Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

Brisbane, Q. CHILD ART SHOW BrlslNne, Q. Child art showing ~,a,1.vn.1.t: 11,\'\'SOM . 'fhe Trustees of the Qucc11sland Art Gallery :1rc prt•scnllni: an exhl_– bllltm of children s creative art. H comprises work done by children nttendln~ the snturdnY mornln~ art clnsscs 'nt the gnllerY under \.he cllt·ecUon of Mrs. M. McNeil . The collect,lon w\11 be on view Monclny to Sn t– urdny . 10 n.m .-5 u.m., nnrl s,,ndn)' 2 p.m .-5 p.m .• until December 4. Il ts nn lnte!'e,llng show il\ust.rnllng clc• ~clop'mcnt. In whnt. could be the pu!'esl form of self-r xprrs.s\on . Some pit'crs ~how clcfinllc promise. but whn t r,•nl\)' count s Is thnt llwsr )'Ounn people hnvc ~omcthinc lo _sn~' at1cl hn\'e bt'f'll J! l\·r 11 Lll~ nppor11111itv or saying ,11. 111 tlwir ow n 1111n1l111J\l 1 d ·\ IHI \' i~lll'O\l~ 11Hllll1f' I' C01"C•;!',1'ltA'l'IO:"II h~· Janel Deering, 10, of .Moorookn, and Mnr Andrews, !J, of A~cot, al work yeslerdar on onr of the paintings which will be displayed at the Queensland Art Gullery in nn exhibition of Janet and Mark are mon1i :?t chlldrrn "•host alnth1~• will be nhlbl– ed In lhe prlnl room ol the Galler.,· from Nov•m• her 16 lo December 4. 'l'hc ,•hlldren's ai•• range lrnm eight In 13, iJ'r~. l~~l~-~~~l pu~i~•N,rl~ ,onducb art rlas11r1 j 'l Children's Creative Art. s11on!llnred hy lhe Trus– tee• of the llueen•land Art t;anery. fo~Tct~~t1!! 3 ~1r\'~:~,c•~~~~ In Brisbane school,." M111. McNeil •aid yu– lerday, "Children love lo ex– periment wllh colour mixture• and dllferr,n& , l -~ , ,i :ill!: .. ,.;." \. r, ~• I method• nf lhrlr paints," m:~al• "~~/~ •• r:~~II~: S owder paint, the chll• ren make Uno cut,.