ~ not . ttU police, bld;:t:nf~~. 1111d Next u, ~I~ 'came &o ~e holl.N ,nth a • earch ,rarrelit Uld took the palntln1, Controversy Herbert Leon , 'I'l'Out, aoUcltor, or, DerlW 8!,!,!t; Everton Park, to Mr. E, o. Broad <for Per1uacin) 1 •~ that shortly before tfie d1A11114111'1nce of the D&1nt1n1,- -the, dtU, IJl'.II! had featured IOIIIBWh&t controversial matter ra• 11 ~f, ~;l:r'fnt~.fJ?Jie n,algnatlCIDI of two aal· ler, trwiteea, comment on the aDPOIDtment of Mr, Wleneli'e u cllreCtc!r, and the mt111atlon of the act• lnl director, MIii RObln Hill. There wu also an art• lcle which featured claims I :rJ. the Plr~ ml11)t • bF James Frederick Wien• eke, of Kaduml!a Bt"1!t, Yeronp aimed with Mr. Broad ihat his appol~t- 1 ;:r:crt ::u~:i•e:crnu!=°J . pu~~~?r actln dlrecfur 'of the Oallel'Yl Lias Robin , Bernadette H II, now of t Sydney, P.()lnted out to the Jury what ahe claimed were a number of smud,:es, abrasions and scratches on ::11,r!nt1g~y ~rrJrir~~ the paln~lng's value, ahe 11 ':iter MIIIII HIii's evld· ence Judge Taylor dlr•\ ectea th&t the painting be delivered back to the cu •• tody of the Art Oallery, _ I I . A " / , / ,\. ... '.• .J