Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

ART IN A SKULL Prof"'""' D. \\'. McElw1dn, head of the Deportment nl rs)·chol– nK, ol the Queen>land Unl\'erslt,·. npenln~ the rll~pln~·. Salrt: "~nmc or the hest !1i(1l'!cimcn~ are mn!lt Important Hem!<ri or aboriginal al't. Some or t,hcm will ne,·cr he re– produrrd." Most nl the palntln~• were up tn IO yl":us olrl, with ~nmc only one yr.nr old. Onl)· one nl the pa.lnlini:i- wa!\ nr an~· n.i:-c -JOO i·ears old, and quite urr.. " l\tosl or lhr nhnrlglnn l art deteriorates qulckll' In the Terrll-Or.r, anrl 1nnn)' rutlnllng~ are re ~ ~f:~~;~•ln ~aid. Prnfe~~or The c,hlhlllon Is npr n rrom 10 a.m. tn 5 ,,.m. l\.fonrla~· tn Rnt.urrtn~·. anrl from 2 p.m. ln ~ (1.m. nn ~unchn~. It "Ill he 011 , !!-1,nw l'nr 11 1110111 1 1, No art to L A~T SwulnJ murn– in:, I prmull.,· loo~ 11n111r , i~i111n tu thr \rl (;ull,•r:-· tu 111t••· tlu· 111111,l,·dul ,·ollr1·- 1i1111 ,.f ulu1di,:i1111I nrl 111111 " ·''" , ...,,- 1li,-u1•- pui111r1I 10 rin,I tl1r i,:11ll1•r,· .-1, ... .,,1, 1>011°1 HHI 11.iuk it Mn11III lw.11, ,.olu• thr Jll'l1l1lt•1t1 11( 11olhin• lo ,lo nl "''1•5'-Nul,-. (or ,i•ilt•r• tuul 1u-.•11l1• lh·– inll iu romn•. U lht• u:11ll1•rr Mt'rl' .,,..... Rll ,lu, ~11111111, '! I h:nr m•,rr (nund 111u- o,1•r..1·n"' nr1 a:ul- 1,•n 1•lu•1•,I 1111 n ~1111- 1111,~ 111or11i1111, To ,lrn•lop a rult• 11r11I IU!'!lr. Ollt" 111t1111t 1111,r 1lw op1mrhmit~· of i111lul~in1 in it. - E. JI. ~tn,or. l>t•mp,,.y Strr,•l :\nnf"rlf'y, I (} 11 .- ,, n • IM n cl r\11tlonnl ..\rl c;Hllf"r,· ~undu, hour• nre fro,.;1 2 p,111. 111 5 p.m, A ,i1dlrr, !il)Okf'11man aaid H•~t.,.r,lu,· 1h,-..- h11d hf... u 1h,; Su111l11~· houn for 1111111,· ,rur•. Th~• hn1I pr._.,l,.11hl:.- IM-f't'I !lf'lrf'ff'fl 110 • 11- nn• tn rnnflirl "'·ith rhurr.h• hour, J. WHY are the ()uecusland Gallc1')"s t·Urt't' lll Exhibition? Some of the e~hihlts (not n1odern. mindl lea,·,• one doubtina:· whether I the)· are hung the right 1 side u1>. Som e of the bnrk-pnint– ings depicting sa c r e d rlt un ls nre positlrt'ly Incle~ c•n t. And sinre the nrtlst s nre Jon i;-<kad. tile 41- l'lll:I· ln~tlC offers little expl:1J1t1w ' t ion . 1 One r e11clln ~ "s11bjrct ' unl,nown'' itoo tr11r! J and "artist unknown." w:1s s11 ppos,,dly ,·olleclrd bi· tile A 111 l' r I c H n - Austnlliiin Sci('l1Lific E!xprdition. Whether it·~ ,1borl!:i1wl fl rt is Bt1('kl1•,··s 1.!.11!'~/"i " l'l!OFUNlll'>'," l'l.oyfl<•ld ',;._