Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

REP.ORT CABINE1, e DISPUTE OVER ART The Education Minister, Mr. Pizzey, today gave another progress report to Cabinet on the Art Gallery dispute. He said as he lett the Cabinet meeting ta go to Mary– borough that he was not prepared to make a statement yet. Tnr• ct_l-;1H1ll' arose whr.n / ...1..•k•t·tm 11 h,1!- 1Jt.·c•11 m:.llil'. the Du ~•tor or Lill· tJ\11 1:, 11 1,•. :111ing fi.t.d Qurc•nslnnd Nuuonnl Art 11 •n.•f•rt11·11t IJ\' ll1t· pr 1.., 011 Gal lery. i\lr. R. Haine.-..«·kl't ,·cl. · n:!'lig1wd over Lile pro– posu I I O I llCOl'IJOl'ale the Ar1 G:illn.1• In the pro- 11oscc1 Cultura l Centre in the Botanic Gardens. Mr. Pizzt'.\' last wcL"k hod discussion; with i\lr. H. 11ubin. art colkclnr nncl philun1hropisl. who hns hint ed tlrn1 nnothcr Art G:tller.1· 111l~hl br ,•stablishcd. 1\lr, Hubin h iH h~CII withdrawi1•~ work:-i or a rt which h,· 11:1 cl lo,11H•d t o the Art Gulirr.1• ror exhi– bition und takin~ thc111 lo his homP at Hamilton , ?\11'. Pizl.L'Y ulso . au.I tocl11~· hl' was not r'-'l .,Uh .. ' 10 llllll0lll1l:l' lhc IWllll.' of thl' Ill.'\\' dln.•ctor or tt1t· COIISCl'\'atorlum or i\lU~lt'. Th ,. Conscn•alonum has b1·c11 wit.haul dirc<:lor stncr Dr. Lovt•lock rl'sig n rcl '.\'t'U l'. Mr. Bnsll JOnl's I bt•t•n HC'tllH! clil'lTtor. It is unclcrstoocl thnl 11 "TELEGRAPH" 2 4 MAR l9GO Brisbane, Qld. f G1tllery Whv c1 • : finance M,· or., 11 r _ ff {?/Uer11, 1,11,;)llhi,;:1tJ ~11/J,•1~ u !Jr' 11 § : ic R11b//1 t\ st• f c111c1 r11 1J or :: : cut I Enog, rt GnJ/e!'v . It :: - :crui. - --Short- g 1 ~ r Brisha n", J{ ),..( OOK HIS BAT(CH) I fOME I am surprised, and I must, con fess, amused at the atlltudt' bcini.t laken by Mr. Rubin about t he nrt t.rcasnrrs he hns loan ed the Queenslnnd An Onlh•ry. It ls undcr~tnndnhlr !11111 11 ,.; :i n nd111lrrr of Rohr.rt Hnincs he should bi' 11H·1•nwd 1h:1t this 1,.!Cnt.lemnn hus resigned his po~, ~.-. Dln~ctor: but to take his LrPasur('s nwny sct•tns u littlf' too 111w·ll. As n t.rur. pntron or !he 1n1s I wh ich \11 . ~11Ui11 has proved him.~r.11 to be•. surely hr shoulcl11'r adept, thr atl.llurlc or, " I own the bnt. a11c1 I'll tak{' 1t home unless thing~ nre dlfl 'err.nt. " TIJC s1t11atlo11 nt llw Art Gnll,•ry t--. 1111fnrt1111ntP. hut w1lh l'lPnr thlnkim: rm 1·Prtni11 :-.11111e w1,y out wlll be round which wll\ s11 th1y both sldM nr Lhe nr~UlllCllt. Brisbane, Qld. 3 - Al! " i .. 6 lt!)s ti.111e we l1eard~ a1·tists 11•0111 0111· By FREDERIC ROGERS p· is time n~lists i!' the community let their voices be heard In penetrating unison. By artists I menn .~. 1 \ _n_n_d- ot_h_c_rs who know what' the united beaut:r• men nnd women. In ci m ~Its required. con•cloua aectlon of the wnlk ol Ille. who.love tm~s-~ Trallic must. b con- communlly may lla'fl ~nlnttng, tlrnm,1, . books . II •cl b ,t not necessarily prevented M>fflO or tl,_ u 0 i\1tK m.•; 1\'.,\~, 1 ~w~~:-;:~t~ ~n1i'yr110\v derricks sprawl- arll•llc desecratlona. "i'il'h,°g"; nil who wnnt to Ing ncross the skyline. only a united artlstle bf' Justlliubly proud of t.helr A loucl ,md well cnou~h l'Olc• will prevent more of dty. reat1on1:d ohjrdlon from them. Artlstr,·, ll !'Ct•ms, has no ,,1:,rt· In lhr mincls of some of our authorities. \Vhal. lrnvc we seen lnl cly'/ A mor.icue belnt! hu1\1 on wlrnt !--hould be one nf the clt,\''s rccrenllon spol s. ,\ nchulnu!I scheme or ,omc sorl of C11ILurol Crntre Llmt hns nntl-cul– tuml lmplicntlcms serious .'.!nough to wnrront t.hc rc– s1r,natlon of the Director of the Art Onllery. - A ; 11y being laced with unsightly gibbets , the Lord Mnyor·s def.'crtptlve word, Jbo\'r. nnd ncross its sll'Ct?ts. A central Mqunrr, fronting the Imposing City Hnll. conl'rrtcd Into n trnfllc 1Jecllnm. We nrn<:.t h nvr n m orgue. blll, 11 lllllc nrtlsl le lho11ght wo11lrt hn\'C rm,11rrd 1.hnt. il wos hidden nwny. A Cu\~urnl Ccn1re mu!--t. he rlcs p:nccl unclrr Ih e [lrl~£... or _ 11rt.li -;t~'i, m ~~tcln n s, Gro11: First the mor~IIC hurt! bv the proposed si te ul the nrL ~nllery. Now plnns for n "cult.urnl ccnt1·c·· J'or nn nn 1rn l– lcr:v In which commurclnllsm will oredomlnntc. The nuthorlLir.s should Rl'OW UP llt'slhr.Lil'II 111•– Edna Courtmnn 1Knltr11iui'. ·