Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

\ (\ IJil'.' Child art on show C'h il1lr1·11 wh o ., 111•1111 !'\,1lur1l:1., 11111r11 i11i:, ,·n •a - 1i,·1· .11'1 1·la-.t•:-. .,, tlu· (ltll't'H..,larnl Arl , , .. , _ will 1·011trihut1· a 11 r " hihit iu11 0 111•11,•d .a l lht• i: :lllr r)' \\'1•cl111•., d :t ,. a ftr r - '1'111• 1'111l<l n·11 \\ l\u...,. :1•~•• ... 1·:111•~1• rrom l' l'.!ll t Ill 1·1 \'l'a 1:-., a l 1• )HI J)tl:-, ul ~11, ~I ~l<' N,·11. o l l11d11111nu\Hll,v. \\ ii,l:--1· 1·,u:-.:-. 1!-. ,'lpon:-:1u·1·d ti ll' 11 ll:-.ti•t•:- 11! Q1a·11.-,l:i IHI Ar : h-i\' '1'1 1 1, 1·:-.: lu 1J111011 \\I ll op,•111•d ll.\' Ci11v111f•r . P rl lllill .\' Brisbane, Q, Child art to be show~ (HILO artist.• a u ociotcd with the Qu4?cn , lond A,t Ga llery -will bE holding a public c1hib1tion ot their work nu t week. 1'111!-> r:-.J11b1t1t•'1 1,1•111 bP linu1/- nn • Moncltt\ lo S:tl ~ or t.krnll,\' nprnrcl u.,. 1hc urdA,\', 10 n.m . 10 5 p.m .. Pnma1 v Ecl 1Ju-t 11nn d irr<·· nnci Sundny, 2 n m. to tnr , ~1 r ,\ E 011\'ftlC'rt on f'i P '" \\'rrlnr, fi:l\ . Norr m her 16 q1r r·hllr1 rrn who "'Ill be ;1 1 ·\ p 111 · rxl11b11 1111: arP ,'itudrntf of . l hr Sn t1:l'rtn\' mor11111" 1 h r ,~~h1b1111 ,11. tn oe r rr11 t1\·r n rt r la~:-r ., h r ld 8 l hrlri Ill lh, Ar l Gallen •, the GR !lr r" 1mdrr the \\Ill br flP!'II lo 1hr pullilr rlll'f:'l'llnn ol Mr~ M Decrmher •I ORIICI')' M cNeil ' '' . 12 NOV ;,J:i , G"P• 11 a 111tl11~ a s1•1·tlc111 ut· a 101'I, mura l wh lc-h lw and lhrN'' ma h'!<i wl_ll dis• 11la )' al n 1'11lldr1•11's art 1•, h1hltlo11 o1u-11im:· a l Uu· (lut•t•uslaud Art (·:allt•r ~· 011 \\'t•thll'-...tlit,., - ~.- .\' rt: \ ~ C J ., :r \ l ,,i ,,, V . BrlslNne, Q. 1 CREATIVE ART A I 'MUST' IN SCHOOL (REATl\'f,; 11rl "'!'s no t, only !les ira!ile, hut nece.~snr~· 111 pr1m11r,· l•dul'a lmn. the l'rima r.,· Edm·a tion Director (l\lr. 1 A. E. (;uymer ) s aid ycste n lay. Mr. Guymc-r spoke Ht 111~ m,·11 u1irl ol 1t1\'i11l! /rl''' l the opening o r a n ex -;•·•·•~" '" !us 1111a s 111n1 1011 ," llihition nf c· hildrrn'i-:i 111 : 1 :1~ 1 '. 0 · ,,xh ihltinn le; iiw ' c·rr::tli \'r, a rt. n t tlH• wnrk nt r !111c1r,•n n 111•1Hl1111! Qll<'£'nRlnnd Art Cnl·l'·l!r Snt11rclnv mnrn:11~ I fl•:tl ]\ t• 1111 c1n -;:-e~ Ill till' fer,\', Uull,•ry. ''·" ·'"' n prO<"c.-.:.,. n r l!rowln1t1 ,):JH· 1 ·1i....,,• .._ lki:.:n n 111 1 !llp t.l ir Apprr c-t!-1 110/l nr IHI I I. .1, l(IH.h'I 111,, 1111110/l or i~ 'or crrnt 1mpnrl:'1 11<·r ,n1t\11,"' \ ida Lr,hr~. h11t .<-,rw•n thr child. Cn•n1n·c art yri1 rs 11 !.!' 1 :\1r'i \1. ~l<'Nr1I eh·,-,, him thr chnnr (' flf took 1 "·n fl,"i ,.:rflrlnr 1m Ak111,2 ~nm r th1 1,"' lhn t I. A ll.('11rtrri by :H d11lc:ln•11. 1h c 1'111., ·,•-: a 1·1• f1f',~. anrt ~tu rir 111, nrt• "Clr>dt'<I 011 •h" rrc·om 111r1Hl11 ! Inn r)f I hr"i r .•w ho1>l •tr 11 lwr"i n11rJ I l1r q11111Jty nt 1hr1r ni-t. T hr r x h lh 111011 \\ ill hrnt1 ~ pln v 11111 11 n f\('rmhr-r 1, ,