Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

- ~ ,· APPLICATIONS FOR CALLE~Y POST - .. JJ 1lJ,-iH?.!~"- ~ .L !"1t... ll1 1 ' " , I l~JI' lot:' .,t.;/1, 1 !II , ' of\ l••1ht•u 111,, • \\ l•I (" 1·~!lt'-1.t 1'01 ., Ill•\, (Jut L •, '..,.d ~Ill ! ! tt .,,,:• <i:11:t \" d1· ,•,· vr. !'h?- 11 .,•.., -., , It' 1,ur hl, t:I· ,,eh ·. t1 , 11.,· i ,~1111 n ,,n, it f'l& ll''X ~ l.. t, IUl1>' t• \\II\ t · u:rrnJ1.t-1t l11'l!l• 1 Ill I!, ••r\k, · :!•'11"-!'I:, .. f t:- l:.l.,/1: .\ s,_1pJ:1,.'1'•1f1~ r 1,11 t 'il) "••II•! uu ,, ll ll 1 tlLI 11:.'1. II.hi t· u!lrli,.·th • 1 t.'fl"l~ ,.~ ,·r•· ., I Ul,1 11 1 t• 11 J ,r,,... 1".·1. 1t·. ,· r1.-,n,11.,•Jt \ \lht•11 l ilf• 11•,,ILlll11l•i11 0 1 L w Uff•'lt=ll• llll\."i'ltor ,.\lr Rot e.-t l lnrnl"l- 1 bt• U!r:t- r-trt11h1 or o . 111' ~:- I !lb .,~•~t.d ! , :-itr H,,I. er I ::;11dlh 1 ,, 1111!11 urf 11_._ r.lr ,!' 1, unJp~, tl ll•"\ HIJ!,O n' !11• 1)1 }I ,,' .JL-t!H fl!lldt- Ill tl1r' 1. •• t111tr, r Cairns, Qld. I ~I' l!J (I APPLICATIONS FOR ART DIRECTOR TU Ill·: ( ',\I .I.I IJ , no~ Ht :1-.. 11,\ \ I· _..:1•1.t ti .\ )ipll · nH ton .. for ;i llPI\ 1 Jllf~1•11,lnncl :":1,1 !1111,d .\ rt I i,tllt'I'\ llll'f"!'Hll' 11n11Jahl\ ,, !It ht· 1·:t ll(•d w 11 l1111 l,1t' ne,1 v. rt' li l1 I• 1h1 1t1:.." ht t ilf' /lf'\\ •fll 1, \' ll' 11P ,,n,•n·11 \ Ill 1nll ut'n,·t1 !II ll•,1, 1 1111(• ,nn •!lll a [1r r " A11 -.1rnl111 n ;1ri \11•1'01\11' 11111'1/''lf'll Ill q 11""ll'-l.1 ntl 110 ,11 1 111 T h i" ,\llll\ •!flt 1111 11\lr ye,1 r. , l l1P p rr ,1•111. d\1 f'!' IOI .ii ,111-1 !.!/tl !CI'\' I \l r n,) l ,f•l 1 H 11111('0. I " tH, ,• Ill rr o1:: n ,\n ('l(•lnhP1 1. •\ H~ a t' 1,11111 rrrl d ' ·• .,a 1~1 ,. 11! t'I 11{l l1 ,·~,; \~1 r,r 1nrrPR$f'rl tn inN, th&n (10!\fl. I No call yet for art job T Iit: t;1l111•atinn_ Min· istrr ( ~I r. r,z,_n~· l snl1l ,-,.,.1.-rila,· ii " ml~ht bt• SOlllll time" lll'for, 11p11lh-allon• ll'~rn 1•J11le1I for a new queeuslallll Sational Art G11llerr dlrrl'lor. Art G l' IIPrV t l°\11'-tCf S wei e nC'lt llkrly tO act,·eru:-.c the pmztt1nn un til the new :mlary rnn~e wa,1: tlrte r- 1 mmcct 11m1rr Publlr Srr– \'lrC' nrnr~tnnl rr,·1.•;icm 1-. I w~nRlir~~ IOl~~I t h11ilit 0 ~~1~N1 morr 111.1rnr 11'·r 1mnnr1:1l terms wl're :n,dlnhlc- to prospoet i \"f• nom I nr r-... Mr. P11~.r v .,:uct tha t whc11 the rc).lan nl inn of Ihr ~':~~~ 1 t 1 Hnl~~~ri;:cn111~~.'/ _ rer.tl \·e on Ortnbcr 1. h1, RS!-i!Slrlllt. • l\11'. n o1Jrrt Smilh • would ~l•f ll-" dlrrrtor 1111\rs." n n<'w nn- f~t~1\~1e1~~~n\;~~ 1~~rn mndr Mr. Hainr!-. wh n h Rc; :1r– ceptrd n posit inn with a lcnctlng Sydnry stnre ns ctlrector or Its fme nris . ccU011, wns nppolntcd 1 Queensland ,:nllory ri lrN'- 1 tor In t~, I. a t a salary of £1IM-slnco Increased to more thnn £2000. on art post A decision on • sol-– ory is delaying the call– ing ot applicatlon1 for a new tti,~ctor of the Qucoollond Notloool Art Galler,,. The Gn llr 1·\·'s Bouret of '"J'ru.,;,;tccs ,·l1111rmnn tSlr Roslyn Philp, sutd rcs- 1.crtin.\' lhnl il~ tlw rtlrcc– lnr Wil l', palcl h,v I lic St.ttte C10\'f'l'1111H'11 l. tllr Public Sr n ·lr r C o111mi1-~lonc r hnd ro nppro,·c of the ,._;1ln I y. He <aid nppllcntlons \\nu lrl hr cnllrd when 1h i~ WM• clnnr. On leave T he resigna lInn or the nrescm director I Mr. Robe rt Hnlnes • brcnmc effert/l'e lnsl week. For thr ln~I month he hRS been 111kln1,: nrcumulnted Jr.nrr. Ha..-. .1~\ l!-1lll llt 1Mr. Robr rl Smith• :,;nld ,\'C~· t r r cl;t \' hr was " mnrr nr less" nr·tl nc rlirr.cl.or un– til 11,1; nr w nppomtmcnt \\'ii "' mulr. lri1b1ne, Qld. GALLERY JOB VACANT SOON A PPLICA TIONS for o new Queensland Nat ionol Art ./-\ Gallery director probably will be called this week . 0 \'f"J :--P:1-- :1pp!\l'at 1011~ nn• Ho b,•Jt f-11111 11, \\ ill rtr1 ns .. ,11_,, ' " n" -.(it11d11 d 11 r-1·1 11 1. 11111,,,s n 11,·\\' np- H 111 1·11:1111'1'.'- lllf" thn_l I IH• ))•lllll lll " lll It:\~ ht•,•n lllfl dl' llf'\\ .11l:1ry to hf' of11•1rct Ill l i lf' m,·:11\l llllt' \\ ill 1n flur1 ,r ,, Al IP:, .., Olli' \ 11 11:i l!l•''-, \\IV ! 11,... IIC' – ,;;,rn11:li1 - :1f1'•1 :\ ll:--l1RIHIO 1 • 1• 111 ,,11 1, J'P!->lll•'II \\llh n All rfll'f'f'!(1r In I) 1·n mr Ill- li•(lcilll ~ :-:,\'rill"\' <..In!(' n., 1r1 • ~l('(f 1n Ill" Q 1 w 1 •11-.lr111d dt n ·i·trn· 11 1 i t '- fin!' nil~ , IYl'-Lf lOI\ . ~••t'l!OI\, \\ II'- l'f)pn111tC'(i I t 11, k1111\\n 1h:11 rh'!- q 11 ,, t1!->ht11rt cali"1 ·, d 1rcr- J)"r..,n11 1'- \ ('J \ 1111 11'1-!Nl Ill \()I Ill l!lfil Ill a uf fh" Q 'l"<'n.,l1111rl ·\ 11 <.:d- f l l~O . ri~~w lf'ct'i;~! ·~ 1 :,!.!~l ""P/.~\~~lj:~ I'- ...,..,,..,;;.iiiiF;,~,.,,,:i,1!;'~;.;,ior' Tlw I ri 1w:-n1nn \ 11111'-l f'l \ 11 r :111•, -.:11rl tll~II Ill!' ,rt 1rrr•1 r11 ,. pnoi;111,,n \\Ot1l<i ! .:· nn·., h" '\ Orth f'.!liOO II yrr1 1 '· ~-.,• :. ri,n:\... !-~\':~.n~~n~~ll. , tvmlrt IJ" \\'hr n It," n •!-1g-na1 ion nJ I ~;,r\'/~~f~I ri~~t)~~.i~;~: h<?cnmes eff rctl,·~ on Octo- ~-"""'""" --.- J . ~ a. ...,..1,;lvt, lMr.