Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

ART GALLER INCLUDED IN NEW CENTRE OF CULTURE A NEW Queensland art gallery, with four times the han&ing space of the pres-ent gallery, will be built In Brisbane. !No commerce It will be part of a Queensland ~,r. 1•w.1·.v " "" 11\llt C I I C b bi . h d t 11"\'l•r Ill 11111 , 111,:1• h:111 ll u tura entre to • esta 1s e a ,h:cn 11s11·,·<1 '""' 1111' Art !he . lower end of George Street, but ~;~: 1; 1 :;'; ):;·.p::i;:~ 1 1 "r ,·,nn- 1t will be controlled and administered ··An)' , 1:11,•1111'111 that. It I I b h G II was 11111'11111'11 In hr 11, rd lll so e 1y y t e a ery trustees. .,11rh 11 " ''·'' " 11 <1r liber:i1r Under separate control, o Pionccn' Ccn - a11rl 1111,.d1J1·1""' 11t1•:)1111t tenary Hall, with seating accommodation ;;,t'" 1 '''" 1 11 '" 1nil,hc. 110 for 1000 to 1500, will be built. "Tl10' Art t;11ll<'1',r Tr11s- T , 'll , 'd 1 - . tees i\lnnr. wlln Rl'l 0 11 be· htH WI JHOVI C built nL the lower r nd of hair or ull Q1ir•r11'iln11d el'S, {aclllties for dramatic George St rrct will rlrl'l(lr whn1 " , hnwn arts, m11skn l nrlH, nnd flt·~· 1 ~!~ I s '~~i~Jli;~•~a rr~;~t :l; 11 ~. 1JnL the nrw Art Gallen·.'' other cultural acliviliPH, [~~cl~\\~_1.·rs 01 UlH' l1n,1 100 1 The project wa~ un- 1· "Thi' projC't t wn:- 1111n 11i• ,nounced la~t night by 1he m ou.-- lv nrloptt•d bv tlH' Educrntlon Mlnl~ter I l\Jr. romnt·iurr.. whil:h · \\'fl:– Pl1.zcy, nfll'I' lt1e Qucf:'11!-,- wi<leJy rc prC'sl'llln tl\'r." lnnri Ccntr1rnry Cclch rn- Mr. P17.Zf'\' :-n ul Ilic tlons excc11tl\'c conunllt.~c mollC'\"-rn h-ln~ ln'-k h:1ei hnd conferred for .~rrcrul been r 111rut-ll'cl 10 !Ill' Ce11- ho11n; wllh Oalh'ry 1 ru"'tcP rr n ur.v Ftnnnrr c om111!11rr ,' nnd Cl'tHcnnrv F'innnc!' Committee rcpresellt:ttl\'P, Group of 7 Mr. Plzir~, snlcl l'~ttmnt crt l!c :--n lrl it was ii•1\\' r.ost or the pr?Jcrt. w:~s lph1 11nPCI 111111 the t·nllurn l .£600,000. Of Lhi~. the fin . - rt·111 rr :-ho11lcl l11c\utlC Old ernmcnl hn,I Rl,!rrNI tn Go\·crnmc-111 H011, r whll'h contrlbulr [250,000 O\:cr 11 wnulrt IJP rC!--lorcc1 ' b\' Lhc rive-ycnr period on n l:I for lo<wc•rn11wn1 rind 111i1.Hkcl £1 basls, O\'l'I' l o 1,!i! llt•n· l l'IISI L'rli. Thf Premier I Mr. Nick - \VIH'H <'IIOm.:°h 11101\C!\' wn-. tin• . who ~l\\'e. his clcr. rni~rcl tn Ur1:1n l he 1•rnjrc1 tlnn policy ~f'JP~h In n co1luni tl~1• nr :-l'\'f'l1- t\\'0 1 M1uoochyrlorc 011 1 hur.lidu y Gov1~rn m c111 m ember:-. two ' nlghl. madr n ,c;p~cinl. lrlp µn lh•ry tru,let' n ·111·cst•11111- to Brlshnnr 10 chnla Ll1Cjt l\·t•~. 1wn 11 0 111 the C C'n- mcellng. 1c11arr Fi1rn 11,·~ Commillt'c. "A tribute" ~';'i . 0 "~~;;i,·;,'.'11'~~.~t,'i:1b" '1\~ Mr. Plz1.cy ,nld lnsticstn bl tsh crl to 111loc111c the nt2ht : "Alter n long dis- fund •n!tcr ,·o:isullln~ llw cu~slon, It wn:- unnnlmm1,;ly Cc11Lcnno 1 Exrcutlrc Com- ftHl'~fd 11\~1 n~op~ll:~.l~~d m \~,l:-~~: · dct II lied 1·c11ulre• ~LurRI Centre proJee~ be m ent, or the Art Oallcry l will be determined bi' 1hr µnllr n · t ru!-.trr.c. wlw n· they hn vf' cnn ~l1ll rd olhrr in- ' LCrc-.:1C'd bocllr ,:· ~t r. Pl7.7.C)' l:Ricl. \ Must concur ··TJH• t I'll, ll'f'"' 11:n·c bl'rll HMlll'rcl l hn l 110 pl'OJX)liltl lll\'Ol\'111~ th r An Oallel'\' I~:;: t 1 1,n!i~ 1 Y~: .. i;::'",~n,,c~ 1 :f.~~~!~ ··Tiu~ lru.-.1c•('.i;, ha\·1• Contest now f or1 l ll L: l"C'f'rl lhn t Illf'rr 011151 b(• ovrrnll h urn,1111\' In the nrrhirccturnl 1tP!-1'm Rnd Jnynu t or t ht.• Cul ttfral Cc11-1 1 rr n!'i I\ whnlr. "Th ey \\'Ill r o 11f1•r with nil l11trrr s t •et bochrs In n11 Cfnrt tn nd1lr \'r hi'<. " Dc tnUrd l•''1lllrr 11H'IIL't or Lh" P lnn•.. t"'I"'• Crnt,•n·11·y H n ll w ill h1• d l'lrr111l11cd b · a JO!III f'011111llll!'f' In 1'011• •rrrr11ct' · ·1111 n•prr ntn• I l \'f'N from rr.pertor~· f'Or irllCfi. lllll~lt al. nnd 01 her bod le, ." wi:~.l!n l~::~:~:•lii:;n A rtGa 118 ry he held 111 dc- "'IC" Que1•nsland'" rnoo.oon Cultural • • t:~~.ir~··•"m l'ri,,,,.. Plan a compet,t,on and t ·cotemar., t,'ln1111rt· h • c·ommlUrr rr1,rr,rnt.e• among arc ,tecfs II•••• hn,·r 11l,r11,,__.c1 thl• 01 ~:-'•itt hrllr,•r •I thr rum • for tlOII lur t:·!u r;1d1 11rlitfo11. fur \\ hl r h n , uh• •" '" ' fur U\'f• ,rar'- 1. '-htnlJa l prltr wl ll hr Thr , r t111 ri•1•ord thf'lr 11:h·rn M•III hr r r , trirtrtl tu frlmlh· ll l"l11n In 1hr A11~l rKllan nrd1il r rt-., hunk whlr h "hi hf' ,.,,. 'fhr , ·u1tu ra l ( "r ntrr. '-fr\'1•11 for rrn111rlr, 111 whfrh w ill l11r h11l1• .1 IH'" l'll1t1r. ,\rt C.a llrr., arlll .- ( '11m111itlrr rnrr11hrr, f'lonrr r,· ( r ntr rrnn JI.ill fr•r l thr l111ok \\Ill 1 llr:tC't II .-numdm1, lnlert•!\ll Amons Quern11litnd pl•m • rr1 rnn1111c... ~lclhnurtu• It,.,- nrto111r1I 1 C'ultur11I ( 'r ntr,• ,1•hrmr "1111ll;,r tn a ll rc---.pr,·t-- lo (lt1r'"11~l:11ul', ;11ul t, AC - lrtn111 hu:- to r.-11..,., t::t mll - 111111 f 11r I he IHojr,•t. I, lo hr hulll :-11 thr ln,.-,•r rnd of C.rnrcr ?'i lrr d . ft ulll 1:1kr 111 c ru unrl ,1•r 1 ln11 .. uf tl1r t nh·r r - But Robert Haines '-II ' a 111I ofll rnrr11,11•h says ,illi: hlh Into 1hr l\111a 1111· l i,1r,lr 11 ... still leaving Tht• ...... ••n n•.. tll<oi~'U"'-•••I 111 nd'-e n,•-uu•, o,•rr thr fl f' \l fhr , r itr, illr lurh' Chr 1111 rnlnc or ea IJrrlr'-, ulth ln 1hr . r t C,:t llr n , 1 f1,·1 rtonru .... ,\ l, n tJt1t111•"' • •Ill lir 11, t.1 tl fnr :u r hlt rrl ura l 111111.-t f ifllt... , ur•h a r 111 r.,n,,· cnu·... fnnn , !.d lh . ,.,, . .\ thfllur..,· h u n J.. n Ill hr r:i~ ;i.lc~ r,~ltl l~•R :,~ 1 1~ 1 ~•u::~rt~~ .; hh to p urrlrn "'t" 1 111111"•· Th•· .\rt H11ll1•r., lllrn lor C ~l r. llolw rt llai11,•, ) u hn n•..,1~11••11 in 1,r11t ,• ...,, u\ ••r I h1• Jtro• pu-,•,t plnn for lht• ('nlturnl 1·,,11tr1• 111, t .\ln r1'11, ,1•,l 1·11la , , 11111 1111' 11 11111111111·,·tl ._,·li••nu• lrnd 1111ult• 1111 111 1 li•n• n1•1• fo hi, plnll"-. llr ,al1I. " I 1r"lc;11r,I, llw tr11, , ..,., ,11 rrr111•1I 1hr r""lcruttlnn. 11 1111 I run lwrr 1111h 1111 Ill' n 11l it •• r\ pi,r, 1111 i'r11trmlirt ! 1,,;:!·~~1~ 1 ;::,'i ,: 11:,'.:··1:, 1:. ,., h.1, r n1.ul1• 1111 1lr1 1 .. 11111 \\ ha tr\·r ,- hu \1pr r1 .. I nlll 1111I 1r 111,1lr1 n ()11r1•11,. lau,I: \ flll1111rnu,- ,11 t 1 11 , ,., .••".."...."A.................. u•••••,..•••..•u It II fh• \ ', ft11 l11 n . "h,; h,h ,1l1o 1 1 pr,1fr ,-tr 1I ;11,11111 1111' 11t•\\ , •1111 111:.I f 't"nl, ,uhl · ·· f tlnfl ii llnr111, . -llilr 111 h,, r f1 t h u ..l:"ll• 11\f'I ...11,·lt •• , 1•h f'1t1I' fl11r 1•1i-.l,11ul ffr 1, r , t,rt – lrr thau 1111, \ tr U11l1l11 h.1, ..u r. -:r , lf,,I 111111 " 1f1,: 1h l 11, ~r ll1r 111 r ..r n1 111nil1111 .,, lfl1111, · 111ii: ht n •.. u ll Inn 11 1'" ,trt c;,tll1•1, 11111tr, llrl • 1,, 11• rt11<, 11l1-,•, hrl 11 c; ,,,. lnllll•'iltrtl 111 0 11rrn,1.11ul. .........A••••••••••1