Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

2 I ·,/,t,) 1960 Gihs by artists for gallery At L£nnons Hotel nieces or 1m1111 l11~ sculpt 11rc urc bclne. hlbllr.d unlll Sundn.v. The ll'Ol'ks hn\•r b<'Cll ull'c11 b\' I.he nrUsts nnd nre Lo be nucllnned L rnlsc r1111ds ror 11 11c11 Q1m;nsJ!lnd Art Onl!crv. i\rtl~ts rrom " 11 SlnlL'll hn\•e contrlbulo•d , provldln,r a ,rrrat run~,• fur si'lrcllun. The IIUCL!on will be I Lhc IJ11 sc111ent or lhe. Clt} Hnll 111•xt Monctnv nl~hl ,,,,;,.,;,,,: .. '" ,.,,,.,;,,,.,.,I iu llull 1,,,_.,~m,•11t ,,,,..,,, . nur ui,:111 I,., ,t,r lln~- 1,,,,,,. .-f,,- lfull rmll • ,,,; ,,,.,. ,,,,. ,01111ui1t1·,• , .., . ,,,.111frr• M,.. ff,,.,,,,.,. ,,,.,,;,,.,,,. ( ,,.,,) ,.,,,, ·"'·· .,,,,,,,, 1rm/1·. ·r,,.. ,.,. 11 ,,,.11 ,, 11 ;~ ; 111 ,.,,,.,I Jur £.'IIUHI. /,ut tlu• rmu• ,,,;,,,.,, lrni,r• ,,, rnl•r. ,,.,.,,,. tlrnu tl,i, am111111I. .• "COUii- NAan lrflltane, Qld. IT'S ALL UP FOR SALE SCULPTUR[D HfAD 0 baby by Do.,hno Mayo '"'<'' u c,d thl' Go" ,no, Si, Hcn,y Abell SmJth 1 when he . ,,,tetd tht! c•. h,b,t lon al po,nt1ng, a"d ,culpt u, c, ,n " ouc11oncd lo ,o,u, fund, fo, the bu,ld,nq of 1ho no..., Qurrn, lond /\ ,t Goll ' Y Thr ouct,on "" 'II tnkl~ rilncr "' th~ C,ty Ha bo ,r,,,cnf on Mondo" ,,,oht With tht Gove ,– " " ' ,, thr, A,1 Gatlr-,y OHoctn, , M,, Robc,t Ohl 1 1