Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

GIFT PAINTING , ................. , ...................................... yoowoOM • A hot•! manager, Mr. Welter Hecht, hH donated • prlze-wlnnh1g oll palntlna to the Queenaland Art Gallery. It la noted Queenaland ertlat Arthur Evan llead'• "North of Capri– corn," which won the Centenary Year Elateddfod art Hctlon In • rlabane, Czechoalovaklan-born Mr. Hecht, who hH bHn In Aua– tralla for 12 yeera, uld yester– day he had donated the pal,ntlna In appreciation of his new coun– try. The Art Gallery Director (Mr, llobert Halnea) will accept the palntlna on behalf of the truateea at • ceremony at Too- woomba tomorrow nlaht, "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. :.~ 1 -Gift of oil painting TOOWOOMBA . - A Toowoomba moft has donated o Centenary Year prise winning oil paint• ing to the Queensland A.rt Gall.,y. It Is Quccnsland artist Arthur E\'n n Read'." North or CnprJCor11. which w~n the CrnttnRry Yr:tr E1~– tc<lclfod nrL .,rl'tlon Brisbane, The donor slnvnkinn-bnrn M r \V:1 J1rr l!rchl, 1m1 11ni.:r r of Lrn• nr,n~. Toowoomb;i . who h~.~ brcn In Aw,Lrnlrn l :! yrnr. . M r. Hech t ~nirl rr~trr-1 ci,,,· he lrnrl aivrn the p,1int111g jn apprr cl.t tion of , 1 11: new country and nf Q11ccn!'ih111ci in pilrtlr-u lar. ) G nllcrv cl1 rr.r to1 Mr. Pobcrt, Hninc~ will :H.:ccpt 1i1c p11inting on brhalr of I no t rustccs n L H ,·rrc• nwny In the hotel'~ Alr.x- ~ n1~rirll Room nt. 7 on Thurs– rln;- nigh\. Cairns, Qld. All~ 19rif, PRIZE V✓!NNING PAINTING ,,n ,nJ-·n ·:·o \1: T C, 'l,l J-:1: , T : ,n\•·11ll\i H·\ \ ,i ... 'J'nn ., ,1(1 11n 1 '.I HI\ Ill" f' t1 1,,, 1•d I l'l'! ,!('!1°11 ~ ',•,l[ ''· I •1• " J;/\llll'.: n l! 1':tl11• :11 1fl • !11• lJ111·1·1. )a111 ,\ ~· t ' ,! : • I. I, ,I L ,,,,-,d ,, · ,-.r ,\ iu • ( ·,. I it J 11 I I 1' ~ l ' !' 1, ! I • I • I , !.-- , ld .n1, .i:; .~. 1 i1111 :11 H•·1- • J' ,I• f 1 •t •' •, (' I' :11 ,· 111\ (", j,q , •-. II ,\ l '. \ \ ' n/ 1•• :1. I !, - i I.I'• ! l••\·'"'l • • · ,•11: \ •, '!,lfl I 1\' ,I '" I I, , ·11·1 1,111, ;1 !\\ I t,; ~ J: 11•1•11,1 ' l .11 ,i1.1 'I • " 1·1 \ • 1 LI', 'n• 1:11 t'I I 11 H (!•~' " Ii I .I' t •I 1! ! It,• i'• ,II' n ..., t , 11 .. 1· tll 11 ,. t 111 • 1,,, • ,II H l't', l'1l ,1;11 In I t' liri. , J \ I J\ lr·,, ·r!t 1 •,11111, :11 ·; n'clud;. T o 111~11:1\ tll~ht. l : W~ ICLE 'l'hf' IHreclnr of the tlu.. ·nsland Art Gallrry IMr. Rnhrrl llnlne.i ml\de R s1wd:II lrlp to 1'oowoom– ba yestercln y, to rert'!h·e a gift' ,;f n p,ilntlnr for the ~alJr~r~· from the manager nf Lf'nnnns 'foowoomba flolrl ,~lr. I\'. Hecht) . The Jmlnllng was the Queensland ('r.ntenary \ 'ear prl1.c-wlnnlng land– scape, "Sorth of Capri– corn," by Arthur f:van Head. The 11ld11rr was present• f'd to ~1r. Haines at 1 o'chu·k Inst night In n brief CC'rt•mcun· hcfnre a 1mthrr– ln't nt Clll,rns 111111 Too– woomlm Art Gallery ex– ecuti\'rs. The ahnre photo,i:-rnph shou·s Mr. llecht (ll'ft1 and i\lr. llainr.s nclmirlt1,: the JJit'turr. :\lr. llalrws said that the pit-I urr wouhl hr. \·cry well lnokf'tl aftf'r nt the ,:allery and would 1:h-<· plrasurc to thnu"iands uf 11enple who wrnt lo :-.t~c It. Thn-.:e who :1ttrndrd the prrs,•ntutlon l'1 1 r1•n10ny ln– cludctl tlu• Town C lt'rk 1)Jr, ll. ltohlnsun) and :\lrs. U11hl11,.1111. the presi– dent 11( llw Tuuwoomha Art (i:illcr~· i ;\fr. G. l\nw. a ld l ancl ;\l r~. l\uwnld, i\lr. ancl :\In,. II . ( ':u ~trns, l\lr. a11rl .\lrs. I.. .-\. \\'. \\'alkcr, :\lr. :111d .\lrs. It. Haines, ,\lr. n111l ~lrs. W. llccht a nd Aldrrumn M. J . H. An– drr~on, M.L.A., atttl i'lr!. A11derson.