Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Briabane, Qld. IUN 1960 THI COUUIR-MAIL FRIDAY JUNE 24 1960 5 LA BELLE BRINGS PRIZED ART HERE Q UEENSLANI>EHS will ,-c~ ~ .l:iiOfl,000 ,·ollcl'lion of Turner 11amt m~i- from J,ondon'i- Tate (:allcr,·-thanki:- !:• the State's own "La Belle Holland111se. 'J'lir 16 p11intlngs- lnpC'n m1 S11ndnys mosll_,\' lnnrtsr~pcb Rr.l~(~ 11 ·Wor'711~ }\:~i, l,imr nt 1hr f 1 ~b~:~~\,cii, tJ,: 11 Qucr~sln'nc1 l~nllrry ndmtssldon c1Arn, 1 r~, 1 ~: II , f Juli· 14 would be ma c. 1 • Art On Cl') rom · lwould pn y 2, nncl children t.o Aug11ot 7. Gel . · They nrc lnsurl'd for I This \\':lS tn hr lp pn.r thl' £500,000. nnrl make up thr £1200 nccdrrl 10 bnn~ the most rnl11nble collection ol pn lntlngs 10 Queensland. lls size rrer to come to l )Joseph Ma llord William Queenslnnd. Turner , 1775-!Sa! J i_s. r~- Thc pnlnUnR,s were gnnlcc1 ns thr " !11lri !'! lonncd by the Tnlc ORI• ~rentest, lnndscnpe _pnuityr, !er !or the Adelaide Fes- The son of a b,H bc1. 1c u,•~I ol Arls In Fcbruarl', lwns born in a rilngy house and ror exhibit.ion In Mel- In Col'rnt O nrclcn , Lon- bourne and Sydney. 1 1d 0 r.-.11hongh he had little 'Our chance 1schoollnR. he cxhll>ltrd Rt the ROl'RI Academy nt the Queensland At't Gnllcri· RRC ol ·rn. nnrl wn., elcc~d Dh·ector ,Mr. Robert to lull membership of t e Haines, said ycst.erday: Academy at 27. 1 •'The pnlnt.ings were not scheduled to be cxhlb1t.ed In Queensland. But the snliery trustees felt It wn• an opportunity which mlghL never occur ngRln, "We wrote to the Tate Onllcrl' trnstcrs. nsklnR tor the co lcctlon and polntlnR out 1.h11t wr. hnd tanned our own 'Ln Belie Hollnn- dnlse' !or the Tnte's Plcnsso Exhibition next m~i,t_h~alnes suld that tor the Turner Exhibition the gnllcry would take t,hc unu~unl cour1-,e of stayln~ open from 10 a .m. to 0 pm Mondays 1.0 Satur– day~· Inclusive. It would be I GIRL INSURED I FOR £70,000 A pretty Dutch girl is flying to London on Friday ... in the luggage compartment of a Boeing 707 jet. And allhourh 01 her passen~crs will not khow much ohout It, shr. ls insured for , £70,000. Sh e IS Ln Belle Hol- 1!1 nda lsc. one ot the most cont t·ovcr:,;inl 1>lcturrs l>\' Picasso. Tht• pnlntln~. wn: botwht for tlw Q11t'c n sland At'l Oalicrr hy an nnonymous donot' in July ia.st i•ent' lnnd ru lsecl nltcrnnte storms of con.1ccture. protest nnd :iclmlrntion, will be n len– t 11 r, •cl t tr.m in n Picnsso , xhihltlon t.o be held In rlw T:1te Onllcrles In Lonclon between July 5 a ml S eut.ember 18. !\rt Galle1·y officlnls •od :11• :11·p pncklni, thr D:1 ln 1i11•~ In n sprclnl ., uollr n ca se. l'ncloslnn u v:1 t:Pn,rnof n nd shn tler– •roc1f contni1wr. l,11 Br llc Hollnndnisc ,·ill be I.he only 1>ict11re i':·0 111 ! \u.st rnll11 In the •• 01 •'n•t ,~vh ihit!Oll. Brisbane, Qld. 1 OUR "BELLE NUDE" FOR LONDON Q UEENSLAND'S moll controversial lady - ' ' Lo Belle Hollandaise" - will be flo'Nn to Lon • l'~1f{oJ~ wi ll br 11,1-11 rC'd fn r ~t\, :1:/·" ?i\,;:.\\1·ilw?t~ ~i;~\~ ,\ 1:nl!Pn .-.pokr,~1111111 1111• ,•x ll 1b1t 1111t. :-i1hl ' •':-lr rdu,\' tllr 1111111!• ·· tiu U1•ll1•" wa:- bn11uht Ill!! .'-JJC'l'l:111\' pnrk r d Ill fro 111 1111• Hl'I 1•n llf'ttl1)1l nf , ltw k-:1 1.>.~orbi1rn 111hlir r wt•a ltl l\· Hi-lsh:1111 1 l,!1u1.11•r f:111111w : 1111tlr 1111,11111\ won!d lw .,rn t i\l r . 11: ,k Vnh l n 11 IJ1 1l ~;11\1,\t~x~~·i,\111 : 1,~ 1d1~1('·'~: 1 1 f~ .\\\ 1111Ct !1,m1 l.nndun b.\ ,. 1 ;.i,~1.,r-,\.J!~:;11/{i\~ ;\'Nr/~~ :~1~ wo r k :,. Ill l h •· T ull• (inll1•1'\' ,•\ II ('0:,.,1, wi ll hr pnid I)~· o prll~ 10 111r1n 11\\', rrntll ,1111\· f, lo ~ .-•ptrlllht.·r t H T h P pn 11 i1 i111: wn, 1111111.! lll lw I l1r Qurr11:-.h111d A!'I dn llrr\' 111 Lnnclon lrt~I ~,fn\' fnr t fi0,02:l. Dnrtnc ,~ 'nb~rnrc from the SRI- Brisban,, Qld. LA BELLE GOING BACI( - ON LOAN 1'RII' FOR "LA Bt:I.Lt;" . . . Mr. Robert Ha ines, Director of lhe Que ens la nd Art Ga l– le!'y (lefl ) and allcndant, Mr. G. fated ycsler– day pRcked the Pi c,rnso painting- "La Belle HollanclRise" for shipment l o L ondon, Hrlshane's most ramnns "girl" will he~ln the flr,t leg ol her 10,000-mllc. 27- hnur Journey on Frida)·. Mr, Haines said ycstcr– da)': "I won't be here when 'La Belle' comes back. . , . I'll he sayln,: ,:0<111-h)'c to her. It Is a palntln,: I have become nttad 1ed to," Mr. llalncs hal; rc– sl,:nert 11s ,:11llcry rtlrcctor. Ill, term expires on Scp– tcmhcr 2. " I.a Belle," co,·crod hy a £70,000 Insurance policy. Is being- flown to l.ondon h)' Qantas at I fiW'mW1o~r 1 ::1ilbfn~n t~~ ~~~~•l,';.fl!t~t~th~n At,~~ Council o! Great Brltnln lrom .luly 5 to September IH. " l. 11 llcllc" has been M1s 11cmlrd Inside a 31~ 4':tn. Ion,:-, Jrt. H'lln. wide, six-Inch deep rh·c-ply wooden box, on sponge ruhhcr pads, She's wrappc,t Jn waterproor paper and Is co,·crcd with a sheet ol shattcr– proor ,:-IILSS, Qantn.s' manaJ;cr fl\tr. 1-·. An,:-cll I said last night the airline wns not ovcr– lookln,: the posslhlllty that lntcrmttlnnal art thle,·cs might try lo steal her. "Constant checks wlll he made on 'La Belle.' both In lhe air and on the ,:-round," he said. ... Brishurw, * Plc asso·s o ve r - blown lady, "La Belle Hollandaise." h a s bee n packed at the Art Gallery for s hipme nt on loan to the Tate Gallery In Lond o n for Inclusion In a big e xhibition of Plcass o's works. \\'e are assured thnt the nt present. "I," Belle llollandalse" And when l Sil)' "ar tist ·" oalnUn,1? Is ,·u,·cretJ by t 111ran those who cri'in an lnsur;.111,•e pollc.,· taken drnw n11d pnlnt not Lhnt out by the Q 1 .'_!'c 11 • 1• 11d colleC'tlnn ol e~hlhltlon– Art Gallrry for r ,0.000. lsts who r.oncen l n lack ol Speaking Pu r e I Y the 1·11<1l111e11ls or 11na ton11·. for myse lf m a y I say Phf lol~~y nnd tlir. that I hope som e body g::t~t~r" 1~ 1 ~i'.'i't ~{ 1 ~\::·it•,:~ loses It. ~~~.sirm, 1 \\',~• r~~tlt 8 1 ~ Nobody would rr•nlly ,~,,·en! hcn rln~ on t/,e 1~:~• ~~u~~,\.~(:; rWo~"i~ subject s1iend on cn eour11glnii our On your way , ?1f~_:. g~/";;~-~~10Jt /lW! 11 6? Belle. Get los t!