Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Brisbane, Qld. Brisbane, Qld. 1Art ... for art's sake Ever drcomcd of own– ing nn original painting? Wc-11, now is you, chance. l':ttll\ 11\C~ :1t lllr n n:-- trn111• :\1 1~ n rtl l 1·,1mmlttPt' 11111·110 11 \\'ttl hr -.n\ct I l'Olll ac., lnw a._ !1\·r c111nrac. - :111rl 1hr 1111111f"~' \\t ll i.:n In :1 !1J11(t i n t1r1lp trn1 lci thr rn~\, Q11r,·11·.Ja nct :\ rt Ga l– lr1 ,. 'i'n t1,~ '-Olcl at ll/111 :nr \\'f"llk - h \ . ·1: JL,11-. 11r,·... ,·11 1,r11 n ri l1 \l.1•·· qw~r-11. S1r 1.1111 1,•I J.111r1 ... :1,·. anrl Norn I lr ,\·-.r11 T llr1r nrr 11 1 ..... p,,111 t lll\.!" h\' thr O l1r-1•11,1 •11 Ill•' Si11111l .'\11, 1rn l1·111 1\ 11 r.:dlr1 ~ 1 flnhr-1 t \ ;1111ph1 II • ullfl h \' 11tr n 1rr 1•1t q ,,1 II \!' S\'flllf\' ,\ 11 (i.11\••1 .\ 1 JJ :tl ~it ~11i:!ll:t111 1 :\ll p :1111l l11 L! 11111w,1 ;1t t' 1,11 rl1•p!n.,· ar J 1 ia11n r,11- T l1 11 111'111111 ,, 11 1 l'H• t1r lrl 111 1hr Cll y !lull h n '-1' 1111' 111 nt A p 111 nr , 1 · 1nnd:..~· Cill-'T l 1 AIS'l'IN«i~ In he auctioned to raise fnnrl., for Qurcnsh,nrl's nrw Arl Gallrr~· hrin~ lnspef'trtl .,·esltrda}· at l,Pmrnn!ril h.,· ,\1lsse~ ,Ian :0-irmon llofll, or llnllan<I l'ark, anti .roy Tra pprtl , or ~undah. 'rhe palnllnJ~ "·ill ht auctlnntd In lhe <:it,. Hall ha!'rment next Monda)· nl~hl. The1·e 1u, 1:!n pair.I• ln;::s and ~rulot ur«- In lhe flhi1>la~·. The a,wllnn 111 htln~ arr:111,:ed b,· 1hr Rrl~· hane Arl~ Hall Commit • lf't, anct .,.-a~ ulnnntcl In hp hPlcl la~l .,·r:tr. Quern~J;1nfl's Ctnlrn:tr~· \'rar. lllrrt•lor or 1hr (lnrr1:~– liuul Satinnal Art lial– len· I ~lr. Rnbtrl llaint~l wri1tr tn artists In man~· Stalts askinr fur dnn~ – tlnns n( Jlalnllnc~ or srul1,t11rr. Tht> r 11llr1•ll1111 or palntlni:s I"' lmmrrrt rnr r:toon, hut t hr: rnmmlt - 1 rr hopr!II Ihr a urtlnn will rr~ll~t> morr than 1111 ... Brisbane, Old. Art sale fetched £1000 1-'il'fr••n iiai11tin1;< h,1· ,\ n,1 r:di11n II rtist t111_ns II c 1. ,. c 11 ,-;nlcl Inr u 111i11 in l\ri,-;hanc la,-; I wed,. B U\l·r~ !-111:I J'l 'l'd 1 q,-at till' ~~-;·,•nr-old :1 rt l~t ·~ firs t one-man ~•x hiliiliou ill n 1o l'l' t h:111 ·>:-, y,•:1r~. - '1'~1"\' \}iiut-1\1 :di b11! ri11 1 iii 1li p :1 1111 \lh '.S \lllll,1,! .II~ t ll\.' ,•xl11 l,1t11111 11t 1111' Moi r 1 1 111 (i1tllo'rl 1 '.., " TIil' prit't' W:\!'i •11i111•;1, ('or a lalt• nrt1·_r– f101111 11:1,tor:11 s1·~•nr 111•,1r llt' \'' t'II', l111u1t• 111 ,:\1 t•l– ·1illt• .. 1hr i,::1llt•rh·s clir– ;.rtn~ t'.\1r. .tames \\'lrrlt'kt'l salcl ,·esterthl)", One unsold "Tile on ly nnr unsold so fnr IS a dlffrrl'lll H cy:-.r•11 - a ~ombl'C" h ill~f?P topped by pt\lllJ.! dnuc\s. 'flw r•xh1h1t 1on will br rxtr11clrrl to, nt lrnst. nno1 llrr w~'rk. Thrc~ c~f )-IC'Y:--l'll'~ (' ll:\l'l:ORl dl,fi\\~ tnAs arr on c.l1splny ln rhc COUl'lt:'l'-Mail ,·cslilJulc . Brisbane, Qld. 1d' :\~ \ g 11 in,;n~ WHH paid h\' ~tr. :111d ~11~. \\' . ~. A l'!.;w1,f'lh . 111 (',rnrpn111;), f11r th1 -.: II. A. II 1111{,, 1111 p:i i11t i11 ;..: , " ~lurning 1; 11tl r r.'· :tt tltt> :111 din11 n f p :i 111 l i11 g:,: :111d .t'lllp– t11n• 111 tl1,· ('1 t _\ 11 :i l\ l;1fl t 111c h1 in ai fl n! f11ndH .. ,. 111,· IH'\\' Q11 , 1•11:-(l:111d .\1 1 c; :i l11 •r \', Thr :i11,·1ln11 11!'1'\I' :i rli/'i• :1p11nl11ti11,: r1•-.1rn11,;;1•. \ 111111 1 nf 12 1 lnl'- rl11tial r fl 1 lff :i r·tlsls a 11fl 1•11111101, – .,.,,,.., wrrr nflr rr·1I In ,1 1 1·rowd 11f ::no, '1'111• work~ Wt' l'f' 111,",lll'f'fl fur •;:1Rfln, hut rrnli..,·,I 11nh· l.'d 1 i;: 11i11r:1,. Onh· 1111r fol \l a:,. no! ... 111,1,·