Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

' ART REVIEW-By Dr, Gertrude Langer Aboriginal show gives delight MAJOR ex hib ition ot Austrolion Abo– riginol Art in our Stote Golle ry pull hasis on the toct thot th is is ART. It is q 111 h · sum1.• d Pl'• :nl s nO\\ :-.in(•(' Euro– pra n m;111 has stopped luokin g- a I I h a rl (•f so– t·>d lrd primitive races " a s s.omrl hini; hr loni:;ing uni .,· lo a nthr(lpolo,::1cal and et hnological c·ollec– tinn!--. , .. ,, .. ,.,, ..•.. , .. 1 T iu• d1am:r lf1 attl ttuic wa, rltu· pn I tl , tn ...1•a1 ch - 111~ lllfjllll IC:-. Ui lO Lhe CS – H'I\ IU\l llltl ll l'(' o f All art . partly u, 11 ~tu<ly nJ nrnn. 'fC!-lll1111~ 111 1·a11t10 11 Ill t he• IIH' or lht• term ··p r1m 1t1\'C'' 1 wluC'11 no lona,.:rr ha:-. u ck - j;~·~•·i,\~~1In~t~:J• t'1\1;d,nl~~~~~ 1':':ll Ill J)/'lllilll \ (' un. 11.,,, 11 by Europr11n nrll::it..-. slnc:c– thr t11r11 ol thr CC'11t,11ry. Tlll'll'' wrL, a growmg awarr-1wss nr thr rlrmr.nt .., blL~IC 10 (\II nrt and I nrt·~ u111\·rn•al tunct1011 11, ('\'C'l'Y h \llll:\ll ~octrty. Aesthetic quality lla..'-1<' nn• thr nrl~ds fo r ma11 •r 1,·a tNI hc1\IJI\' and for g 1\'llll: an rnu\gr to man's f'l110l1ons and to l11s COIH.:f'pl s (lf the wnrld \\.'h!ch hr ltYP:'i \Vlllll f'lllOllo l\S [\IH1 1:rm • i·rpt.':l lie bt•lllnd thr n n. of lht• At1!-tralrn11 Rbnng1nnl rnn.,· he pnrtl~· cxphlinrd by th,• SJ)l'''rn llsL"i m socia l :~ 1 ~~ 11 b~!t~fil' 11~ 1 \~~r ~~VV~ 1 N;. appr1•lw11drcl b~• p1•oplr 0111..,11\fo Lhf'ir IH'ilf'fs and ! w~{o~~·~,· 1 ~:.~· lmgcr1 11~ lh1s :-.how. 011r may ge t !-Olllf' \11 t111uo11 or n11crslr11 l thne:,;. nllll this nlonr Is exg;1\!c:1~·;·· tiling Llrnt rt•r1,n111lv 1·omn111 mcablr lS I thr df'd drd 1-u:sll1rllr q ua\- 1 lty, \·nrv111g, of C'Our~e. 111 1 1thr i1alkirlunl nl>jr rt~" I Tllf• h11lk of 1111• r xliibi Ls nri• b:uk patnt lngs, r·h lrfly from :\rnhC'fn Land. 1 , Achieve beauty I Elo1un1.trd spirit flgllrCS su1•1l ns Nns. I• i, styhsrd nnrnrnls 1rnrl hu 11trrs , Nn:c-. fl, 4, ft. nmnni; fi nr rx· amplr!'i I anrt purclr s:?"CO• mrtr1cnl ri<'Sil;ll!-. 1 wh ich , howr\·rr. :ur !il-Vm.oolical rcprrscn L.1t1n11s1 ·n f t c n nt:hirrr ,:::rraL cxprcssh·e– nrss nnrt riecoraLi,·r beaut~·. I One will nntr tlrnt bRl– nnrcrl dc!-il,:?11:c- nrr ach1rverl w\1.ho11t rcr011rse to dcnd. riJ?irl :,;ymmclry. Tile slmplr earth colours, rr.d nnd yf'llow ochres, hlnrk Kll~ white always prorlucc nrh r fl ccts. ln set 91·94 colour and design lln\'(' an nlmOSL ?llOllU - mrntal quality. A11 ex• rcptionally bcn11t1h1l piece is No. 2~. Artrnittcdl~, our drl ight 111 thl!-i show ic. hri~l1 tcncd by "dthl'O\'rr111g" Klees nnd :\f1ros. nnd onr wnndcrs hnw murh thr work of thr:-:r art1sLc; hn.c. he lped us to bcromc :l\\'Rrr nr the quaht.1rs rn pr1m111,·r art whir l\ !ms hcrn part or tiirir lllS)lll'.'11.iOI\. Thr nttrarlt\'f"'l,,·- r1 1'1'~llt crl rx h1h1t11111 w1,~ be OJl("n At thr Qurcw ...Jand Gallery (or lour weeks- AUSTRALIAN ,,1-:1 ., ·11 .1.1 : 11, ,·so,, A dcc pl y-signiticont c •hib ition ot Austral ian arranged by the Stole Art Galleries ot Australia Queensland Art Gollery. ' 'I II,• I,. ,[ II!\' ,tf :1!'1 1:-./ ;\J.11 L: ,11'•'' f Jil•·'. ·.,.•li – .111· !1:-.IOJ\' i ,[ 111,111 .d id 1: 11 11 \\'/l u .1111 1,•r . 1-. 1"dt1!)!I· d 1: . n 1~lt·1 lto! t rt111 • 1111wl 1 111<: 1ll h ., n d d1 :1w 1n~ ... ,11 11 1 1111 1.11·1 11111 k 111 1 \ !1•,1 :1· 111,· . r. 111 11 , tn n ,· c;;dl,•r\·. 1 i! r ll •· 1b 1 ,r 1•:111,d f' 1nr 1.1 h:o :1ff. !3nw,·11 !1111,. It j.., H1•ll 11n·._,. 11 1,·il 1 11 1 lli 1 • \•. llllli• f 1111111d ,11111 1111• ,·.it.dui.:u,• i·u\' · 1111 ' 11, ,·, 1.i rl1, •r <1 1... :111• ,·1·i11i.: Ill,· .. 11111, j.., 11111-. f. 1 '" 1111 11•! P •·I li:111..., f I' '\· t lll•tl'lli,11 111· i111I d 1 •. 111 ' ·r,·, 1 1 ' ' 11 ll ltll\1 t,1•1· t ll'-l' ' l' I'\!'" I jll I( 1• •H I Ill \' " 1 !,tll '. tlt' 1111 \' q(I 1•1 !l h,1111; ,ti,·1 1, 1 11 u · t, • 1 111 1• ' '\11-..-. 1111,., ·., i11 d1, i- 11 . :i1 • r : i , ·1 1 . 11, • t11 1 if11 d ,, , 1 f,· , 11 <1, 111 Ill ..! ,t l 1•' ·; · 11!11 I ,,11 ,•., ... ,1 IH ,1 , ... h,·,·11 h l'f' 1J l '!\I ~f 111 11i_: ll•! IHI ,111,/ 111 !h i, 11: •·I. I ' " ltd 111 ,•-...,· 111.11 i11 11 ,1 1/I 1· 1' :1 •I '\I , •· \11\1 1111\11-.. :,:11111f , .•,., lit· ..., r ' rd I 1 1 ! I 1 11 ,1" ,, 1 r " .,: . "t ,' . 111., ' 1,, , 1111( 11 1. I! 11)· · 1 :· ,·,:1i\l ) I, .1\'' 1 11 ,, , ,I Olley show " d is appo ints " •• • ·, •Ill I• • :!I" I ' t, I• :1 ,I ,,, ••