Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

•••• , •••••••-...... . I ••• I I I ,ii. I I I I ;;;;;;;;;;;;;-. I •• I Haines quits as Gallery director protest against the proposed Cultural in THE Director of the Q·ueensland National Art Gallery (Mr. Robert Haines) yesterday announced that he had resigned. He said his resignation was a protest against the proposed Cultural Centre, in– cluding the Art Gallery, to be established in Brisbane Botanic Garde:is. Me snicl t h e centre hlhit.lm\ S mn)' br ll'rll– wnuld nrn ke t he Art t11tent101ied, b11l also needs Gn llrr~· nn l~• an Rppen• lo be 11·ell htform~d." da~e. lo other h a ll s or tu:~, c~~'i\~:::'? .~;~;~;n;i~,j bmld1ni:~. last December is 10 hrgi11 1\fr. Hnines. 4:l, lnrmcr with n t:500.000 Bri~bnne nssislan t. rlircct.or of 1.he r :·oJcc·t pli~nnrcl by n 8pe– Nntionnl Gallery nf V1c- \crnl comm1urr . t.onn. wns appointed . IScrtlons proposer! ln– QucrnslRnd NRtionnl Al'l il'luclc fl ll Art Gnllrry ' Rlld Gnllcrv director In J!}ftl nt n c:11IL11rnl-purposr s nnd a. satn'ry of ( 1150: slrH:eicxhlbll lon hall to be incrrased to more thnn lknown n~ the '·Hnll of £2000. 1P,011eers:' Companies and He snld . he resigned lndlvldunls. on n contrlbu– "wlth rcirret. but only after ll.lon basis. will be lnl'lted n. great den! or thought.'' to hnrc I.he histories of "Regretted" llhemselvcs or their fam l– l1e,; cngrnl'cd In nn Hon- [ 'l'hc Education .Minislf'r our Book. I (Mr. Pizzey J said ~·est.er.I ICompnnlrs and lndlvid – dny the Go\'ernmenl, hnd 1t:als, by r.ontrlbut.lng to nr.ceptcd Mr. Hnlncs· Lhc project, mny Also hn,vc reslg111nion. lnl'chitcctura l fcntures "The Go,·t•rnmcnL nnd n1unccl uftcr them.I the Uon rd of Tr11~tces re- 0 grel.l.cd Iris resi~nnlion nly course very murh:' l\1 r. Piu.("~"' said. · Mr. I-lnlnrs :-:nlcl : " A~ 1 "\Ve arc ,1cepl,v npprP- 1hc :,,;chcnw for Lhc Pion– cinli\'e o r 1.h~ 1,:rPnl, l'On- rrr H:.111-Culturn l Cent rr– t,r11111t1on M1·. ; '.nines hn!- Art Onllrry !ms nppro\lnl rnnclc in building· lip th~ 01 the G O\'f'l'lllnClll. the status or the Art, Gnllc rr.l r.11ly propPr prntl'st I cnn .·•J prrsonnll~' Int er- nrnkr. ls to rc!-llgn, \'~rwed Mr: Hn111rs. nnd "rt serms wiser t.o with– rt1d ('~·r.r~•th in't' pos_slblc t.n drnw nt l hl~ singe from a !?CL . h im .. to l'ccomndcr h1s,posll1011 which sooner or dcc1slo11. pntcr 11111~t lcnrt me into "Ill advised" ronfllct ll'ilh lhe rcspon- 1 :-lhlr r·ommll tcr nr bring sc~~-S t~R~~~e~ hR~ni~~c ~-~~ ~!~~nj:i.~;;!.~c\r~~io~~/c~~1. i r.ision w include 11tr Art 1 1 CONTINUED ON Gallery 111 t h e proposed •Pioneer Hall - Ct1lturel PAGE THREE Cenue· I~ bol h 111 ndrised nnct uninformert. "It ls I he Art On !ler,1• ~\;ltlt~r~';"~~!~l;~~oulcl be the l "The r·onc·C'p1 ion gi\'rn by the pre~Pnt committer of nn Art Gnllcry n). nn nppr11rlnt!t' to \'ft<.l hnll~ to hi! ll~cd for bu~ill('!-~ ('00• r('l'f'llCl'S. n 11I omnbllr ~hOW!i:, nnd otlwr comnwrrin l r x- RESIGNATION OF ART DIRECTOR CONTINU[D FROM PAG[ l Mr. Ho ines soid the plann ing of an adequate and properly conceived Art Gal• le ry would have to conside r a diversity of funct ions and spoces. T h,~, , \\ 0111 I h,· rxhlbi-1 p1uJp 1 :11cl h1 .. , l\l~ht.: 11011 :.::ilh'111·,. ~1·11lptUl'f' '"'l'IH• tl ll~lt't'l'-1 IH\\ 0 (' f'X• c.1H11t ,. litn ,,1 h.•~ 11,r art pi e!-,sr ct 10 ~11. Jla111t•:-i thei r n·fe 1l'IH.:1· 1 lirn,k, :11u1 111:u.:: 1• r,•~rct at hi.~ , c .. J!.!11111 u11 1.'' ;,111€'.,, 11.:11-- -11111 :-.lult'!"i, !\Ii I'll.I,.-' \' :-.u lcl lu~t nu;llt Hh rrt111'~ IOI' \\11Jk'- ••I urt Ill' l1:1d , 11 ;.,1 !() ull11\' ~l r. l u lJ,· h'nl lv l'IIUIIII' ,· 1• 11 • 111n1n1•,· 1('11 1'!- tlrnl Llic A rt trP~ 11n~I ..C'lll - d·: niu1:1:-. 1," '.' lia l!,•iy \\Plilcl !-,U!l<'I' ll'Oll\ :,.1111." 1111.:. I illll~ llllll ,' lt~h.1'1, tlH• r,m ,. 1 t111H'Jll 'i, drl'lh!Oll ,,u1h:-.twp, nnd l,\IHl!i1· tn f•:--t•,b\l: ll a Cult u1al tone:-- : lt•c l\ll't :111cl llll'CI· C,• li t' ' :-.. lnt-: room s for !nib . clli... .)lJy · 1 , 111 rn n \\'Ill it cus~ln 11"i. clr 111011i..1ml 11111. , 1 : . 1 ., 1 n11rl m u!-.lcfl l prrfnn11n11cr:-i lllnlt ilu. M.f pr 01 . I i e nnct !1 da~r n11<1 outdoo1: gnll,•ry," ~ti . P1z 7 .c~· ~met. ._ _ 1 1 On the contrn r\'. ll- wn~ rcstnu rnn s. hoprd thr cul!ural ccm re Praises Govt r1111d ,m11ld give the people • 1 or Quernsla11d gren1rr op• He sa id : "Thr Art Gnl- pnrtunil l' ()f cte\'eloplng lcry ll !-.rlf l tlllt llOII~ 1H\ th r Onllrrv whnl-101' WfllH of n hl'I • More t:n11\cl bf' :tC'C:11111· tcr n11me--can pcrhnp~ bC' pll~hrd throui:zh tlH· ~chr me callr c\ ri 1·11lturnl ccntrr . , than bv Q0\·crnmrnL funds "T ll i~ 1: a t. rrmt fully 111 nlnnc. · 1<,~;.,i;>, 1t'';o1c•'~}h1h/~~-1 ~'ii~ Allot funds h~ry t•·11rtlw r, 1t 111n y he Mr. Piizt•v .•n \cl £:.!,10.000 c·ou~aril•rNI It~ primary ius- nlrr11ch· hnd been allot1cd lif\C'nl 1n11 ." orcr (l\·e ,·rnr~ ror a new l\1r. 1-t;.1it1c~ pr:11.-ccl the i;nllt~ry. ni1ct lhls nmount. Stn l c Gn,·('!'IHIH'Llt for the w01ild be ....upplcmcntcd by lnrru ,!--lni:; 11\Lt..'l'CSt II had (\llA llCr~ rnl:-iC'd lhrou~h tnkcn In tlic Art Gnllrry. 1hr Cl'ntcn ary Flnancc T tlC' o o,·cn 11ncnt Ancl the Cnmmltt rc Galler.,· 1ru~1ce!'- wrrr lo be Mr. Plz1.cv snici ,·nnl..!.rat ul11lf'cl on inrrny de- llnpcrl ~ul 'rlcir.nt runds rc· 1 •71~~~~;~.~~:. tl1c plan to }~~. 111 ,~,rbcPi~~~~~~~- J~1\. 0~ 1 N( lnc.orpnrn u• thr ArL Gnl~ lal1-,o 10 br of conslclrn1blc !cry . 111 tlli~ nthrr P~:Ojrct help to thr Art Gallery. Is 1nrmnprclH'11:-lblc. he 'l'hc G o n'l'lllllClll lrnrt said . brrn able. !-,Gille month~ "111 d1!-=ct1~slnc m.v n':-lj!- nco fo rcconcllr the t11- 1ntlo11 with thr Educntion 1rr~.-.1~ of the Centenary Minl~trr •~lr. P i7.zt• y l, l1r f'1trn nr1• Commit.tee with 1Rs a~~11rcc.l me tlrnt m y thr Gnllcry 1n1stces. cnrs for tll<' n l"W Art ·t hope tht: people of nllc ry nrc i:=,rnunctlcs~. Q1 ren~l:inct will .-upport ".But L ~u ll Gnm1ot src the Culturn l centn• Fund hnt the :--che111r. ns pre- ~o thnl a prolrcl worthy or •iously outlined In the the Stale wlll be creeled J1'css. ca n be rrconclled r1d,1,1cent to the, olci Go\/• ,•ith my objections." c1·nmeh1 House, • Mr. Plz- High regard zcy sa,in. ~1r. J-lainrs said tltnL iu the Inst. nine ycnrs Lhc gallery lrnc1 dc\'l•loped. nnd Its rcflutatio11 wns h1{;h in Aust rnlin - "perhaps 11.p– precintcd more In the south tlrnn \11 Quc,·11~ln11d."' rt had beromc I,;: nown o,·crscn!-;. ~tr. Hn lncs J!1t\'C 110 i11di– cntl011 or his ruturc pln11s. Art Gnllrry Trustees chninnnn 1Sir n oslyn Art Gallery argwnent '[HERE wi ll be very great regret tl1Rt the Director of the Q ueensland Art Ga l– ler y (Mr. Haines) hae seen fi t to resign his position. H e says he ]1Rs done this ae a protest against t he nature of the new "cultural centl'e.'' proposed in the Bota nic Gardens. which would include a new Art Gallery. In explai ning why he huG resigned, Mr. Haines mn kcs n nu m ber of points critical of the proposa l accepted hy the Government for raising funds fo r a cultural centre to include a Hal l of Pioneers, ot her civic amenities and a new Art Gallery. • ~l r. Haines' resignation Is intended lo emphasise his point o( view that n nr w Art Ga llcry shou ld he, in itself. the foca I poi nt nr a new cul– tural ce ntre nnd not an nppcndngc. Criticism hy Mr. Mui ncs o( the " cultural centre" pl'Oposa l rnjsrs points which must he Rtudicd hv the Government nnd hy th~ public. Quccnslnnd sadlv nerds a new A rt Ga II cry ~nd can ill Dffonl argument nf this 11ature tlrnl wi ll confu se t he people who will be naked t.o con tribute h1rgc sums of for t his purpose.