Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

" MA I L" ABORIGINAL visi– tors to Brisbane Art Gallery's dis– play for native art yesterday woro Sambo Garvey, of Upper Dingo, west of Rockhampton, and his nephew, Trevor Bones, 9 months, of Acacia Ridge. They admired this bark painting together. Native art draws Doscns of Brisban-c'1 am.atcur artists went to the Art Gallery yesterday to "stop, look, and slccitCh" motifs from the first maior showing of abor– iginal art hero, Som e of the visitors were nborii;lnols- but they were ,,:-; inl,rigued a.s others :ibout th e wide rnnge of 1trtlstic expression the col– lection dlsplnycd. rrJ~:e th~ 01 lf~~l~~st ~glt~~~ cus tree palntC1g collected by th e Atnerican-Austrn- [~'\.~,~~:;}iflc.. 11 :xe,e,n~~l to Mn.wnlnn's "Djnng– ;:nwoo:· drplctln~ the birth of the people. Rare painting A rnrc bnrk p11111Ung drnwlng- 111n11y nchnircrs nt. the show Is lhnt of the WondJintt fl~11rc, nssocl• nted with Ihe f!nlnbow s~r,Vt~.~ni ~ 1 pc nf figure wn:-; fir~!. cth;cnvcrccl on cnvc wnll:-. In 1831 by Sir Gcoq;·c Grr·y 111 1 he KintbC'rlcy l region of \VC'stcrn Austra– lia . Aborigine Art show An u hibition of Au\• h.1l,,1n ;iborigin,11 art1 consisting ot 113 spcci– mcns1 is currcntlv on di\– pl.,y , nd drilwing in– terested crnwds tc the Qu ccnsl,1nd Art Gallery. Tl1c r <,lii·l'liOll ~11Ta1 11.! • 'd Ii~ Mr J. ,\ 1 T 11d-:.'-iJ11. i ll'Jllll y D1rt•1· rn1 1 ,it 1!1t· :\ r t Ci 111le1 ~· vl Nl'W ·ulil !1 \\':dt·:– ).J r , 'J'11l'l:-.un !-J>d i\ .-..1)11ll' 1ii nr- in Arnhen1 La11Ll ,1 u .llh•('ll !H~ 1'))1•d1111•11~. Tl w 1 111 n 11t 1·:....i111J!lln1: 11:1-., 1)1·1•11 d r :1\\ n 11uu) an g:d lt:rie.... 1n 11:,,1·u111.-.. 11111- \'L'r:-,ll \' 1·ollr•rt11,ns. thP A t1!->lri1l1:1 11 llb llllllt: of A11- II IOJ1I \' Ill l11nlJ1•rrn, Hild \";irrn.1 1:- :111th 1op Jh1~1sls. l l \\ Jll lJt• o pt'll tl11~ 11 ftrr– llu Ull , !J <illl :!~5. ll!ld IJ'Olll !\h HHI:\\' tu S:d ui (b y, l tJ :\.111 .-5 ·p.m.