Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Brisbane, Qld. GIRL INSURED FOR £70,000 A pretty Dutch gi_rl is flying t~ London on Friday .... 1n the 1~9909 compartment of a Boeing 707 1ct, .\ml allhtm,:h ttu• ot h1•r 11.t • •wn~cr s will not know nnll'hc• ,,houl il, -.he• h inson•ll fur £70,tltlt). Slw i, l.,11 B\'lk hLndt1l:-it'. one o~ l1W ,.nos~ cotHrur 1•rs\i\l p1c L11rcs h\ Plca~-;o. Thi• pitintinu. wh ich " . 1.>mw hl {or the Q~\·~•l'l\:-.lu l\d Art Galh!r~ ln ,J 1th· 11,st. '.\'t!t\r I anc n ll --t'd ,dlt'l'\lll lC ~tonns oi cun k t·l un•. prole!-il, ,,nc ttdmi:;\l lc:n' will be ~ .rc.1.~· u1n·cl \t 1•111 ht a Picasso ,·xhlh\11011 111 lw h eld In 1 \,e T t~, 11' 0 11 l \cr\l!R l 1 J Lonclo11 t,,•t Wl'eH J ul\' .J and ~ l"11l'll\b1·r 18. ., ,. 1 011 11t,ry orrlcials ;.I\ \' :1\'l' l)IH'ld llL~ lh P ~.tl;ll ill ' ill " s1iccial .'. i;ocll'11 cn~l'. t'llclOSUll-\ _n ,_ 11 t,•n,r,hlf nnd stu,LLCl .. 1r111,f l·on1 u\1w1·. d 1 L,• Bi•lh! !lollnll n s :Ill 111 , till' only All5lrl\ \.1 n from Au;;unl\a 1 ,it· Lendon exhibition. •• •C Brisbane, Qld. ..... ,. PAINTING ON DISPLAY HERE The £69,025 Picosrn painting, La Belle Hollondoise, which will be flown to London in June, will be on show at the Queensland Art Gallery until then . l, ,•.d h J ,\ , p 11k 1 ~1 11 ,lll T l1t' \\;1 11'1' l'Pltll ~ I 11\ - Mdd tc ,,i.1 ,\ 1)1:d I ll•· /11 ! 1 11d ;1 p l'llllil PI l tjl)l) l i;,ll• 1~ 11 .. . 1 11•pp1 ·1w11 ~' :1r!-- ;11H I 1111·\ntll-d , :1 rl~ :if lt'/' h:, , m1· 1,1•,·11 1h1, ,11 p ,111111111,.::,, l 111111 E11111p1·;111 :1 11t·t Fl'iJn1,11~ 11,1 ,, 111 1• :.,H! .A. -.,1,1111 n ,1111 L111•!-, ':ii JOO!-. I'ht· <11 , pl:i~· Im el lJl't'll Tht· p .1i11tiu,: \\ ii " a t • ;111011 1µ 1•(1 U~· LIN l~!:iGlJ, tr;u·ti111,. 1·01n,idnahlt' i11t1·1·,•st ,111111111,; , i.. ilun, 111 Uu· J(:tllr-n·. tu· !-aitl. 1t \U111 ld lw IlcJ\\ n IIJ Lo11d1,11 JHII' Ill ,)lllll' !Ill cl1...,p l;iy al ;111 1~h1b111on t•I l 1 H',ts:--o :-. w111 k 111 1 lu· T:11 1· ti :lllt•ry tn1111 ,Jti!Y :'1 t n ~, l'I ,·11!1)1•1' I b. 'J ilt' )J:t ll\l 1111' H:i " :11·qul1 1 d by t ilt ( J11t•1 11:-.– l;,nc! A11 Ci:i llt-1 ,. 1:, ... 1 y, :11 a l a11 a111·t 11•n ;ll p,111 c,I I 111• n 1ll1'l'I 1011 11! \\ 1·al 1 IJ \' B I 1:-.U:1111• ~ r:1z11·1 M r. I i. eh V lt 11 b111. J\ !'-JJt•t·ial 1•'.\hU1it i1111 a t I ht· Art Cialh·r~ in Uri!- h:uw a l s,rt·M·nl " a !'- a tlis1,1a,· of 72 11ri11t~ of wa tl-r t'fllor~. lh•· i,.1wkt·Mn:1n !'>itill. -,.········--··-·--•·"""""'"'"'·---,,---·--·-··-----,-- £ 10 Mil. Worf of Picasso LONDON, July 6.-A new art" show al London's Tnle Gallery opened t.oday with each of the 270 modem paintings screwed to the wall and connected with a burglar alarm. • IS burglar proof The picture~ and a few sculptures a:re \l'Orth £1 O million and are Insured for a pre– caution £1 mllllnn. The artist Is no othu ~Before It clooes tn Sep• tlwt-ould be ~o olher tember, %50,000 people Ulan-Pablo Picasso. are expected to see II. And last nlaht lhe Plcauo hlm1elf, now Puke of Edlnbur!h and 79, 11 not eomlnr kl Lon• f::t... 0 ~be:1ve~:.C:rn:...~!: :::ieau 8 ~r 1 hn=!i. h.~ 11cllet partJ at lhe Tate lhe MM1th of Fra:nee. to launch lhe stiow, Allhourh PltUIO haA Art, or - is it a horror? I hat,n lo 1upporl l!oy .. C• nno 11 y's lnvil1flon le Plcaso's "l1 Belle Holl1nd• 1lse" lo "gel lost" on her way lo 1n oveneas exhlbl– lloll. few people would grltH over th, lo11 of this bffn banned from hi• native Spain 1tnce he al• lacked Franco In 1936 o,•er lhe Spanish Clvll War, la•l nlsht's -lely g:~'J11h•,oJ~d!'i:~ ~ mualc. The eshlblla have eome lo l.ondon from all over the \\ 0 orld. They ran1e from Pie•...,·• 11101t punllnr cuhlsl ~hie lo reallallc, claulcal por– lralll. They ln•lude 1 n I I omlul mon1frosily. ·, Plcaso'1 prollllc output Is ~ . •"·· uncouth 1nd unconvincing. Th• lady hor,e/1 • "l1 Belle" i1 poor In feature, 1nd completely lacklng In: vlmlty. 11'1 no more thin an obscene d1ub, without light,~ • depth, or true color. • • ,,. TERENCE lAMIART, Greenllopes.: 1 . J ¥ "' J(, ~ • 0 1,(r1!!f' (n)lll tlH• f'OIIHll('rlf ~ Oil " J.f\ l\(•ll1• lfn\. : li1.11d1tbt!, 111 jilli rnl11 mn . the art." hn-.•e rnnde 11n Im- • prr.c;-;lrm rm Ho\' ('n1111oll~·. If lw utfl•mlt·d n s.v111 - • pl1tmv r1rnt·•·r1 . I ~11 pposc '.\Ir. Coi111nlly wnuld rt•11iark • Oil ··thfl' tf'1T1h\r nnhe." I clnre this critic L,1 nl l1•11rl u • ,;ym phn11y rn1H'rl'I n11cl rc\'lt•w It I • "( 'ON." S'fllOF:N1'. Ch1•n11s ld., : • ¥ J;~ :r, JI{."~ - \Vhnt :tri 1111a111.1\1· prrs<m l1. n oy Connoll v I Art • :\fr. Co111111ll y. h 111orr th a1\ painted rn11\'11.~. 0111' 11111:-.r' • n."llllsn It Iii a n 1111.,•rpn•IOllflll or LhP nrigln:i l. fl•,l • . ,ncrely a cnp~· or 1!11: on ~11 w l. T lln t w<rnld IJt! p t1 11• : • phrn,1~n,phy ! • • "Alt'l'li-'l'ff' lll•:.\IIElt," Sout h f\rlslrn n• • ..................................... La ~ lie Hollandalae from Br11bane. The Ruulan• have made no c,c,ntrlbutlon i·el, hut may •till lll!nd 111me of Lhelr collection, Ronald Penrn11e, a dOIII! t:nrllBh friend of Plcaa111, who hu • ar• n1n,ec1 the Tate show, made a final clMcll ye•• lernay lo make aure all ~r:hr•~~~n,r, were the "We w.:!f' him .-r- Ucularly lo make sure," the Tat.e Director ISir John Rothen1teln) said. One then 11 no doubt about meuuret 5UL by 3211, It I• a d~ curtain Uiat PICUIO nted for Uie hallet " arade" In Rome In 1911. £5000Now When he wu IO and destitute In Parla, PICUIO IOld hl1 tint plclul'etl - three bullfl«ht 1cen.. - to the dealer Berthe Welll for t4 the lol, Now, at 79, he aehtom ~~~ h//~!ure for le,; 1 He I• probably the riches! man In the \\'nrld • ·ho earn• all hi• money \\ilh hi• OM'n hands. In hi• chateau studio, PlcMM la •1111 turnln« fi1t pictures, IICUlplUN!I, ml~Jl'r&pha, and cen- A• a recreaUon he 11eH many of lhe bullfl«hll stared In Arle9, Nim.., and olher lo\\·n1 of rro– vence. A name? The London Daill' Ex– pre•s Diarist., W lllam Hickey, I• offerln« t5 and two llckel.s to lhe Tale ,how In the reader \\'ho sends him lhe best name for a Pica.,.., col– lecllon, Some ~uu••llon• Hickey pul forward hlm- 111!11 today are: "A Para– dox nf Plcaasos," 11 A Clash nt Plca.u ns.'' "A Torturf!," "A Wrath," "A Row, 11 11 A. Tumult" .••