Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Bri1b1ne, Qld. ARTISTRY ot En1li1h l1ntl1co,e pointer, J. M. W, Turntr being diacuned by the Queenalond Jut G • lltry Director IMr, Rilut Haine, I ond The Courier-Moll art critic I Dr. Gertrude Langer I, efter • collection on loon from the Tate Gell-,y, London, wo1 unpo~ked Yllltrdoy, They wore lookln1 ot "The Golden low." THOUSANDS WILL ENJOY ·-G'ALLERY'S TRULY WONDERFUL .EXHIBITION Art Review by DR. GERTRUD£ LANGER THE Turner paintings on loan from the Tate Gallery (which were originally included in the Adelaide Festival of Arts) .are now on show at the Que!r!_sland ~rt Gallery. Dul'ing the ne:.t three nnlnt r rs nre Celt 111 much 1Jl 11011,. ns 'well n.s on the ex• weeks lhev will be en- Ti,~~:-~r·~ 0 ;~~1;~· earl\' Jnncl- pr·~l~~\·esS1~~~·1Jcx:~ 1 !Jt~man– joyed h~· t.housandR, for srrnws. "Nrwnrk Ahhc.,·" nnd ship ,so typical of Turner,, this is a lntlv W()ndcrful ~!.-~-~ h~~~';:,~ .~;•~ 01':• 1 ~~; ~i\'rr~~•~c1\s P•~'ifiin 11 e~lty wi3( rxhibition. · Cn11s1a blr. c:ontrastln~ treotment ol Al1houuh the 16 nll.s 11111,1· !-rem " rrrv smRII r-clection M comrrnrrd with T11rncr'!– rormlclnhlr null)UI . It 1, rrn• rC'sen!Rtire or VArtnu~ nh•se, or his n rllst le de• \'elonment . Early work u1Ur•hmnnd Rriditf!," nnl11lell In 17R9. 1, 1hr rA rl11•st work hrrf'. Tt Is a11llr hi thl' trnditiun nr lh t• C'IH~ ....knl "lll'UIHf' lt1nctsc11u1• whlt•h run~ from I hC' Vern•• tlnns to Po11. ..:,,;ln nncl Clnuclc L,orrnln, nncl ....n r o l t:-. E ll!.:· ll~h r :rnonrnt \Vilson. The lnfl11r1wr1- or tlwsr Thr novcllir:,; nf 1rc-n 1111rnl nrcns. some loaded wtth lin Tu rner·~ dn\·~, M In thlck " fnt'• pigment, nthen "Cnut ,;,••n•" nre l1Arri to lint. and again others In anorrci:itc for ui; lodav. trnrn,pnrrnt glnzcs, 1s • wh en h roncl lmnrrs~lonlst, nrnn-r l. hAnrll111e nr <ict n 1I. rrrr, Thi• palntlnl{ •~ • mu- loo~c bn11•hwork . n11rl 11n- lerailere or perfect co• ldenllsed nat11r<" hn,·P b~- ordination or eye, mind, )~1~:~ r :~g~,1~~~;~11 i~~~ctlcc ln and hand. Hn\\'e,·rr, Turnrr wnulr) Abstracted ncvrr fnll Int o thr rrror or sin undil.!£'!-il.Pct snnn.c:;hot or nnl 11rc . Th.-rf" 1~ a subtle as– ~.,·nu•trlr:,1 hatn,wt- or narh: In lhls 1rnlntlr11r, " Thr Oolden Rnu,:h," pntn lccf In mlrt-('llll'l'I', Is qu itf' cltfl f'l'Pllf ft!!llill . Tl1 1.-. ln\·f'J~• pa1nr ini-:. In wldrh T1 11·1w1· 0111·r mnrr ~rrk !- In r h al C.: ln11df', lrnd!-. IJ-. 11110 n nrnt.:!f' IAllci Whl"l'C ~ II Is n t prn('c In n i,zolclrn llu h t. Suffuses Th1.1.: liµ ht !-Ufl ll!-f'~ 1hr r()mnni t,· rnrr ~rn111l('l I rflP\ rlnnk1nt A r r nl rn l pnnl or t,:r'rn~:;:tnd?:;:11 ~ 1~.~/~r,;;~~lg,~ rrcr :-.~,•~ "Port lh1l.~1lnrl.'' pn intrrt 10 ,\·cnr.o;; lntf'r, ....11rrl.r mn:,;1 rank 110 1 nniv 1\11101rn T ur– nrr·... own f1 ilC'!-.t -.£';1 -plrrc.-... b111 :l 111nllg I hr IW~I \\'f' k llQW Tlw dr•~k 11 \, t,a -:rd 011 n cl~ 11a 111 lc· b:lln11t·1• of op\111:-;IIH: j :~:;:~,.:,'t 1 :i,;, ~~\ 1 ,\ 1 ~~)!, /ii•o)i' I /1~: I ch•1111'111 ... 11nd 11f 1111• ....111nl! , !-.:111 h o:11 '- 11pp11~llll~ ! hl'III 'l'l 1r· 1•1.J,.u r i... :,,,11hd11rd, [l ittl l l w f'fft·< t d i•p1•11d, larg t•I'.\' ,m I llt? l1i;i11 ~11\'1•r lwr {IIHI t:IIIJI IL• 1(1111 1 l,!/',111!1• "'l'hr Rurnlnl{ of thP. ShlJis" nnd ",\Iler the Ball" 11rr !he most nb~trncted pn111t111~.c. here nnd they Art 1ypu·1tl or T11l'nCI''!- Ill.le: ,,•:1!'!-, ,,·hr.11 he bccnrne the ·11111.,t 11rh~ln11 I. T )ll'r lll'C o( f he kine! or l, l,"i p1i111Un~-~ lt•a,-:t Ullcl(lr~ ~lo11d h\' Ills ()\\' ll COIHCm• por.trit•.< but l o 11,., r:r-prcl~ nlly 111 the lil!IH, o{ lhf! mn.c,t n •t·1•111 clf'\'C'lnpmrnt ,., thr most llllPl'('~I lllL: IIIH'~. Jn tlJ(',-;c, T 1!1'1\f'I' cllrf !lot rn11rcrn hlnisetr nny lonsfl'r \\'ilh lhe ellrcts nr ll~ht 1hnwr\'rr 1rnn.c.m11!Ni lhl!V "rrrr b,· h1.c. portlr frrllnr,,, 1)111 Wtlh IU:111 AS ,c;uch – lu:hl f1,I:; A ro~mlr. All-COi\• !-,11miniz rnrrr. Balance J.la -ht. s11acr. :.nil rnlour arr nnw the i,.amr. thtnr a11,1 du nut l'ir.~rrlhfl, hut :trr, IIIIW{'\'f'r lhf'~(' l)f\ llllln(;~ IHI' Uhl 1111(1 r .c:lanecl, thOIH!ll IIH'Y npp,•a n irl <·hnot lc lo h1.~ p11l1lw. A ~IIIJlh• rl\'l\i\ 11\lt' tin lnnrc llnhl· 1•\ L•n·t ll 1n 1.1, w11 h in 111r 1 n, nw T i'w .~t·n~r 11r t hr 1n.v1"irer\()11.., Is ~,rn1HH'Sl In , l11 1 h1111 l11nu:- \' l....lot1s or the 1i\1e ,·1•11r!-..