Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Brisbane, Qld. PLAN SAID TO UNWORTHY Brisbane philanthropist Mr. H. de V. Rubin said today Queens– land deserved better than th11> p,·o,,osed art gallery within the Botanic Gardens Cultur,• 1 ~~ntre schem'!? announced by the Education Minister, Mr. Pizzey, yesterday . Mr. Rubin said it was impossible to be enthusiastic about the art gallery proposal. .\l r P ti'i'.1•y -- .•al 111 ti, .. 1 1,, '.! •., . 11 , ;•, ... :lll/11ll llll'1' l llt' I\I l 11:il '. !i1• d t .1111,1! :, , t'.. 111 \\'l11Jl1• 4·•1, .,1 nr ilw p 1r1 11· 1 ., r-. . 11 cl 1 •ii,·, , ,. wu :- , ·...11 1n:i1,d ;1l 1Jill0.llll0. ,,,· 1i\ l'l1•~ , ,,•, Id 11 f \\ !111·1\ t li,· ( i11\'1•n111H n1 111 ukr ... ,,i ,1: , .•. ,•,11111,d \\ 011 1c1 c 1 1111r11>111 ,· 1 .'..!:·io non 1 , 11 ).l.1 , 1 11 1 •1 ! i1: •tY 0 11 :i J1)1 1.' :--11h,1tl~ r!.1q·l111 \l t II , tl• l),t :-.1' -.1 -.; l!l• J.1 ll was 1•1:111111•11 1hal 11•.. 1~1 ..H !•'l l 1 • tl11• ( ' 1• nt ri• 'ih •rnld i11 - ,1 ,.111,. t 1,: 1 ; ,1-,1:-- •·l11~I •• 11 111•\\ art i,:a ll1·r~·. th1· n,· ., ., ' w h11·h nu11J1I 1n-o,·ill1· .1111w\•· 1,1 1'0111· limt•!'ro 1111• h:111:: - (', n1: ,· .1:1d in ~ .., 11:11·1· ol tll1· nn•,1•111 111• ., ,1~ ~a Jl,•r,\·. . 111cl w1111lcl h,· \ Ii 1: 1: h\! 1 r1111ln1 ll1•1I :i 11,I a 1l11ii1·J,- 1'1111.1, . \1 r. 1t.ti111•,. lt-n•tJ -iult•h II\ thr 1h·l'li11nJ tu , .l\ "ht'th.-r ~allr1·,· 11'11:,(1•1•.; · 111• w11ul1t \,11h lr;1,,· hi~ A P 1onccr!-' C,·1 11,•n,,1·, n·~h:11.1ti1111 ~'- About-laee'' ...,,:1.1,:,;n \I'll lll-:l'OH n -:n TOWNSVILLE : The Stet.:- Govern– ment appeared to hove done on about • face on Quecnslond's cultural centre, the Opposition Leader, M__!. Duggan said today. Re fo r,· ll':1n 111! Jn1.:lta r11 Y. lw1·,· It,· will uddn·:-:!'I an 1'11·ct1cn llll'"l- lnt: . '.\.t r . Dut.:1-.:a11 sold Ll un · " ( lh \'toW,lv the Gov,•n1uw n1 1s IHIPlll..:. by ll r, \\' lll'-!il-.~·ou11dl11:.: ,'\IUlt' l!lt'll l!- llll Ille c•ve nr tl1t• 1•1.-,·1.11111 to n•mt·cl\• son1 1• of Lhe 11a·:1tcula1Jl~• cltunu:.:•· ll llll 11 hn: clurt1· h1lf'l"ft•l'lf1 '-! wilh cut111111I 111a t t • ·rs Ill QUl'CI\Slnncl hy slltntn •.: •,1,·1Lh Dr. Lt"',•• ln,·k. rur nwr Ulr1._•cl•1r or tll•• Cn11:-.1•n·f1lnrit1m :1111I ~I r Ha i1w s. Dln•clllr or l ill: A l'! Gullerv . "Have serious misgivings" " Suffkl1•11t clcL~dl Is nol 1v:ui ,1hl1• l11•n• IOI' n dC· rul h•rl .'\t.,.1 l1·1w·n t , but. It would a ppe•:tr there hns t,,•1•1, :111 :, h 011t.-r11cc in :-.nm •· r, •:•qwCt~ hv lhC' Gri\·•·rnnh·nt on 1mpo1 t· l nl ,·1:tu 1r~,1 mnttr.rs. · It " tn lw lloprd ihnl 1 if t IH' p r o 11•,•t ronl lllUt'S, n •.v11l 111i':1n n flxt•d plll ll'\' "nu t. Ill \ irw or thr c ;,H·••r1u1u•nt ·-. 11r1 ,•lou.-c n•c1trcl I lrn vr ."irrlou, ,nl:-::..:idn ~-. aho11t lhl:-1," h•• -.aid . "COUIIIIII NAIL" ,f Brisbane, Qlcl. ,, Pla11nl11g for culture SPONSORS of a C11lturn l ' Centre for Quccnnln nd's 1' caplt11I ue to gn nhcnd wllh t heir nmhltlous prnj et. Tht'y I have lh• prnmlHC' of n "uh, l "tenllnl Grwrrn mrnt Ht1h\'rn• lion, nnrl horo th nt g nt'rnue puhllc nupport will enrn it. The plnn cnntcmpln en holh n new Art r.nll('ry nnrl I n Pinn•crn' Ccnlcnr, r · · Ila II. lh t wo tn hr lorntcd In the \'lclni y nf !llrf (;nvt'rnmrn l Hnu~c n t hr. encl of r.rnriio Rtrccl • nrl rlnM tr, 1hr Ant– n nle Cnrclrn~ I Old Gnl'r;·nmr n Hn11Pr . the flr~l hnmc of Qurt>nn• 1 in nri"• t; nll·cr•lly. I• n hr re• nrrcl hi' thr (;n\'l'rnm•n 11 nn hnntf<-rl m·rr ln t he Art Gnilrrv, hut fnr whnt u•r hn• I nnt r rt hrrn r xrlnlnNI. r IA !'ertnl nl ~· wrort h prr•• r,ln J( nA An hl~tnrfrnl nncl i:rnrrfu l hu llrlln i:. Some prnplr will ~1 IIJ hr nf nr lnlnn lhn1 n nrw A rt 1 :n I· lcry IA 1hr Slntr 'A fir• rul – I ural ncrrl. A I ri:" nnrl i::rnwlni: nllr,·llnn nf \'llh1'1hir plrlu rrn nnrl nlhrr r,hjr,·t~ nf a r1 In wnll 1ni,: fnr n h<'ltrr nnd much mni-• Af'1t1·l•11t• hullcllni: lhn n thr fll'"""'' A'nllcry, which wnn lmprm·l••cl ••~-,.,,.~ out nf whnt wnM onrc Brl"• lmnc'A hl1:izrn puhllt hnll .