Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

~ f' ~ . ' _ '1,,J, ~ ,i:, . ,'<,, 1ww art gnllcry in Rockhamplon Town Hull nrndc it possiblc to Jlresenl art show;; in better cmulitions th1111 1111111y larger gnllcrif's in Anslrulin. Mrs D. M. Campbell, wife of Mr Justice Camp• bell, said this wheu she officially opened the Art Gallery by cutting n blue rlffllon across the doorwn)' yesterday, Mrs Campbell wns tnlk– lng to a lnrse audience of Rockhnmpton citizens who had gathered to preview the representative collc'C– Uon or Australinn pnlni • lngs on loan from the Queensln11d Art Gallery. Ho hert Hnnahl Rh-lrnrrl Frri,:uson. 22 - .IAIINI for thrrr munths In Au,:nsl or rr th.- rtlfiriAP· prarnnc•r nf rica)',i~m·~ "I.a Relit Jloll:11ulal., r " rr11111 Q11rrn!-lln1ul .\r l fia llrr,· - <111lt•lh lt·fl Hr+••lmnr \'f",lt•nln ,. fur Srw Zra ~ b 11rt. MI'S Campbell udded Urnt , !Ike the Town Hnll squnre nnd other projects, the Art Gallery was some– thing thnt auy city coul<I be 1>roud of. , The works on display' ranged fl'Om the tyJ)lcal understated tones of Hons H c y s e II s landscrpes, through the colourful highlighting of' old Sydney tenements by Snll Hermnn, to an early but masterful Willlnm Dobell and the unique impression of Eric Smith. The Mayor , Alli. R. B. ,J, Pilbeaml sold the Rock– l111mpton Gallery hod ac– c,•ss 10 ali the an 1mrk , owned ll;• the Quecnslnncl 1Gallery except n few \\'h!l'h I hncl been donated by people who stiJlltlo led l.hot the sub,lects should never be loaned. He sold thnt various shows would he ,rolnled so that, Lile people of Rock– hnmpton and s\ll'l'Otmdlng dlstrlcl.~ ll'Ottld nlwa\'S have dl!Terent works nr · nrl to took nl ond study. T he Mn~ or prc~erned Mrs CamplJetl -with o Con. Lrn1 Quccnr,;;Jnrn1 gemstone The Sunday Mall M-o~,eOBER,i, 6 Cln one galleryiW\~~a,Rge THE Queensland Art Gallery 1s preparing to 'hold its first two exhibitions since the appointment of the g9llery director Mr. James Wieneke. · Yesterday, Mr. Wieneke summed up hi1 i6in~ h~ctic ~nd pr?ducti~e ~~~th in _the toher 11 _ the Stuyvesant cont'r0Yen1ol duector s chau: I m enJOY· Trust group or Rodin i119 myself.'' llta l'c hcl'n sl'nl to a new s_culpt_ure and ~ Print ~ince Mr. Wieneke ar- 1,;allf ry bram:h, 111 Hock- Co~mcil of Austrnlia show- rived a l the gallery enrly in hnmpL011. nnd n ound-srn- 111 b· • September the Interior hos 1 s1li\'e burgla r· ,111rm hns Also, lhc _f,allery hu been repnlnt.ed . ,one coat been Installed. •-i· made It, first aqulalllon onlv allowed • 38 pnlntings l l'fl.c.. WI ncke · hns nr- undtr lhc new dlreclor- - -- - a, 1u1lnlln1, Ml. Conray with Plue Tree•, bv Sam t'ullhrook, an lmporlMnl eontcrnporary artist, Under the watchful eye of t.hc Mayor (Aid. H. B. J . Pilben m ), Mrs D. M. Cn mpbcll, wil'e of Mr Justice Campbell, cuts the rillhon ns s he o ffici– ally declares open · t_hc new Rocl1hnmpton A'rl fnllery. · "TELEGRAPH" -4SEP 967 I WIENEKE BEGINS AS I' 1 . GALLERY DIRECTOR Mr. Jome, Wieneke today began duty as the new dirE:ctor of the Queensland Art Gallery -thr.ie months after he was recommended for the iob by the gallery trustees. This rccommenctntlo1_1 I o!fi~i~IIY. opened hv th was conftrmcct b\.' Stntc r,me1no1. Sir Alan ~lans Cnbinl'l on June 20. fleld next month . Mr. ~lenf'kc i-\tdd to<.lu)· l\lr. W lenckf'. 60. re t.hnt visitors lO lht:! Ga l• plo<·cs Mr, Lillll'iC Thornn lery h)cluded friends anct who jomcd ., uew~J>aper l wel\-wIshcrs. ISydnCy. • Mr. Wicnckf' srilct his t~k~ 1 s~~t ~-~d~~e "~!11c:-~ collection 11nd m 1>c di h tile backlol! of m :til. He w:1s lonklrnr forwurd 10 h i,.; roll' oJ d 1t·L•t·Lor. The flrsl cx·hib1tion wollld suJ,en•ise would an exhibit Inn of t lte works of thf' scuiptor, n:octtn :111d h i.-. c·ontemp• nrnrles whll'11 wnuld be! t th<! art from left Brlsblne, Q. New feeling "A more cnll~htcned nnd ym11nthelic feellng hos een nppnrem since t noved In to the Oallct·y .. , lr. Wieneke said. · I "I cnn ~ nse It here nud ~:~fJrom l't1rious people I Mr. Wieneke snld 38 c~1)/~J 11 k,fn~tf~~igit\\1 f~':-ii:: Smit,h C0l'Crln11 lhe dcvel– Jl me II l of Australian nlntJng had been ~ nt to he fi rst brnnch of the Queensland Art Gallery In Rockhnmpton. Replaced The next branch to be opened was llkely to be at Blloela. Pictures would be t~a~l~hes 0 ~ntd r!~lac~~u~:r~ a fresh group every three of four months. "We hope loo that country brancbeo will be :r~ 0 ri!:fr~~~ ~r.~u::; ; =:: ~b:~:i:~.,~~g•:.n! • ~fen':ke":!fd. th em," Mr. ~ Installation or the bur– lar alarm was almost omplete "and anyone who attempts to steal wm now have to tread Ughter than a rat stealing a piece of cheese .. . the apparatus 15 verv sensitive. "We hope that the risk of ~~:iGI! as·t~ta:~~le Pi: 1 ~U~~~ natcd," he said. Fresh Ideas In the mld1t or hltr bu•lle nr acllvlly, and without lhe aid or an aa• • I • I a n t dlreclor, Mr. Wieneke 11111 rlnda lime tor rre•h ldeaa. so~c" rni;;rn~t~:Jlnl 1 ~~~,6\~ lions, he ta looking at the t>Osslblllty of Inviting lead· ln1t Brisbane collectors to have cxhlblt1m1s. He can't resist adding : "After tltc ridiculous fus.s that certain people· made ~, 1 e~t th~e ;Jn~1l.v arrA~~: r un n Ing smoothly and well." F1•r1,:11:-ion. " 110 WII,'- r,•. ir-.i:-wd 11''1111 J,11I ln:,q \\'r>f'k lrrt Brb hnrw A1r11nr1 ,d 1 ri~ht, the mayor I p.111. Two .-,N1lrn Rn !ibn n,.. drt rr'ti\'rs "snw h tm nff .. I-If' went. 1n A,wklnnd ..: hi!-' hnnw rnwn _ n r, , I !--(•n·111u. 111!- s1•ntrnl'<' for · 11nln,,·ru11'· rln11111 ~111c n wtnrlrJw l'rnmr 11 1 fill' A,.. Gnllrl'\' on .11in" fi Hr wn~ R('(lllll,trrl or :1 ('/Hl!'~f' , r hren kma. l"ll!C'l'II" nnd Sl1'.'8l llll! . • Frra:m,11n hnn zrt;.,1 lhf" ,\ lr :(. l\'f' \\ 7.rn lnnrl i!:lf't•l1!' AhrArl r .. nf Ill hrr Jlfl \.!--f'll C!'I ,r. nnrl • ,,·n1lld nnt hr 111t1'IT Jf'WNi bv pr Mmcn. C. G. Pen ridge I , Mr. Wnllv Grout, the ivdqC' 1 M,. J. Wienke 1 who is Dirccto, of the Quecnsla"d A,t Gollcrv and Mr. R. G<illng Ipresident of the Coirns Art Society ! . Noel C Do\ 1cs. nhciln