Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

THf COU~llR-MAIL TUESDAY SEPT. 5 1967 , t lhat .\mrrlran~ h~\'r" " \nrl I nuuld likr lid.., s::1llrr,· lo rn,·rr thr artist k f':\Jlrrs-.ions nr A11strnlia-a11rl the rari - 1 fir aml 1hr l·:a,t. " Thr hlr. !"1•11thrr11 c:i l– lr rir~ h,1·,·r a r11mnrf' – hr11"il\'r 1•11ltrrti1111 of \u,;;– trallan art. ,11 lr ,, r 1•11111'1 rm·rr ""omr A 1hr rarlrtr and 1h1 1 ~i~:,-.1 i,i– thr,· are 1•10,rr tn 11,. It would ;ulfl furthrr ln – lrrrc.t In nur t!a llrn:· :,tr. Wlrnrkr ,lr<tot·rlhr!io lhf' rallf'n :tllii "a lrmonr– ar.,· i::allrr~•. II nlrr ltttlr c::11llrr.,·", "So our ,•:tn c;;a,· whrn Ihr nrw nnr n·III hr hnlll. hut wr nill all h 11 ,·r In unrk tn,:rthrr .1nrl nrnkr 1hr Jlrnplr lnlrrf'-.IPrl tn ad1iM·r It." " (iift.., and ,::h·r11 llwir .i,!a llrrh•~ Sf't an r'\a m11lr wr ,·ouhl \\ ('II fnllow," ht• ,aid. Thf' nr" tlln•d11r hi 11lril~l'II wtlh th,· n11mh<-r ~~u/,)~~fr!~ ';f1r1~~~ 5 h s~~~ i;::1llf'n-. llr ·1hlnk-. lht· ouhlif'- 11\ ch·rn rlu rln,:: ttw un– ;1i1th11rl~rd clrflarturf' .,t f'ka:,.:-11'!-> I.a Hr llr. ll11ll;1 1Hlat,r n,111ld 1t:1,·.– hr lJ1NI. "Rut '-hr'1- In n ot1rfr, • l'ul furm ui:aln - "l, hacl .t ,·rn :,:on,I \1rl– hn11r11r m:1 n rrston· Ihr damai:r~ nn hrr arm - anfl i-11r·~ as 1:u11rt ,L'il nrn ... hr s;thl. 'l'O ('Ol ':\"l'll\' :\h. \\'irnr.:kf' I~ work• 1111; on a rollrrtlnu ,, hl1·h the 'tallrry l!«i !liirmllni: in• tn the rnuntr~ thlo;; uerk. Srxt month hr wtll !ioll(lP.f\'lsr hi" flr51 rx– hlHllnn nf 1hr works or Rodin, thr !Wnlnt<ir and ht.. 1•1111IC'mpora rle!io. So far, hr ,.;,Id, no nnr h:trl fillrrl Ihf' poc;;.ltinn nr a~i,;;l,i;tant rllrrctnr, whlrh was '1f'ht h~· :\li'-!ii r: nln11 11111, who !lrih:nrrt In .fulv.