Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

t I • Brisbane, Qld. Sculptress trustee of Gallery "I: WELL-known Queen~ land sculptrcu Daphne Mayo, who,c oppointn,cnt 01 a Queens– land Gallery truucc was announced by the EJu • cation Minister IMr . Piz~cy I yesterday, worh ;n ll studio that once stood on the root of the City Holl. II \' :,~ bll 1\L !111' lwr t1: 1· " hl!e s li1• \\ :1:"\ <"H':t111n: 1 1 H' f!J.,t1 11'CS 1111\\' lo h1' SN'll on tIJC Gil V tympn11Ul\l 11.llr: Ill · angular sect.Inn O\'PI' 1Ill' v-./i~,~~ 1 i° t,g~rt~\~~/k w11:; 1111• i:-.hcct Ihr ~tuclio lrn1lct1n~ was loWl'l'Cd lo thl' p,round in slx 1<cct ion~. M i~s M ayu hnd It l'l'· erected on a11 nllnl111C't1l in Glad~lOIW Road, Hlg:h gat r Hill. 1u1et Inter plnrcd a coungc bc.(jld!! it. After many yrn r~ spent nm.in !~• in Syd11cy ~llc ill· te nds to busy ht'n,rlf in Bri:-:lm11c for 111 lea~!. tllr 11P~:C LWO yctH S Ill\ pnrntc \\'llrl, nncl COl\\llliSf; IQI\S, ') .. BrlslNne, Q. The palntinl:", prize– winners In the oil com– pn.n~··~ art competition, were "Ohl St. Mnr,·'s, Kangaroo Point" h)' l!i– l'Car-nlrl Derck Elli•, win– ner of t.he .Tunior Sec– lion; anrl "Que,,n Street, Rrlshanc" hy .I, T. Rl~hl', i'i~~ ;~l~c t~1 ?f;°cJ'. Sec- Sir Rn•lyn Philp, whn a<·cepted the painting! nn hehal! nf the Trustees, 8ah1 "Quccn!iiilan,i is very ha'11y nll lnr donors ol rut.. It is a :i-tnt.e nr man – agers and t.hc m oney Jnr.~ south to s,•rtnr.~· anti l\lelhnurnc, who henefit. In tlnnat.lons to Lheir Art ,:allcrlcs. "'l'hr. com1•ctUlnn t·at– crs fnr the rloer!"ii of art tlml not the lnnkl~r,,,. a nd thl!-i fnst erlni: nr the do• In~ of art is to he J:rcatly 1\Jlfllamlrd. "The mcoumrc of the maturil,y or a rountr~· 1 ... it-R lnt.crcsl in true 1ut." Mr. Kell)' salrl that lhc rom1>ellllnn had al• trar' r rl ahout. 2r,o cntric~. with R lari:c proportion nl these In the Junior M?cllon. Brisbane, Qld. BEQUEST TO GALLERY pAl~Tl~fiS a11rl an. llljllf' .. \\('l'I' lll'(lllt'ilth – r,I lo 1111' tJ11rc11:i-la11cl :\'iitio,rnl .\rt (inllrn· In· 11 whim, "ho cliC'1I . la.,:t A111·il. Sht wa:,, f 'uthcnnc :\lar_, Eni;:,lancl1•1·, Ii~. fmmcrJ,· of' ( 'anwrun St reel, \\ incl:i-ur , ,, ho died on A11rll 1:t. l'rohale uf Mr:i-. Eui:– lanrlr.r'!i, ,,ill of c:::.11 reaJt.,· ancl .t:lil!III 111!1'– ~onult,· Wit1' i:,.-.ucd .\'t')'o• lf:rday in lht• ~u11r1•1111· l'nurt. Th1 1 will 111:ulr sc n•1·.tl Pl!l':'<11111:11 hrn1m:~t~, ailtl ~lln:dl•1l lhal painlin;.::-.. l\'llllCS, and ulllllllll'!i., in • l'l111lini.: .IJ'IJllll('.:--4' ,lalll· ctl1:s and Chiiw,t• \':l'•t•s he ,;irnn lo lhc i.:allc1·;.:· · Brisbane, Qld.