Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

FINISHED OIL, acclaimed as the be– ginning ol the " Dobellian" technique, is in rl,e Queensland Notional Art Gallery Dobell sketch basement • ID A William Dobel/ oil sketch, for– gotten for 14 years, was unearthed in a Sydney suburban basement this month. The •·find " IS 1111\'.' un d e r o rT,•r to th,· Quccn~lan d N HLl1 111- a l A rt. G ,it lr• rv to r s e v e r a I h1i11ur,•d 1:ulnt'as. T h e -.kt•l ,·n t: Dulw'I, fl r,t o f t11., 1a111 "'" I'·'• t111·r " Th•~ r ,·p1 1,H " D1>h •ll 1-;t,v•• th•· ..,.,•t1·h t.o h ,s 111 t i,1 111,•11d Ent." W d !'\111\ .1t L•mct,u1 .!O vca 1s .,~c, II" · 11h1' 111• ct1dit'l like lit•• h IIHt-- \\'11..,,on hr,111i;: ht ii to .\us t r:111:1. hut \' h 1•11 he dlccl 1-1 yc11r:-1 ni:o 1hr. ,kd d , \,n, , 1111 t•,I In 1 h,1"•1111•111. 'I h•· k,·, I 1•·111 illll'tl Ill ,t :-;111 I h ShnH• suh· 111 h t.11 hn•1•t• hn.. , 1•rt11•1 I h•· ,Ill ,, .t \HI' h,111 II' 11 1n• ,ml\ 111 ul 1 II ,,, !Jo! uu11 id \\' ,· 1:1 IA It' :t .. 1 I ,l••,11, ,\ :1· ,J,,1,111 ' I .::11 I I Ill 1l IJ,1:•t'ilL"ll: ~,t.',111 - : \lj) Thl' dlllt·!t'IIP'.... 111 tl••- \ t' l 11)/1 I•'I,' ' ,I •~ Ii.' 1 I ·l!,11·t•1111·11t 11 '.Ill' .,,111.!· .11 th,· 1.,,1 v. .. ,1 ... -. ;\rt' Jl,)' ,•Wtll l ll\' ·r11,, prl,·r 11~k1•1I rur 1h1 1 ,kdl'I, l<11 man,· ti1111'" ~r1•u t1•r lh,111 Ihi- 11rl1·1• uf l>nlll'II', fi11:tl 11.1111tit1.:, of ""I lit• I , 11rl11t.'' Th,• ll n d ') tlnl 11 • .\ll II , ,. ! ,1' }•I\• -·"· :J•• ,., 1, 1!111 /. h,•n I I 1•\h 1ln ' 1'H I,•, ' II, ;-;n .,.,, ,: \ ; .,••..:, 11\1' rl1t• ( 11tl!11·\· H I: ..•' ,1! I IJ I I ' h•· (Jlll'IJI, 1: I I ,·.1: \ · (,t!' ,, I).,,,, t h ,\• I \•' 11.1 I )) !I , ..I ' II!, • 1:,•· Ii•·~ Ill J h•· c:, I>· ,ot ·\ ,. ·J' PI" l 1-)i, 1 d\ ,:1 r· I ,,I, II•· ,, I •• ' i · ·-- ·········· \ . 1 ... , ,.,,. ~r.~~,~~L- ~t~:~· . 1111 I .1 1-. \ N A l'l'l.l '.'l'ON \\ 1., llro\\',,lll~ l!ll Olll~h ,nw 1 1,,1•, wl,wll lwrJ h c'l'll ,11111pr-11t·tl ,\111!'1' . oon 1111'1' 1111· d,•,111 1 01 li.·r hnllLu1t :1 111., t t1u.,IJlll1Cl I H it ' \\ 11.~ 0 N U\',11 ly 15 \'t';tl.• ,i1:11 \ nd 111 1111• r ,1.,t: ,,•1•r1 • I w11 collr•i'l,or;·.' p 1t•l'f'1'-tl ,nt1 1•1 1\'u 11 hr F'.ri<· \.V1l •,,u 1 1111d t tu- 01·11:111111 p ,t111l111.: 11! ltll ,I. l)OIU•:1 ,1.'z,,; IMIIII\I~ p lf'tlll t•-'l')lt,, 1 \' l'lllU I 1111\\ tH11 1t:11 11~ 111 Lltl' Q 11re11!l'l,t11J '11 11111 d ,\ 1 I (i ill1•1 \' 1111111'11 11,111 11·J• 1 ll'd t,11,• f'1u tv Cvpr1ot 1,.,,-,wsr he 1.,111 I lil,1· l l1L' ll,111d.... ,,11d 111d ~l\'t'II II lo Erlf' \\'1\,-,111 Uut 111 ., 1.)111>1•!1, wll,tl ·:, :l hu:ul ur 1wo ,\1 11'11 l h,· ,....., P,, di ,~ l'll111. .'''