Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

('\LIH I •~ll I IA I L ~I It 7 ART GALLERY INCLUDED IN NEW CENTRE OF CUlTURE A NEW Queensland art gallery, with four times the hanging space of the present gallery, will be bullt in Brisbane. I It will be part of a Queensland Cultural Centre to be established at the lower end of George Street, but it will be controlled and administered solely, by the Gallery trustees. Under seporote control, a Pioneers' Cen– tenary Holl, with seating accommodation for 1000 to 1500, will be built. This will (lruvidc b11ll1 a l- ,-he lower encl ur fncilltlcs for drnmntic )Ocnrgc Sl rrct. arts, rnuRical arts, a nd · n~~·1~!~is '~~~ilJ,W~"rr!i, 0 :,th~ other culturul nctivilicir. 1 plunrr rs 01 our fl r, 1 100 The projccl ,, ·i.it - u11 -1yr.~f)i(' 1 wotc•ct \\'a:-. unu nl– nounccd ln:;1, nh:ht b~ 1 Lhc rnom,Jv ncloplrci b\' thl' Education J\tlnl!-tcr 1 Mr. com m°lltr. whkh · w:1~ Pl1.1,ey1 Rrt<'r tl~c Quccns- 1 wiclely tTprci,;cn1 n f 1,·r." land Cenlennri Crlcbrn- Mr. Pl:-zc•,· , m<i the lions exccutl,•c commitl cc mont•.v-nw,·tn~~ task lrnct hnct cnnfcrrrcl fnr scrcrnlll,cc11 r mr11. ..-1rrl 10 the c cn- ~~grs b~\~~c~~~\~ry Ji!. 1\ 1;~~~~ 1 lc11nr~· Fi11n11c,, Commit Lee. Committee represenlnth't'S ~ Group of 7 Mr. Plzzey snt~I estlmnt,c<~j He sn lcl ii w:ts now cost or the P 10 Jcct \\ft., pln11nec1 1h·11 lhf• <'11lt11rn l tff00,000. or this, Lhe Ooi•- ce111rc , hu,;lcl In ·luclc Olcl ernmcnt hnd nJHt'cct tnlOO\'Crnmcnt Jlou,t• ,,·l1ich contribute £250,000 o\'cr II would be re,lo1·1•cl · b\' the flvc-ycnr period 011 n £1 for Oorcrnmrnt nnd luinclcd £1 bnsls. . . O\'Cr to t,?nllt•r.r trusrt.•cs. The Premier tMf. Nick- lVhcn l't1011,:h moue,· wns Un• , who ~n,·c lw• clt•c- rnt:-;cd 10 bei.: 111 lhc pi·of1•ct t.lon \)OJlcy .~pcech t 11 1n commit tee of r,c•,·c11- hro Mnrooc 1ydorc on Thursdny ·oo,·ernmcnt mcml>crs, two nll!ht, mnde A speclnl trip 1;:ull1•rr trustee rcprc•senta– lo Brlsbnnr to chnlr the t.lvt•~. · ,wo from the CC'll• meettnc. tcnnr~· Pl11a11ce c omm it.tee UA tribute" t'i'~- 011 ti~~;~\1~~. ~,~:r'"~ Mr. Pizzey snld lasl eslnbllshcrl to allocalc Lill night: "After a long dis- lund •nfl cr co11s11!lln~ 1.h . cusslon, it was unanimously Ccntcunry Executive Com– ngrecd to nctopt lhe pro- mllt ce 1. posnl thnt n Quecnslnnd "The clclnllecl requlre– Culturnl Centre rolect b menLs or the Art Onllcr. will be rletermlnc<I by lhe ~~1i~r~ot,~·;~f1\cccl~ '~t\~gr LI~~~ tcrcs1cct bodies." l\tr. P izil'\' snld. · Must "T he trustees ha,·t• l>cc1 ns.'iUrcd thnl no proposn i11vol\'i11~ the Art Ciullcn 1 will be cnrric<I throu~h Withou t thrir C'OllCUITCn cc. ··The trustees llan! ngrccd lhat thcrl' must b m·crnll hnrmony in th nrchilf'cturnl ch-si).!n nnd lnyo11t or !he Cultural Cen– t.re n~ n whole. "They will cnnf,•r with nil inlCl"estcct lJoctles In an effort, lO Rch lf'\'f' 1h is. "Dc tnllcd rcq11in•111c111~ of the Pl011crrs· Cr nt1•11ary Hall wtl l be clC'fl'l'llllllC'rl hy n joi nt, eommillcc 111 1"n11 - fcrC'11cc with rC"pn•!-1•11 tn – tives from repertory !-Oclrllc~, 1111rnicnl, n11ct othr.r bocl lc!-i.'' commerce Pizzrv :-.~1rl thut l)l!\'CI" n I, an~,:· fil :11.:r had ll 1Jc<'l1 11grrrcl t.lmt tile :\ rt Onllerv ht• uscll 1nr l'0111- 111crci:il d1!-iplnys. " An,· !--IUtClllf!Ul thut it wns 11i1rnclr cl to he ust•d 111 1 such a wn ,· ,~ :1 dr hbC'ratr nnd mtschic,·nus 111tempt to mlslcacl I he pulillc," he Slllcl. "The Art Gnllt•r~• Tru:,– tt•<'~ nlOlll', who lll'I Oil he– hulf or al l Qm'f'll!--ln11d r n,. will dPcictfl whn t 1!-i !-how11 nt the nrw An G :tl\Pry." An Aus tra',ia- A t G 11 wide competilion r a e ry be held to de- s1,tn Queensla11d's £600,000 Cultural • • c .:~ltr~ia.llery Trusl•• • Plan compet,t,on and Centenary f'inanro h •t f Committee representa- tives hm discussed this among arc I ec s m~iei, belleved the eom- lor £100 lor £W each pet1t10n, for ,\•hlch a sub- year ror fh·c yrau). stantlal prize " 'ill be They ran rerorrl thrlr glvrn will he re!iitrlcted to famil y ht~ton· In the Auolrallan arrhltects. honk l\'hirh l\'111 he prc– sr.n·ed for centuries to come. r:ommlltee memher!ii feel the hook will attract trcmenr~ l~tere • l •inong Queen•land"Pion– ccr ra milics, Melbourne ha, adopted a (;ulturRI t;cntre scheme slmllar In •II n,specL! to Qucen,land's and l1 •t– tcn1ptfng to raise £3 n,u• lion for the project. The Cultural Centre, l\'hlch "Ill inelude a ne"· Arl Gallery and a rtone•rs• Centenary !fall, I• to be bull! al the tnwrr end of George Street. II wlll take it, ~round !ICrtlons or th, Unh·rr– But Robert Haines •ity and mll encroach says •IIJhlli· Into the Bolante G•rden,. still leaving InT:~ 1 ,:r~;~~;. ~::~~•r~~ Tim .\rt (;1t1lrr,1· llim•tor (Mr. Robert ~~:t n~:;,'in/•:r~~ri~~~:.~ llnhlt's) who rrsli:nrll In 11rntrst ornr I.he JlrO• .,-lthin lhe Art Galleri·, 1msNI plnn for 1hr Culturnl Crnt.re last Morch, afler dono... ~-pstrr1l:1~· snhl the nnnounc•rd schenrn hnd mode .l:.~o r~;n~r~·hl~•~~ltur'~1 nn 11lf'fc•rrn1·r In his plnus. rfnnatlon~. ~mrh a!ri lfr ~a id : "I rr.~lgnrrl. h:• \'C nmrlc nn rlr.c-f!i4lon, rntranrf' s:alf'~, fnun- !:~~i;g~~~:;~~ ~~';f ntvd ~•:~ ~~im/;,';:inhar:enQstt~~·!I! la~r !ii;,nc~~rs• hook will he hcrr nnlr tlll m~· nnllrc I h11ul." rnn,·ldrd In thf' r1nnccrs' c.x11irr~ nn Scplcmhrr 2. lfa ll, nntt ran111Jr~ t\'111 hr. "l',r hatl a ,·nuplc- nf ~htr lo purrhRsr. a r11qr tnh"' nHrrrrl tn mr. hut I ,••.._.ilil.._.••• Ali/1.~Ali••Ailil./,, i\1illinn:1irr rtrl h,,·cr , l\lr, fl, De , ·. nuhln, who hns nl~o nt·ntr, trd a 1011t th:! nt'!w Cultural Centre, s, lc! : " I fine! It !mpos– !-lhlc to he rnthn. 1:tsllc n~·cr surh il scheme. Qurcm,h111tl rlr!'-Cn·t s hct– trr than thl!ii... Mr. H11hin has sug– ::t'"lccl that "flls; m,t. o,·cr the 1nc~tnt conrluct. of 11ffRlt':'ii'' ml~ht rrsult In n nrw art tr11llrr.,· 1111,tcr prl – ,·atc IIUS(lkr.s hcin~ cs– lahllshecl In Qnttnslan<I. ••"""•••••••••4