Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

''TELEGRAPH" Sydney, M.S.W, FINISHED OIL, acclaimed as the be- : ginning ol the "Dobe/lian" technique, is in the : Queensland National Art Callery. 1 Dobell sketch basement • 1n A William Dobell oil sketch, for– gotten for 14 years, was unearthed in a Sydney suburban basement this month. T h e ••fi nd "" i~ now under offer to t h e Queensland N., t iun– a l Art G:o!J.-ry fo r several l11111drf'd " Ulncas ~ The sk~tl'h l'i Dl)hf'll -i llrst. of h L"i Jrun,ni,. p 1c – Lure ··Thr C,rpr1ot ," DolH'II f!:l\'C th1• s~:1•ll'l1 to h i;,, a rt1-;t fr1t•11d . l~n c \Vil~ 111. 111 Lond1 >11 :.!6 \'C:11'~ :u.:o t,,,r 111, ,. !I dldi1't llkr tile h ,: ,o• \\'Uson hrou:.: h I it lo Australia . h11t u h1~11 he dl('cl 1-i ~·r;tr:-. :tl!H the • ketch w:i:-. slarctl in a basement. Tht sketch remained m ll North Shore !iUh· urtm,11 house bMrmc11L IJerau:;c iL was Lhou~lll to be "only l.111 old dra wl11g board." Wilson's wife, nrtlsL ,Jean Applc•l.011, fo1111d it m a bn.. c;enuml clean- up, - ·1 he difTcre11ces In de– \ Clopmc11l , druwmg a11d plncemtmL uf the htrn<I::. 111 the two work:-. are 11ot.eworl11y. 1 1 hc 11rkf" "!-ilted for the sketch is man)' timt:fi ,:rt•aCt•r lha n t ht• 1irk r of Uuhcll', liual 11:1i11li11,: of "The t·, 11riol.' 1 • Tht• 1111.d p:il11 L111£? •1 .l!; jlrlt'l•(I :i i WO f~\I! – ! 1•a ~ 111 HM I wh1•11 !l r,I 1•-.;llllHLt•cl h )' l h t• ::iU!'t•·I y 1: :\ rLl!-,1.-t 111 !:i~'dlll'Y 1'!11· Gudl r,·y Hl\'t" • I n:-l lut t'r l1111u:ltr 11 !111 ·!w Qui••,11!-- l.tn I N·1- t.1111,d t\ ! l fi 1'·1•n I)1dwlt 1111, ,,., t'l'\t ,;a d 11· 11.til p ,l1111 ••ll th n·,· c;k,•~~·IH':; or "TIil' C'\"p – :111L. A .-,<•<· nul, ._,,1 , J,·r Y,,•t1 11. p1,it1,1hlv · ,ll 111 l·,11 : 111d 111 1•• ~~--~--Y•••n•- -•'