Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

H. C. RICHARDS I MEMORIAL Brisbane, Qld. ilose gallery ·1 -new display 'l'hr Q11renslnncl Art \ O nllt•n· will br rtoscrl unt.1I \ n ew· rxhibitlon lji, otr 1 r 1 • ~lly l"'pciicd, tomnrrow nl1? ht Al 8 n dork. Thr f'X llillit inn will ron- ln lll ~clf'drd. r ntr1rs . froml t,h is ,·cn r·~ H. .c. Rtc:·hurci\ mrmori:1\ 111·11.c und wlll· be npr11rct ny thr Art Gnllrry drnirman ?~ tl'n~trrs 1S\r Rosh r 1 ;1.\~~ ·l!nl\cry is now l·los~d 1 \r 1 workmrn trda• rlo,\\ n n :1bnr\c\nn l lll'l r•xll1bi• t\1~11: nnci erect the new rx– hihtt ion. N, if'm~GRAPH" Rrls&.ne, Q. FOUR STATES IN DISPLAY ExllilJits from lour ~ l11tt·:- will h1' un cll:-.– plar tl.lH;.!hl \\ 1\1•\l lilf' P rPsHIPnt 111 (}11<'(.'lls.lanci \ Al'l G:lllt•r~. ::;ir Roslyn 1 Philp. oprw- an Art l'X- 11 :h it wn QI IC!'I\Sl.l lld n r t1:,;1:, a re \\T ll r c p l'l'!--\'11LNI l\l Lh~ J (1 1 -: p\u ,\'. wl11rll 1·ons~~H:- ~Jl l 41 of 1111' R7 t•lll_l'lt!S lll 1 1 l\b y<'ar·:; I-~- C. R1d 1:trds m •• m u 1 !al Jffl /.t' T \w :\! t (i,dl,·r~· has h L'l'tl do:-.,·cl sitH'l' ~tonday l tuornlm~ tn 1ak1• clu~n _1 un :,hor\:.d n:d art 1•xh1h1t1011 :111<1 10 hancllr 1hr palnL• 1 ln1.4:,; fur t01J1•:h1 :- d 1l-pluD .., L Brisbane, /PAiNiiN·G·ANGE.RSl. CRIBB ISLAND E Crihl.' 1~1a1ul r,•,idrnl, urc 1111 in arms n,·<'r artist ,John r:h:h~-·~ lflO-i:uint·a pn in1i,ig or OIIP or ,.,,.,;, ''"'"' llllHlflnls. The ( 'rihh h-la ml • f'l'o,;rrs,.., A..,_...,11cl11 tlnn • rhaf rman f .\Jr:-.. I.II - • IIAn Hr<'<I 1 , alrl w•~– !rnt.n : "( 'dt1h hla mt 1-. IHJI as had .t.c.. it I, 11a h1lrd," n11 T\' la., 1 T 111•..,fl a" th,· .\rlln i; llln•i·lnr or llw 011c1•11'l:111d \ l'I • ( iallrn 1 ~Tr. H11 hrrt • -""mfr h 1 11<",t' rihrrl Ihr 1ml nllm: :L.. 1·1111,·<'yln~ • "an atmn..phr rr nf rl1•1·a .\ n 1ul ri1·, 11l,11i11 11,'' IJOHl•: S 1•1 . P, ' ,, ,1t•1 rl a,. ,\I r,. l: t'l'd , H hu i!- ;1 1, o • r~,':.~·.i,'t 11 } •.'\{ . '~'; \:;i,!'1'; • " I I,• t,dl,,•tl ah11t1 J 1111 • l in ::, .11111 rl1·t·:11 ,•rl 11•::,1'1 ;1li1111 . • ;111rl ,fhll\ lll llfl. \\ 1•'rc- llnl • :tll I lrn 1 h,td . ···1 IH· nld r u, 11•!1 rar 0 11 1hr , i1,, ":t' • 1l 11rnpr rl I h r 1·,, ,·r:ir, :u:.11. Ill!' (·111111dl H11uldn '1 trn,·r ll"f t It • nt :-,.1. l.11,·ia. B ot nul - .-.lctrrs :, rr frrf' tn come Rnct rh1mr, hl"rr,. " l'nu know, thrre n ;" a plan to put ROO lm11.~r, nn Lh;t t ,,a,. Llrular hnJ:, \\ Ith lm·1•h· IHI rh1111 r,'' ~11. ·' 111i(h ,;wl · • ''I'\" ur\ 1•r lwr 11 ti; t _rlhh bla nd. 1 ,, a!<i "'llllllh· tlr,rri hl11i: 1 lw • a t111o,phcrf' 1·0 11 ,·1•1rrl • In Iht• f1:1lnl.ini:.' I • C'l'l'Lalnly ,, 11 , nnt , ui: ~ • f''~I111,:. I hf' "hnl1• o f th::·:~:,h hl;11HI f., lil-.r ,\ tt,I :trti,1 Uii: I" , ;1til : " If th1• 11:1i11 ti t1_t: • "' 11 CCP,t, f11•ra , and 111111 1 II', .i11~I 1110 ha,I. " ,\II I 1•,11t ,;n i-. fli:t l :11"t11alh· . lhr 11;1i11linr: 1,.' :, f'a irh ra 111ir111 1•11rtrn , al, I • 11aintrt1 II a.-. I -.a n ii. "In la,·I, llli.., part i.. • h1•t Irr ll1r111 t 111' 111 hrr f'IHI "hl1·h I!- a . hit or ,hanr_,. 1011 n." • .• .... ..···· ·········••.J.11..L1J1 11••···:. RIZE Thl! Trustees of the Queensland Art Galle ry jnvite you to be present when t h is exhibiti on is opened b)' their Presid ent The Honourable Si r Roslyn Philp K.B.E. Wednesday, 9th Novem ber, 1960 at 8 p.m. Q UEENSLAND ART GALLERY .. 1 •· ,. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld, Local painter wins sixth major prize B RISBANE pointer Jo~n R_igby has won ~ sixth major art pmr.c 1n three years this time the I 00 9n1. H. C. Richards Memorial Art Prise for landscape Queensland. l\lr. l{igb~·. :H. Rt Kcdron . Srlrct.rd cn t.rtes from this vtar's Richards p rlz~ com· i~f~\~\~~' "/~ 1 b'!.' 01 nt~l~iii1i, opened nt 8 JJ.m. next Wednesday by Queensland ArL Gnllery chalrmnn of trus\C1'.'S ,S ir Rnslyn Phllp1, at the A l'L Gnllel'Y, Other major prizr• w11lcl1 Mr. Rigby has won arr: JtnllAn Go\'ernment Lrarcl– llng • scholl<rsh lp )11'17.e 1}!'}!17 1, \Vomcn's \Vr.r.kly tlOOO port.rnll prise t 19581 1 ll n lf- O01.W"ll Oro 11p OI Artlots' Quecnsl1<11d Cen– L<'nnrv P rizf" •Hl59 ,, Red– d llle· Art Prl1.c < 19fi9 1, nn<I Caltr x Quernslnnd Crn• Lrnnry \"Par Prlr.e t rn~o,. By waterfront Mr. Rl~b)' \\'011 the m,·h ·, Ards prize with n lnncl· sc~pP in oils of the v·atrr– front nt Cribb Island. T he gntnun~ Is 41t. Gin . by 3ft. 11 tr. nl~by'a work Is r•Jl· rrsenLed In the Queen&land Art Gollel'Y, NeWCR~tle oallery, and the Darnell allery M Queensland Uni• ~ slty. 60