Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Tlwrc must oe someth ing rnchcnll)' wronl-! with Qo\'t'l'll-– ment policy when thnt policy. ns It tuuchc, tile fie lds or music 1111<1 nrt, lms cnuscd two such outstundhrn men ns Or. Lovelock und Mr. Robert Hnltws to rcsb:n. Hoth kcrn rnthu• slash In their respt'rl• lve field•, their work had been rcmarkabl~ succeHful, and had won ceneral Pllblk approval, It hllS been the rnshlon for the polltl • c11l opponents or Labor to claim there Is little prospect or artistic and cultural progress under Labor. and thot the !Iner things or life con be fostered only under non-Lnbor rule. Th(' p rC~t•l\l G o vt:'111 - men t's n•rord hnrdl~· lustlflcs sud1 11 rlulm . 111 r-.tuv last ~•[•!\ !'. Dr Lowlocl: rdu, cd to rc,icw his appointment n, Director of lhc Con..:~•rvutorium of ~IU>it· on l he ground tha t Lhc cond itions were lns111tln11 to h is status nnd Pt'r~onul Integrity. nnd would subJ,•rL him to intolet·• able pl'tl)' 5 upel'\'lslou. o r. Lovelock said the Oovcl'lltnClll exhi ' bitcd " complete luck or undcrstandin~ of lhe rcnl funcllons or n c ouse,·vatorlum. which It seemed to look on ns n 'mere •• 1 nuslc tes~on fnctor.\'." * Dcspitr tlir pubhc ngilallon rnused h)· this nlfnlr. the Educ~ – tlon Mtnlster nnd _ h is c1,•pni'tment rem11111c·ct n<lamnnt in their stnud, the rrsull belnn lhnt thr Con• srn·n torlum losl the srr\'ices of :1 brlllln111 musici!ln , Now we ll:1\"f' to-.t thr tllrrrlor of the Salinnal i\rl Gallrr, hrrausf' of a simllarl.,· unlnuu;im,tin• a n d n1:1t1•ria1isth• a1tpru~rh IJ\" Utt• S:1 111(' ,1,,,,:11'l - 11lr11t ~t l'. lln lne~ ~nid 111s n st ~11nlion w:t s n pro– ti•sl u~ain~t thr plan..: for .\I.! proposr cl Cul – turnl Ct"lntrc h.i Ue 1•ste1 hllsh ed in tile B01.:,nic Gnrd('l1 . I t !-C"t•ms t hr iden \!– lo hnn• the main bullctlnes cir dirntrd lo Uig 81.1!-illC''=~. \l; it h l'nsl h11 Its for lndllS· I r , :1 I exh ibition~ mntnr :111d other rom• nwt ln l !-hows. nnd 1hr t\rt G nlkry 10 b,· m i: 1,•lv :i.n a1111rxc o: npprtida 1 ~c. Nntur~tlty. af lt'i rn, µrc•nt wor\t In r:11!-il\'..! UH• i:;l:ll \1~ of l h C' Arl G r1llC'l'Y, a n rl l1is sue· r t"-!i in ~tlm ulnt in:• r:.: lft:,. l<• it l\tr. H:tl!H.''– frc ls :1ff ront,·d h)· n prnpo ...a l wilirh ~n,·n– ficcs ru l111 r:1l con~ ~ <1. 1 rn1\011c: in 1hr 1g. f Cfl lnll\t'l'C'l'. T lh' I\l\lli~l•' f !1.IH1 111~ clr put tmr tunt !lc1 · \'i:"l•' I'' lw \"C' not com1· ouL wr ll in llw~c• t wo unfo1 tunn l<' nff:-tl rs 11likli :i ffcrl Lill' :-1.,t11-- n{ m uc:ic n : 1 111 1111!- Slate R ECOIW . 11rkc.s for rca rhngs ... Harold Rubin. Rob– ert Haines, I.he Art G@!!.!!r)' and 7li!!' Roy11T ':ll·~ Doctor Sen·it·c .. . "Tar• znn '' Fomcnkn h111·k np North ... the nr the l!rcen todav ... Po,-t Orric•c• · prnfil ... the firs! l'knic rarc mcctin;! al Tocrn·onmha on Sat– urdav . . . Tommy St cele this week, Jla,·c Bruheck next week. 1111111111111111111111111111111 3EMPEP. R •JRU r , THURSDAY, APRIL 28, I '150 Wl,y Haines Resigned A HUSH has fall en ovN the recent Cultural Centre dispute. Y<:!t we i must not be led to be lieve that th e issue is de ad. Two important factors indicative of behind -th e-scenes activity have since emerged: 1. Announcement or a n 0111,,,. "l11ct11.,11·l•s r,,,... Is con- the main cxhlhit. wh,11ever Arts Protest Ivleet,h\f{. rr., n · to Inn~ r-lu•rl~lwrl ideas nspecL or conu11erch11i·m1 l>e lv•lcl b.\' :\Jr. H:iim•~ or ri new "In season." Assurances by Ro ht•1 t Haines t hat " t hin ~., are In the meltln~ pot and action I,; dt't'ln · lt.cly being takPn ." Whl'n lnten•lt:owt!d rr, --11 rl\', Mr. H aines r-tutrd 11\ul II~ rticl not wish to mnkt.• tin v t'1J111• ment on the lssu,• u11lll 1111!1 1~.~ h ncl devrlopP<t s11mcie111 I\' r,,r him lo t,e nblt• lo nir1ke 1 ( 1 11" • tlwr l'Otnplete stalt•mPtH (1 ls e,·ldenl th11t his µrc11.,.st,:n,. rrslgnntlnn hRs h1•e11 ··c·1rdht out in nll t•ar111•-.111L•:.'( He 1~ not n 1w111 \\'1'-h l11•( M ntr nny polltlcn l -!;r lt~r.11w •. nor cl or s hP wl'-h I 1 :11,,,~.• t.hln~s unplra!--11 11t. h111 11" ,.._ :·dnn<lh1~ Ill> l fll' :111 I.I·• 11 I ll I Ids action ln r r.-:.tr: 11 i111! 11 1111 hi~ posit.ion I\', clina1•ror "' I ti,• Qllt'L'll!-:land No tln1111 l Al I fi d – lcrr Jrn.s. 11 nPtll':u--.. 1ri :,.wr:· I off a rc•nppn,t:,.ol IJ\ 1111• G n · ernmcnt or It.;.; r, l1. 1ll - co1wcivrd plnn.~ rnr a 11 •w ,\ r 1 Onll('I'\' lo hC! ltwln1t~·d I/ 111 1111 IL"i crlidr rn11rl'pl ,,t , •11 • mercinllsr(I Cult 111 ,,1 c .•1111 · "Industries fair" ~.ill,.r,\· to bf" 1·011~•1nu·ted nnd The Om·1•rn1111•nt':\ s1•n.~e or nn,•r:11~..-1 :1:-. t1 l 11lt11r:11 n ~ntre Judgment lms IWl"n dm1ded I in 1·., own rh~l1t. "-"· Indeed. by grandiose version~ or tlPi ••,.,.,.,. .•\ 11 G:1llrry shoulrl IJt'. Cultural Centre :l'i 1 "li\'ln~ \J r. Hn!uf's ....nlcl tilt• plnn- J>lu~" tor Quecn...,l~nd ln- 1 nl1 q 11! ,,n ,1ti1•qua1e :111rl pl"O· dust ry. t>r•rl\· ,·nn1·Pir<'d Art Ga llc1·y Though thl:i di:-put~ 1111:t ln– ·v,11111 h:1•:f' t,, l·onslrlrr n dl-· lerrst.etl l.1111 it mi11,Jl'lt v or 1lte · ,·1 w·: qr 111n1·1i1111-. nnd publtc, the tho111:lltlr•.", :,rtlons , ..p 1,·,·, whkh brou1~ht ii uhm1t could T i1 ••-:,, wonld IH' t•xhlbltlon wrl) lnfluenee 111(1> \'ttl lru; or .,: -tll••r\•,; ; .-;1·11lp111 n • 1·0111"L'5 ; tlrnt ml11orll\' 111 t!1e forth• l\l1r:1rlf'!-! fnr nn rrrrrencc c<'mln~ Sln tt: t'lL•c·ltnn ,. :,o ,:.:.1 r1 nd 1n:1!u11.llw .-.... films Al the Lim~ ur Ith reStµ– •nrl .-d id,~. .:: librnn ,·~ ll'lr works TIi t.ion Roht•rt HJ lne~ fr.It 11r ,r 1 .. to IJ,, \11:111rd 111 ,·011nt1·r 1 1ha1 the rutnrp wns .111~l 10,1 '~;•,~:l:;:·~/ nc1\i~~•,1;nnJ:.:1:,~ c,c,~:j:,~•~li I ~~~a~\ t~ !~~i~~;~,~-~l~.'~,s~ lt~i;;~:~t: ,,,1r:;. .th11p., nncf lal>or:110rlr~; lh ~ role hr r•1wls'.11~crl. By 1·•1•1111 ·· .111<1 111rr1it,·..: ,.,,nm., fu1· tcnd~rlng hl.s n•s\r~n;1tinn lie 1,, 11.: ~ <11•111011~1r:11 tr.n:-. 1111<1 111ncle n <.limc.•111 t t1ec·lsli1i1 • 1111d :1111 .\1 1'1 pf' l'fnrr11:1 111·,,~; nncl n Ql'Pnt mtrrlrit'f' . ·,. .. i11cl11(1r n11d 11111<1001 1'1'!'ol nt11·• Now lh:1t hr. h:," ,ll111tu_..d 1111 , hi, rli,;;apprm·:,I lu .-;111'11 a Y .r 11\i, i,;; NOT ·.\·hat the drru1tir nu1n11N· llw fin.-rrn• n ,,· ••r1rn1r-11 1 h:H lt1 111\nrl Tht' mP11l hl,,. d1•rnwd It 1,r111lp11l (i 11 . ••r 11·•w 11 r ll :'1 '- In f:i r t. ah· tn rrr.n11sltJ1,r I~ 111t111,. • '111· 1•1\ 1111 i.Jrn nf ·,\'lw t chw !- Shnuht lhr n,t.virumenl ,u,.. , 111 , 11 11 • , 11 art c:•l l•·r,· :111d Jll:\'!-· mnre ~,.,t,;;lh!e rr11!'tnn• l'r•,tr ll i' I'- pn•p:1rrfl lnt nn thl"4 Of'f•,1-.ifnn I htVI! n •r•·I\ ,, '111111 "" tt1"' lla n1:! nr. 110 (l,111hl t\lr. ft tthr r t 11:.alnr~ -11.11··• 11•-1, 11• 'ii" r 111rnnr·t• nr will r~luru li• hi" rh:hHul ·s,wh o retnl lim " hii• 11•·' •· ··11 11.. r 11' 111nl c ,•1it r 1·, •hi~ tn pn~lllon. our l'(.' W Al"I Cit1 1!1•1 V 111 I • 1111 . 111! 11 1·' 11•1·• 'If " :1ppr1i.,•n r '• fo r