Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

JU' Brisbane, Qld. l()~f1 £500,000 Art show ' Siatccn oil pointin91 worth more than £5001• 000 by the great ln9li1h arti1t J. M. W. Turner ore on public show from today ol the Qup nslond A . '1 Gallery. The Dran of Brl')IJ1t11c , the Vet · Rc1•. WJ lllnm Bnddrler , o!ficlnlly opened the'. T ur'ncr cxhibitaon ln. t nigh! The p 1t111lln~i-. originally lcnl by thr T ate Gall<'r\' , London, Adcin!i:Je Art , carl1rr th is ~·rnr . Qucemlnnd Gnllery tru:-iLccs unrl thr Qurrn!- – lnnct On llcry Scw 1ety de • r idr.d the opport unily w,s too ~ood to miss 11·.1d bro11~h1 the ('Xh1bltion to Drl!-hnnr . The chnin1111n of trustees (S ir Rosivn Philp > rx– p!n!nrd 111st nigh! thnt 1he cost or bringing the exhi– bit ion h ere wns one rcn.son why the Gallery would charge n smnll udmlsslon fee (2/ for odults, 6d. lor children, to the Turner sh~\;e exhibition will open until August 7. I 7 J!J,. Brisbane, Qld. THI COURIIR-MAIL SATURDAY JULY HI 1960 9 Gallery fee to depend on costs A DMISSION charges ta future special ex - hibitions at the Queensland Art Gallery will be set according to the cost of staging the exhibition. The clrnirmnn nf Ihe c,;r ~nllr.rlcs in Englnnd nnd Bonrcl of Tr1rnt ees ( Sir even Amerien. . 'd I t I .. The tn1, 1ers Ir r! we Rosl;·n Philp ) sn1 as ·, ron give hl~her ,crvlce to night · "If poRSlhlc, we the 11eoplc nf Quccm innd . f t ' hv bringIll~ in paintings would pre er no_t . O I from orerscas. p roviding charge nny adm1ss1on I the cnst ls ctcfrnyed In fe('I et nil." some mt'nsurc. 1 The Govrrnmenl Gaz.cttc l ..Howel'er, this by-law Is Issued ycstrrday-thc first purely rxp ,riment.ni . I! '\~ ciav of the puhllc vtewin~ nil possl~lc. ,,.we won of 'the Turner exhibition nt chnrne nn; fee. the Gallery- notified Vice- I !The Turner cxhlbitlon 1 Regni nsscnt. to n by-law will be on until August 7. permitting the chnrgcs. Admission to the Turner exhibition hns been set nt 2/ for ndults and 6d. for children. Cost £1200 The by-lnws, In force from yeaterday. allows the trustees to charge for net– mission to "such special exhibitions ns the trustees shnll determine." Sir Roslyn sntd Inst night that the exhibition had cost the Gallery £1200 to stage. The Gallery prob– ably would not stage· a ~~~~•~neee~h~~~~?n more "However, we hope to hrlml speclRl J?ICtU~e~,!!~i!" ?.ruth Brisbane, r·~ ....------···-· .. ·- .. . . - . -..-· -· ~·, . .. ..-. ...________ ...:. ____ -·..·--::::-, , PICTURES IN THE GALLER y f: • Dc,1n Baddeley points out some of the finer points of a Turner painting at the Art Gallery t,, his wife (centre), .,nd Mrs. Russell Cuppaidgc, who topped her shc,,th frock with a wrap which was both cosy and very ornamental. • Studving her cat.tloguc and