Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

.J'~. 6 0 ALL ARTISTS ... AND ALL ON A Vt-SIT TO QUEENSLAND ADVENTURE in art for Elizabethan Opera Com– pany singers, Doreen Morrow I left I , ot New Zealand, and Jonnc Ross, of Sydney, who were visi– tors to the Queensland Art Gallery yesterday •o sec the special exhibition of paintings by the fam– ous English landsca pe artist, J, M. W. Turner. Brisbane, Qld. ~ /tl lr. ,,·, · STUDENTS AT ART EXHIBIT STUDENT groups from • everol schools hove seen the c11.hibition of Turner paintings at the Art Gallery . T h r rxhthll \(111 on . unrla.\·. Thf' Gnllrn T rn~l"f''– p i r , 1<ir•n1 ,sir nn~h n P l11lp 1 ~,-..,1 rrrl'I\' !-..110 hf• w as pnrt1r11larl\• pka:-rrt at t Ill" 1l lll11hr:· 11! :-l'!V,('1~ 1!Hll h.tcl 011,::11,1 I'(\ \'!~li lllj.! J! :·1111p• Hr :-rt ld 11",11rl" tl1a!1 liHIIU p£>11pl1• I\.HI :1:1 r 11c!rn 1111• f' Xll •h!l lllll .~rt fi, I s;,rr1:1l ,1rr;,n1:.i 11wn1 , h :1,1 brf':: m,1rlr rn krf'Jl 1llf' FA.IIP~' r1pr n 1111111 !J p 111 dn r1n,: tlF· wrek