Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Brisbane, Qld. , !1 .LUL '.., . .AND YOUTH SEES AMASTERPIECE S CHOOL children by the gltla - and this Is t!'!e hundreds have how they looked while visited the Art Gal- they looked (at left) . let)' to see the Turner But this was the moat exhibition In the IHt l0-:1ked at picture, The week, Nearly 200 girl• Golden Bough (above) from St. Aidan'• and St, being admired by Ann Ursula'• saw the paint- Fleming, 14, and Leone Inga yasterday, Each Palllales, 17, of St. pai,nting was crowded by , Ursula'•· 111111111111111111111111111111ut111111111111