Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

JUL rom "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, TURNER " 1111 ••w 11111,u1uun111umnriu•unu11,u11111111111111101 Art from a "Great" 1·01.u:1 TIO!'i A pain:lni;:!-1 In· o,w of thr few l:ni:ll!t-h ·"( i rca t.1.." Jn lhl' paln il11~ \\c,rhl ar– rlyccl In Ur1shane Ja~l 111,:ht. Tht• 11,li111lni:~. 1111 Joan from the Talr (;allf'r\' in Lonflon arc Ii~· thr rOrr– r!1t111rr or thr hnprc~– ~! r.nl ,t -.;choul, ,J. M . \\'. I urnrt'. The rxhlhltlnn will ,1lso lnc·lurlr thf' Q11rrn,l1111<l .\rt (:alkr_\ ·.., own t·nl– lt•«·tinn of Tunwr t•11t:Ta ,·– ln:: .... . .\l r. Stt•pht•n ('1111 rlat1hl. f,n.i:11, h ;irt c11111111j,,-rur a.ml 1Jin•1·ti11· or tlw .-\rl (,all,·n· in :--a Ji..,h11n· Soullwr n l<hudP,ia. 1,rf' -' ""l'lllt•fl tll1• c' ll!.!nl\·ir1•.:-. t,o lht· <lt1l'''ll, la n1I "ail1•1·,· ,~h :·11 h!, fli l'fH{ '.\Ii·. !•1111 ·1 t ll :1i11r , . hf'C•nn11.: ll!oo dlr(•t·lur in J!l;, t. noo f;n-:.~as Th,, 1•,lllhilion \'.'ill h1• np('11r1I 011 T hm ,da •, a I a prn·atr , h1111 iw: In Sllfl i: 11 •·,t... ol 1hr call,•n Tlw 1·11llr•dion . ·,, ill l_hrn h(' u11r11 to Ih,• p11h – hc· 1111 Fri1l1, from lfl a.m, 111 '1 p .111. 1111 \\ r1·k Ila' ' · rrnn1 11·1 a.111. In ;, 11.111 .• 1111 :--,1!ul'fla,, and on :-untla,, rr11111 2 11.n1, 111 ,I 11,rll, \ 1, aclrp l.,, 11,11 r,,,. , ..! _fur 11rl11 II , ancl tirl. for 1'1111111 ro n ,, ill hr• l'illl r;::c•d ta 1lc•_rnn· 1hr l'O'ol nr hl'im:1ni.: th,• 1·11l1r1·tinn 0111•.-11, la111I. ''UJ BOO I II \'ilt•d lo art :,;how M O/If: ''"'" Hflfl ill• dr11ti11111 Juu-e hrrn """' nut 011 he• /1111/ u/ t/1p /1tNii/1•11 I, .,;, ll11.d ~·11 Pl1il11, n11,I 1l1e tru.,1,,,,,. 11/ tl 11• ()111•1•11.\l111111 ,trt 1;nll,•rJ' /or t/,,, HJ/idol 111w1drtg , I 1l1r, TuriH'r f:x– lnt1 linrr 11r.,·t l'hu,,.do.,·. 1 lu• l>,•u11 of HriA• '"'·""· ,,.,. ,,,,,,. ,,,., . r;,r;,,"' nmfrl,,,,.,. .,,;11 01u•u tl,r F:xlril,,j;,.,, of 8 I'·"" Tl11• 1mi111i11,z,. wero l1rou11l11 Jrnm 1l1f.! Tntr t:ollrn· in l.1111,lon ,,,, ,,,,. .,,,,,,,,;,J,, ,..,.,. ti1Jnl o/ .-trtA, Tlu•y luu·e hPPII al1in irrn in .\lt'l• IH111r111• 11t11l S,·dnr:''• 11111I are r.omina tn IJri, f,an c bf'/n"' l,ri11g Arllt lwrk to tl,r 1·1110 Gt1IIN.''• Brisbane, Qld. 1,500,000 PAINTINGS , A £500,000 consignment ot point;i,gs will arrive in Brisbane today ofter a 1200 The p:d11tl11µs , UY Ell~· \,sit i9Lh ccnllll"Y aru, t Jo:•-t>Pll Ttll'lll'l". wall u,· cH:-.1,larrcl at the Qt11 cns· bncl NaL\onal Art Galh'l'l' (ur Lhn'l' \\'1•<•k~ Iroll\ Fricl"Y· A Gallt•ry :- pol.:.1•:..;11rnn sn ul Iii landsl'ap1• p.1ml· hH!.S were in tlw t·on.s1gn • nw11t. They Wl'rt' lll!'\ll l'l'd for £500.000. The cn11!-i)~11nwnt wa5 t.lu : most ,·alunl1k 01w– man ctisp\ay to Ue sliuwu In Uri~\Jatll'. Th~ ~,wkt·~•nan !ioald Umt '1'11rn1·r, who tlird Jn IK;';I, was n•~ard,•d as one of thr \\'orlcl'~ ~rc•at• est :11111 must orii..:iual la111lsra111• 11a intt·1~. Hi:-. pni11Li11gs had tH\ ·n lent 141 /\usl rali;t rnr the i\d1·la Hh' Art s P ,•:-.1 :\';ii last Marcil TlwV llllcl l>t•t·n 1·xllib· !Led iii Sychtt'Y <1 11c\ ~lei· bournt•. The ~pokt•sm:1n ~:11d tllr cnm;t\.!nnwnt wm1lc! ue :-;1 \pped lmc-k t CI till' T :11 Gulh!l'Y, t,011rto11 . art,·r t,111 Brisbane rllspl:1y . Melbourne. Brisbane, Qld. 9 JUL 1~6 r - - 1 £½m. In 1 :art now 1 on way PAINTIN(JS worth £500,000 are com• Ing to RrlMh11ne from Melbourne In II SSft. long MCltled Mlcel ,·11n wlt.h gener&l good11. They arc 16 Turner ~alntlngs which London's u~J~~c~;;~f Ki1~ i~~~~fie~~ !or a three-week exhibition from next Fliday, follow• Ing the Queensland gal• ~~t'i'~n 1 g:1!l 1li,st ·;;~nr~:•e The palntlngs-pncked In steel-lined cases - have been exhibited at the Ade• lnldc Arts Fcsllvnl, and In Sydney and Melbourne. Mayne Nickless road trnnsport compan y's ~~•i~~\~~rM 18 ~~1~erye~t:{~ day that the vnn would also carry other goods which could !11clutlc drRP· cry, footwear, machine parts, IUld motor parts. th'~H~~t~k~no\-~~~tg~~e Ji'i be taking our normRI secur. ity precautions," he said. Due Tuesday The paintings are ex• pected to arrive on Tues• day, Dl~~~~1:slnn~M~.rt ii:;~wt, Haines I s""d i·cstcrdny 800 people had bce11 invited to the o!flclal opening of the exhibition by the Dean ol Brisbane !t,he Very Rev. William Baddeley, Rt 8 next Thursday night. 1'wcnty-scven Turner :~fi~~lng;,;,~iniit~~r;o 8 t~~~ would be e,hlbfted with the paintings In the gal• lery's centre bay. M~[1e-rlJ;;:•,:~1nti~ b::,.~1~~e~ the exhtbltion. It will ~e opcnecl front 10 a .m. to 9 p.m. Mondays to Fridays, ancl 10 a.ni. to 5 p.m. S at· urdays until August 7. Mr. Haines saJd admls• slon charges-adults 2/, children 6d.-wo11ld he made to help pay the £1200 needed to brln~ the paint• lngs to Queensland.