Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Qld. t 'l ' AS TURNER SAW IT ... \ 'r nk,• were r1 r011~rd . fnr Dr. a nd ~lrs. Coli n r;;il l:og·h r r . n f Ca mp Hill , whr n t he \' \'is1lrd Ihr Turne r rx hihitinn nl lhr Q11ernslan.J ,\rt (;;i ll(•r)· )'cst c rrla)', The unintrrr~tcd part y was snn, Sim n n, rl J,!f'd 21 mnnths. Thr A;,;sbtanl Uirt•t·tur c-,no,oon. will hr nn dis• or lhr <.allr r~· t Mr. floh- 11ta~· until Aui:ust ~. f'rt :,.;milh l -.airt ,\·rstrr- :\Jr. Smith "'aid tlw (la,· thc-r,• hatl hrrn a aclmi-.:!',,lun ch ;1ri;:,• nf '?/ i,.trac1~· rlo\\ n( llf'IIJlll• to rnr arJull!oi anrl Hd. (or sN· 1hr p:1inllni::s. '.\ta n~· rhlhlrrn st>rmrrl to h;lrr srhnnl i:rou11s h:ul srrn hail no f' ffr r l on attrnd- lhrm. :11H"r a t thr f'Xhi hltinn, T hr whit'h wa~ "rxlrrrnrl.,· po1n1la r." ,1 1 Brisbane, QI d. ti1r,ie·..:s··,o·e1ose· Qnr,~n'-1:-inci Art G :t!!..,r\''S - · I { .\(Hl fllJII T 111nr r r\'.lnh1110n l'Jt'npl" h r1<1 ,·1rwrci 1hr l'fll– o:, Jo:1·1 frr,m 111" 'I .11 ,•( ; 11 1. !rctu,n ., 111r r July 15 l",~: 111 L,lndn:1. \\1\1 ,·loi,r T hr hrtllrry wlll t>f' OJ)('!\ a t ' p.m. 1,1m01 row. lrom 10 n.m. 10 r, p.m. lo-! .-\ gnllrr.,· ~pol-wsmn11 !-mid i <In\' H11ct 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. last m ~ht, tll:11 1 1earlv 7000 to1·norrow. -··:· ·IIIIIII.II . I•11•······················.........II , ...,.-.c...,,=._.,