Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Melbourne, Vic. Philanthropist fights Government plan ... He wants a 'people's art gallery" in Queensland From ROY THEODORE of the Brisbane Telegraph B RISBANE, Today. - Queensland has an art gallery row on its hands . The State has approved a plan envisaging one centre for all art to be built in the Botanic Gardens. Q u e e n s land 's National Art Gal– lery director, Rob– ert Haines. 43, dis– agrees. And he has resigned . He Is backrd hy Eton-cducn tcd million alre son of a one-Lime wlrnrfic. Harold de Vnhl Rubin. 61. fi\'r– tlmcs married grazler, philanthropist u·nd n rl patron who ll\'cs In an art-crammed home in Hamilton. Brisbane. He's often known a~ "Mr Mystery" nnrl "~lr PnlnUni:s." Mr Rub:n !lhnwe,I his anrtr al the S ta le plan by taklnr a"'ny rrom lh• Art Galler:v , nme nf 1hr work• he had 1,111 rnr an "lndrllnlle tlmr." The S tntc plnn l11cl11clcs ~~~1'1:iNon \~~\'/' 0 :~~w11 111 ~~ the Hnll or Plnncrrs. Compnnlcs uncl lncllvlcl– uuls - on A rontrihutlnn bnsls - woulrl he lnvltccl to h nvc llwlr hlstorlrs or lhelr fn rnlltes cn~r n,·rcl in nn honor hook. Cnntrlbu– llons mlQhl Also h•nd 1n nrchllcct11rnl lrnlurrs tic– Ing nnmcd nrtrr thrm. For business' Halncft, H former nsslNt – nnt director or thr Nn– llonal Onllcry or Victnrl11 wnnts n new anllrr.v, but he , n:,,, thr Stnte's plnn ntnrl thr ~nllery nn n1- g~ni:.fcf r~ - ·;;~~1~,~~: 1 ~'n1~~ fercnr r . n II Lo ntnhilc !'how · a ncl nllu!r cnmrnr.r• cinl r xhlhlt1011, ." T wo dny• lntc1·. rx - MAJOr Rubin M1111mrtcd Hnin 11. ,·nlltn~ thr 1·rt1t rr ,-chrmc tht' munctnnr nrn– tluct or lhc co111n1rrrtnl mind . Thr "litll nook•" pin 11. h •nld, \\'Ollld ~11·r II• • 110111orn H hall in whtch to vdverllftc wnrc•. Al'Aln•l 1h11 "kn11r k– rd-11p orheme" he prn– potled a f'nllertlnn "thrtnr run on llnr• 1lmllnr In M"lh&urnr·~ t"ancrr •P· peal that would brln~ !1.1i.:hrh~:: 11 !i,rir.~~!··:~~ ih·r r..,·cr~·nnr. a 5hare of a crntre where lht n,·er- ::~~\!f\~: on the ~r:r~~:i~ lrry. ThC'll 01\ lhrcc clil ys hr. t·t•mnrccl rrnm the present ~11ilrt•)' vnhtnblc nil•. nn. rlrnt bronzes nnd sth·cr- warc anrl 500-\'enr-olri rnrthcnwnrc 1\~url11cs ·~rl~~~i..lJl'Olcst ngnuu;t tl1r To Cabinet With n s,mg-pcriorl wine urn unc1cr one :um he l'Allcd nn n Cnblnel mem– ber (nnd prime mover in the cullttrnl centre plnn 1. Education Minister Plz– ZC)', u·ho ngrcrcl to puL his stntemenls brfot·c C11b111c1. As 11 side lss111·. hut. n relni r.d one, utH>mcial stMics snicl Hnb1cs hnd bern offered nnothrr nrt 11n~t. Rubin In nn intcn •irw. 11clcllrrl with his bnllerccl ~tl•t~n11 nnd Hnlcl. "'rlu~rr. mlJ:ht he a nrw r1rl ,:111• lery undr.r prh·ate ;1u,-.. f1~~r.s~n~~•l•M~ 11 \~,: I ,!:~•I h~: hrru nff'rrrrt." M r Pizrny snlcl 1hr Gnv.. ,•rnmcnt lincl no lntrnllon ~r~;,~~~~HO;tn,l\~01:::.~r>~~~~ C-('11lrc. II hnd JlC\'Cr bcr.n :m~cc.-.trrl. " I , till ,·nnnnt sre ll," ~;dd llnrn(', . Tlw roi.t• 11- !{till nn, with 11,,. lnlri-1 ctc,·r lnpmr11t rt t:l\'r •nnl 11111~-RW;\S On\'– r'l'l\111f' lll '(!:tlC11H' l11 lhnl !~,!~~/::;~ fn~o~n 511 l 1 ff~ri~iJi~ "frrtn m IH'I ion." The li nk hctwrl'II Mt· ll11hl11 1111d the t nllrrr Is ,•10,w. II,• t-nld n cnllrcllon a t Sollwhy'~. In Londun. ln1r-t Mnv. Six 1,RtnLlnJ:~ worth tt tol nl 01 £ 100.000 nncl l11- clmll111: lhrC<? P ICCll"-'-O~ "'rl'C bott~hL rttld ~h·cn a 11ony111011, ly In Ihr. ~· t– iny, Mr Rubin Im, rr•tu,rrl tn r11\•ular r he rtnnur'il– nnmr All! nu Marrh t:t hr !old nmho nr Jottrnnl• i!-its th ey could µrnp h the donor home. ;•c~r"-o!~•~j,t 1 t~c 1 l~r1;\!;. Sydney wattt·esa t,, whom llr jtfl\le R l:::!,500-RCJ'r. prnpertv. lf>-dlnmnnd rln~ a nrl .£ fi00O Rr11oil· hrfnrc they W<'d . Tll1·•n 11,• sft id , " 110111 Jm· th e ano11)J mo11.~ rlounr," /le d,nngrrJ his .-.ltlrf , put nu n l ie and a D11rfdl1a m.a!lf,· nnd rro.'i µhnfoyrop// crl (t(/tll11. l\lr Rubin has "nb11u1. 20 sh<'ep properties·• and 250.000 sh eep. He t.old Meet I he P ress viewers In Brisbane h e hnd given between .£ 300.000 nnd £400,000 lo phllnnlhroplc work In recen t years.