Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Show art of native 'fHE fint major \howing of aboriginal art in Audralia will be ot the Quccnilond Art Gallery fa, a month hom Sotur • doy, October 8. l l 1·rit1:,.,is.l '" 41{ t'Xillll\111'" or 1111t1,·c Au, trn\lan art1 ~prrnnrcl ovn a c,:u\\rcu11g period from t!ll:.L \ B11rk pa111t1ngs, t:<H\'ltl~:-. r111rl ~acrcd nncl :,.,r1..:ular pier"·" ol ..iburl14llrn! al'I mnk,• HJ) t,hc rxhth1L1nn. wl1irl1 hns been n:-..•,rnll>lNI from c;ollrctions throu~h- 0111 t\u~t rnlia. \ For lhc fir:,t lllllt' nil painting~ lrn \'r l>Cl'.n rlH"-f•n l>t'('l\\l!-1"' or 1!lcir ;lt'll:,t:c vn\ur rnlh rr lll1111 1hl'lr a11th ropoloi.:icrtl 111- lt•rr:-.t. Tlw ~alien· wt!I llf' cln:-i••c\ frnm dct.obrr fl to Orf!lhrr 7 rnr prcp:1rnt111n !!1 the exh ibition . Hour!– Will br : ~-tondny- Sntur· da\', to 11.m.-5 nm.: Sun• cln\·- 2 p.m.- 5 p.m. \ S aborlirtnal ~,an·ert fiJnre of an t • 1 ancestra1 hPln1·" from VlrrkalR, Arnhem l,and, I• all parl or the dai·'s work for )lr. J. B. '.\l11c l,ochlan, .\rt Galleri· atten<111nl , Ou his ldt i~ Knot.her ahvrii;-inal rt,:ure canln;; - a "i,1plrlt of lhe land or the d,:ul" - the !-oplril that "an. min to the north coast, n.lso rroa, Arn• hem 1.:tnd, Thr. gRllr.ry r1o~e.d on \\'erlntfida~• tu prf'p:ut for the ot,enlna of the tour– wtek !lhol'f of ahorlgln11I work lomor• row. The txhlhlllon. r,f bark palnHIIR•· ,·;1r,·i11,t!'-, s.1.rrrd and sttular obJecl.i, ha~ hr,n a.!i>~tmbled from colltctlons throughout Australia and I• tourlnc ;111 slAff'li, \\'El"li'I' \\',\l,K•ABOL1' GRllrr~· starr men "went walk– about" this wtrk t.o collN"t natiHi 11lants ~U<'h a.!I btarkbo~" to •·drtss-up·• the t>hJhltlon, '"\\'c want to sho"· lun,· mud1 a parl of the norrnttl w.._,,. of Ufe th,sr oh• lr<'h wrrr to .,horii-lnt1I~,'• 5alrt A."istst .. "ant dlrrt'lnr i\! r. Robert. Smith tcrrlay. ,'1r. Smith r,.ald 1t1e rxhlhitlon was nnlqur, - ll waf' thr. fl~l major !';,n" lni:t hy Jallertcs or a horlJ: RI ar1 . "For the rlr!il tlmr the • 1minllng~ han! hr••n i'hnsrn hy a pa.intrr for lhrlr artl!llltlC lntrr,-it rn.llu•r than their 11.nthro• poloalra1 slgulflritnrc:' .. hr ,a.lrl. '1 "Tht ,Jl-..pla ,. l11dudc~ 1 • ~– ma.n,· or the rlnr!tit work~ ~ ·, from· N\rly 11nd rtecnl ' · · puhlir rollrrtlont' AUSTRALIAN ABORIGINAL ART BARK PAINTINGS SACRED AND SECULAR ODJECTS CARVED FI GURES r' • q · 1111· r·xhihit iun o[ ahor· w:is m nd,· 1,,· t 11<• Qtll'i'llsland At'l ,\ c t i11 g•Dir 0 1't o r t,\lr. R,dJf' rl Srrj th ) aH hr ;1rr:1ngc d :1 d1.•(•t1 r~ll'd !-.l< 111l from Croco• dilo lxl;rn d . A1·nh 1•111 L:111d. i11 lit,· rlispl;"· ,·cs• t.crd n_,·. Th e• f' x hil,itio n w11~ ,,ffkinll~· ,·1p~ncd \asl ll i~ltl. Prn[t•-.sor 1•. \\', :\ld-:lwai11, )wad of th1• l)("Jmrlnw11t nt i', ,<"11111 - 111-:." ur thr {lt!('l' ll'"la rHI 1"11h·er-.it \", op1.•11in;.: tJu· tli,f!l:n ·, ,aid : " ~01111• uf 1hr lw~t SJHTi 1111•11:-, art• mn .. l lmp11rtanl 11r•1~1, n f :thorl ~inul art. :-,;oriu· nf th1•m \\·ill n <',·c•1· h t• r1• – prntlt11'Pfl ." mi\lnl)· rrom Ar11hi:-m ., 1,Hntl i\ncl nearh~· ura~. · '"'"·'·"''•'"'•~ lnrtld<luat anthrnpolo– ,:-i!'tc.. unh·rndtlc~. art i:::11• lrrle~. mU!-if!llffl!', 111ul ,.,.,n the .\u ... trallan lnfritUut, of .\natnm.r IH,,·e. lent oh,lrcl~... :ulclrd Mr. Smlt.h. :\lt1-.;t 11 ( I Ill' paint l11c~ 1•,1-rc 1111 l o Ill _\"C!ll'!-o olfl, ::1~Lh ~';:::;•. o::!1';. o1,~,I: y;•{::: The rxhlhltion 111w11 tomorrow and ( ~a llrry w-111 hr 011en :\lnnday lo :-:Rturttan, from 10 ~.m. to :'l ri.m. and on Si nnd:us rrmn '! p.n,. to ;; s,.m. · paintin:.:s wa..; u f an_,. ai:1· -1110 ,n•:ir, 1,ld. alHI quilt• ran•. " \lo-.t nr tlw ah11ri:~ i11:1I art clt'l1:l'i11ralrs 111li1·l,h· in tlw T1·rriton . :t11cl lllftll\ pn i11ti11 ~·-. !11"1' r<• · 111•11lPcf." l' ro f(',,n r ) ld·.h1:1i11 ,ai,I. Tlw 1•,hihili1111 i, ttlH'II l rn111 Ill a.m , tu i fl,lll. t1 ;,!1·::,\r1'.;' 1/.:~1~11\\ 11 .!/\:.. ~~1_: 1:::: ~1111<1.,, ... II wi ll lw 011 "hun 1111 :a 1:1nnlh .